The Trembling World

Chapter 67: robbery


"We can't get in through the main entrance. We can only look from the back of the building to see if there is an entrance." Liu Gan reached out and grabbed Jiang Jinyuan's handheld computer and studied it for a while, then turned around and said a few words to Jiang Jinyuan.

"Then let's enter from the back." Jiang Jinyuan nodded.

Liu Gan took Jiang Jinyuan around to the back of the Sanyu Building. There were much fewer zombies behind the building than in the square in front, but there were still dozens of zombies wandering around in the open-air parking lot and alleyway behind the building.

"You stay here and don't make any noise. I'll lure those zombies away. I'll come back to you and take you to find a way into the building." After observing the surrounding situation, Liu Gan confessed to Jiang Jinyuan, Then he strode into the parking lot behind the building.

The two zombies at the outermost edge of the parking lot, one a male zombie wearing a security uniform and the other a female zombie wearing a work uniform, immediately rushed towards Liu Gan after seeing him. Liu Gan rushed towards them. The heavy fire ax in his hand was swung like an ordinary machete, drawing two arcs of death in the air and instantly killing the two zombies to the ground.

When other zombies wandering in the open parking lot and alleyways heard the noise, they immediately chased Liu Gan together. Liu Gan jumped left and right, flipped around, and quickly escaped from the parking lot, pulling a long train of zombies behind him.

These zombies will try their best to chase people, and they will not tire. It is difficult for ordinary people to escape after being caught up by them. But Liu Gan has now reached level 5, and his physical strength, speed, and endurance have all been greatly improved. His speed is much faster than ordinary people or ordinary zombies, so Liu Gan is not worried at all about short and medium distance sprints. They will catch up.

The chaotic footsteps of the zombie train also attracted the zombies in other neighborhoods, and they also gathered in the streets and alleys here, carrying out a pincer attack on Liu Gan.

After feeling that he had almost lured all the zombies in the open-air parking lot and alleyway behind the building out of the alleyway, Liu Qian took advantage of a damaged car on the side of the road and jumped up a few times before the zombies were about to surround him. The roof of a nearby house easily disappeared from the sight of the zombies.

For such large groups of zombies, as long as they are not in plains or squares, they no longer pose much of a threat to Liu Gan. With the help of these buildings, Liu Gan can easily lure them away from the target neighborhood and escape safely.

When Liu Gan got rid of the zombies and returned to Jiang Jinyuan's hiding place, he found that Jiang Jinyuan was no longer there.

The sky also became dark at this time, and the wind picked up very strongly. It seemed that the thunderstorm would soon move to the sky above our heads.

Where did Jiang Jinyuan go? Did you throw away the handheld computer while it was still in Liu Qian's hand

When they were in the block opposite the square at the main entrance of the building, Liu Qian and Jiang Jinyuan conducted some inspections of the building, but they had not yet conducted any inspections since arriving here. But now the handheld computer is in Liu Gan's hands, and the detection device is on Jiang Jinyuan. Liu Gan does not have the authority to re-operate to detect Jiang Jinyuan's location, so he can only search nearby.

Just when Liu Qian was about to search the nearby streets and alleys, two people came out of the side alley.

"Put down your weapons, throw your backpack and all your belongings on the ground, and then retreat to the middle of the alley where we can see it, or we will kill your companions immediately!" A man pressed the blade of a machete on On Jiang Jinyuan's neck, he came over and threatened Liu Qian with a few words.

The suitcase that Jiang Jinyuan was pulling was gone, and it was obviously snatched away by the man's companion.

In the apocalypse, there was originally no enmity among the survivors, but due to the competition for food and various living supplies, hostility was formed unconsciously. Especially for people like Liu Qian and Jiang Jinyuan, who were carrying or carrying large backpacks and suitcases, other people couldn't help but covet them after seeing them.

"He is not my companion, he is a staff member of Sanyu Company. He promised to take me to the portal to return to the real world, so I stayed with him. Do you want to kill him? Whatever, at worst, everyone will be sleepy. You can't go back here." Liu Qian had an indifferent expression on his face.

"Oh? Is that so? Then don't we have to think about it carefully?" The man who held Jiang Jinyuan hostage did not seem surprised. He deliberately talked to Liu Qian loudly, distracting Liu Qian. attention.

At this moment, another man carrying an iron rod appeared behind Liu Gan, and while Liu Gan was speaking, he suddenly hit Liu Gan on the back of the head with the stick. But what he didn't expect was that his stick failed to fall. Liu Qian seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. The moment the iron rod fell, he turned around and stretched out a hand, catching the blow with ease. The huge force exerted on him gripped the iron rod in his hand like a pair of iron pliers.

The man missed with one blow, and the iron rod was caught by the other party and could not be withdrawn. His expression could not help but be a little frightened...

Liu Qian's other hand had already drawn out the fire ax on his body, and struck the man's face with the ax, directly denting the man's skull. The man fell down without even letting out a scream. He lay motionless on the ground.

"F*ck!" The man who held Jiang Jinyuan hostage with a machete couldn't help but cursed when he saw what was happening here, with a look of fear in his eyes. He and several of his companions were hiding in nearby streets and alleys. When they saw Jiang Jinyuan and Liu Gan approaching, carrying large backpacks and luggage, they began to think of robbery.

After Liu Gan left, they first captured Jiang Jinyuan, who had little fighting ability, and intimidated and blackmailed him, threatening to kill him. In order to protect himself, Jiang Jinyuan revealed his identity and even He had a powerful handheld computer and detection device in the hands of his companions and told them everything, delaying time and waiting for Liu Qian to come back to save him.

After listening to Jiang Jinyuan's words, these people decided to deceive Liu Gan and get the powerful handheld computer in Liu Gan's hands before discussing the following matters with Jiang Jinyuan. Unexpectedly, the companion who attacked Liu Gan missed the target and was beaten to death by Liu Gan, which ruined their previous plan to kill people and seize the treasure.

"Are you all players who have entered the game?" Liu Gan looked at the watch that had just disappeared from the wrist of the corpse on the ground, and asked the man who held Jiang Jinyuan hostage.

"What do you want to say?" The man asked Liu Gan back. Liu Gan's fighting prowess obviously made him a little afraid.