The Trembling World

Chapter 68: No scruples


"Since we are all players who have come in, there is no need to fight to the death. As for me killing your companions... there shouldn't be any life-or-death feelings between you, right? We just met each other by chance, so there is no need for us to fight each other. With such hatred, how about working together?" Liu Qian suggested to the man that Jiang Jinyuan was still of some use to him and he couldn't just let him die in the hands of those people.

"How do you want to cooperate?" The man looked at Liu Qian warily, but still asked him.

"I know this man is a staff member of Sanyu Company. I was with him before, just to let him take me back to the real world. He has many secrets that I haven't found out yet. I have never met him before. Other players were not able to form a team, but I knew it would be difficult for a person to survive in this game world, so I stayed with him temporarily."

"Boss, if you are willing to take me in, I am willing to be with you. You have also seen that I am very good at fighting. Although you have lost a companion, my joining is definitely more useful than him. There is a person in the team. A powerful thug, it will be easier to survive in this trembling world. Our goal is to leave here alive and return to the real world, right? So, please accept me, I will just take the place of the man just now."

Liu Qian started negotiating with the man who held Jiang Jinyuan hostage. At the same time, he looked around. He knew that there must be more than two people on the other side, and these people could not have the same ideas. They were just a temporary gang. It should be easy to convince some of them with words. As long as they relax their vigilance, he can easily rescue Jiang Jinyuan.

Sure enough, after Liu Gan said these words, three more men came out from the nearby hiding place.

"You are very skilled. If you are willing to join us, of course there is no problem, but we have to see your sincerity first." A very strong man came out and said a few words to Liu Qian.

"I didn't mean to kill your companion. He attacked me first and tried to kill me, so I was forced to take action." Liu Gan pointed at the corpse on the ground and replied to the man.

"That's understandable." The man had an indifferent expression on his face. It seemed that the relationship between them was indeed as Liu Qian guessed, they just met by chance and then became entangled.

"Then boss, how much more sincerity do you need to be willing to accept me?" Liu Qian asked the man again.

"Leave the weapons and backpack to us for safekeeping first. After we feel that you are indeed sincere, we will return these things to you." The man answered Liu Qian after thinking for a while. As for whether it will be returned to Liu Gan at that time, it is not up to Liu Gan.

"Okay, I can give the things to you, which is my sincerity." After Liu Qian thought for a while, he pretended to be hesitant and threw the fire ax in his hand to the ground a few meters away in front of him, and put his backpack and other weapons He also placed them all on the ground, and even took out a dagger from his waist and placed it on the ground, then stepped back and stopped a few meters away.

The strong man signaled to a man next to him, and the man walked over cautiously. After taking a look at Liu Gan, he dragged his weapons and backpack back to them.

"Boss, is it okay for me to be so sincere?" Liu Qian asked the man.

"What if you have any weapons hidden on your body? If you really want to join us, then let us search you." The man opened Liu Gan's backpack and looked at it before saying a few words to Liu Gan.

"Okay." Liu Gan pretended to be very reluctant, but still agreed and raised his hands.

The man who had just dragged away Liu Gan's backpack and weapons came over again and searched Liu Gan's whole body. Indeed, he found no more weapons. Then he walked back and reported to the other three people.

After the four of them whispered to each other for a while, they seemed quite satisfied with Liu Gan's sincerity.

"Welcome to join us." The strong man waved to Liu Gan. Now there are four of them, and everyone has weapons in their hands, but Liu Gan is bare-handed. In their opinion, if Liu Gan really has second thoughts, they can hack him to death at any time.

"Boss, this guy from Sanyu Company is dishonest. We must first find a way to get him to reveal all the secrets he knows." Liu Gan said to the four men as he walked, walking two meters away from them. Stopped outside.

The four men were still wary of Liu Qian and kept looking at Liu Qian. However, because Liu Qian's weapons had been confiscated, there were many of them, and Liu Qian's attitude seemed to be sincere, the group of men did not hesitate. I thought about killing Liu Gan immediately, and decided to decide whether to let him join the gang after investigating.

At the same time, the man who had just held Jiang Jinyuan hostage also took off the machete that was placed next to Jiang Jinyuan's neck. Their previous purpose of holding Jiang Jinyuan hostage was to sneak attack and kill Jiang Jinyuan's powerful companion. Now that the man has been disarmed and naturalized, there is no need to continue this drama.

"Well, I want to interrogate him properly. I have always thought that all this is..." The strong man just said a few words in reply to Liu Gan, but Liu Gan suddenly rushed over quickly and hit Jiang Jinyuan with an iron fist. The man's face was immediately dented with his nose and eyes, and he fell to the ground without saying a word, and the machete in his hand also slipped to the ground.

Liu Gan was waiting for this moment. As long as the machete in their hands left Jiang Jinyuan's neck and Jiang Jinyuan's life was no longer in danger, he would have nothing to worry about.

"You..." The strong man sensed that something was wrong. He picked up the iron rod in his hand and was about to beat Liu Qian with the other two people. Liu Qian had already bullied him and stretched out his hand to pinch his neck. He only heard " Click! With a crisp sound, the strong man's eyes immediately became blank and his body shrank.

The other two men picked up the machete and took the opportunity to chop at Liu Gan, but Liu Gan picked up the strong man's body and swung it. The huge force from the strong man's body directly knocked the two machete men away. go out.

Liu Gan is scary with a fire ax in his hand, but he is just as scary with his bare hands. His hands and feet are no different from those of iron pliers and hammers. In addition, after reaching level 5, his physical strength and speed have greatly increased. Players who are also level 5 cannot be his opponent, let alone these ordinary players. Players at level 4 and below are as vulnerable as losers in front of him.