The True Scandal

Chapter 19


On the way home, Tang Zhi was silent at first. He sat quietly in Xu Sheng's passenger seat.

Tang Zhi has a sweet and warm smell that is not too strong, which seems to represent Tang Zhi's hint to the outside world.

Xu Sheng was not one of those people who would be attracted by such hints, but he accepted it calmly.

"By the way, Mr. Xu." Tang Zhi suddenly said.

Xu Sheng glanced at him. At this time, they were passing a street full of neon lights. The colored lights illuminated the tip of Tang Zhi's nose and eyelashes. Tang Zhi also looked at Xu Sheng. His eyes are so big that maybe one day, at some point, they will make someone abandon themselves. Xu Sheng silently withdrew his gaze and looked ahead.

Tang Zhi said: "The lamb chops are marinated, so they may not be as delicious as the chef usually makes them."

Xu Sheng originally didn't expect Tang Zhi to make any delicacies in the world, so he said "hmm" as an answer.

When he got home, it was a little late. Tang Zhi took out a large bag of things from the trunk, carried it into the house, picked out the ingredients and went to the kitchen.

Xu Sheng read the newspaper in the living room for a while, then stood up and walked to the kitchen. First he smelled the aroma of lamb chop fat, and then heard the sound of frying meat.

The lights in the kitchen were bright, and Tang Zhi was facing him sideways, lowering his head and frying the lamb chops carefully.

Sensing Xu Sheng's appearance, Tang Zhi turned his face sideways, said hello with a smile, shoveled the lamb chops out of the pot and placed them on a white porcelain plate.

"Okay." Tang Zhi came over with the mutton chops. His wrists were slightly bent due to the weight of the plate, revealing slightly blue blood vessels.

They returned to the restaurant. Tang Zhi placed the plate next to the prepared tableware and took out the sparkling wine he bought.

Xu Sheng looked at Tang Zhi holding the wine bottle in his hand and said, "Go to the wine cabinet and choose a bottle. I want to drink it too."

Tang Zhi paused and put down the bottle.

The wine cabinet was in the middle of the corridor leading from the restaurant to the kitchen. Tang Zhi went to get a bottle of red wine designated by Xu Sheng, but couldn't find the corkscrew, so he ran back to the restaurant helplessly.

Naturally, Xu Sheng didn't know where this kind of thing was placed. After struggling with it, the lamb chops were almost cold, so Tang Zhi had no choice but to pour lemonade for Xu Sheng and suggested eating them first.

He couldn't tell that Xu Shengsheng was unhappy, but Xu Sheng might have been hungry. He quickly ate all the mutton chops that Tang Zhi had made, then put down his knife and fork, got up and walked out.

Tang Zhi was used to Xu Sheng's behavior and didn't think too much. After eating, he took the plate back to clean it. Unexpectedly, when he came out after washing, he saw Xu Sheng standing by the dining table holding a bottle opener and staring seriously. holding wine bottles on the table.

"You're here." He glanced at Tang Zhi and handed the bottle opener to Tang Zhi.

Tang Zhi didn't expect that Xu Sheng would find a bottle opener, let alone that he couldn't even open wine. He took the wine opener, opened the red wine, and poured it into the decanter.

"I asked Jiang Yan," Xu Sheng told Tang Zhi.

Tang Zhi didn't know what to answer, so he raised his head and said to Xu Sheng, "Thank you."

After receiving the call from the lawyer, Tang Zhi has been immersed in nihilistic joy because the good news came so suddenly. Tang Zhi prepares many things in advance, but he never seems to be ready for good luck.

"No need to thank you so much," Xu Sheng said to him, "You paid for it yourself."

Tang Zhi looked at Xu Sheng, but Xu Sheng didn't look at him. He picked up the decanter and shook it gently.

Xu Sheng has the appearance suitable for playing an affectionate role, but he is wasted and seems to have no emotion at all.

But what he said was right. Tang Zhi did exchange a lot of his own things for it.

So Tang Zhi responded: "Yeah."

In the restaurant, only the long chandelier and ring light above the dining table were turned on. Tang Zhi could still see the black vegetation and mountain shadows outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, but he could not see the stars clearly.

Xu Sheng poured a glass of wine, and Tang Zhi poured a glass himself. The two did not toast to each other, Xu Sheng could not, and Tang Zhi had no such idea.

Tang Zhi drank half the cup and was a little tipsy. Suddenly he noticed that there seemed to be a little dirt on the wall of Xu Sheng's cup.

He suspected that he was drunk and was delirious. He wanted to wipe off the stain and raised his hand to Xu Sheng's cup.

Xu Sheng reacted quickly and grabbed his wrist, stopping his approach.

"What?" Xu Sheng frowned slightly and asked Tang Zhi. Xu Sheng was a little strong and his hands were very hot, so he didn't let go immediately and still held Tang Zhi firmly.

Tang Zhi was stunned for a moment and said to Xu Sheng, "Your cup is a little dirty."

Xu Sheng still didn't let go of him, turned the cup slightly, frowned at it for a few seconds, and asked Tang Zhi, "Where is it?"

Tang Zhi leaned over and took a look, only to realize that he had probably mistook the reflection of something on the table for something dirty. He admitted his mistake to Xu Sheng: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

Xu Sheng seemed to be confirming whether he was really wrong or was playing some crazy trick. He looked at him for a moment and then let go of him.

Putting down the wine glass, Xu Sheng went upstairs first. There was still a strange strength in the residual hand of Tang's left hand, but after a while, it disappeared.

Two days later, the housekeeper and the chef finally passed the screening and reported, and the home returned to its usual routine and tidiness.

In the past two days, Xu Sheng's life was relatively peaceful, but Xu Jin's life was not so peaceful.

Bingang's futures market plummeted, and Xu Jin's contract left him with a large debt. Jiang Yan heard from the main house that Xu Hefu was furious at home and threw a porcelain cup that he had just bought last month.

But Xu Sheng didn't believe it if Xu Hefu had no knowledge of the futures contract signed by Xu Jin. What Xu Hefu was angry about was not Xu Jin's speculation, but his failure.

On Thursday morning, when Xu Sheng played with Xu Hefu, there was also an executive from Bingang Bank present.

After the game, the executives left first. Xu Hefu took Xu Sheng to the lounge and told him about Xu Jin.

Xu Sheng listened without judging. Xu Hefu then turned to other topics.

The situation in Bingang was changing rapidly. Xu Hefu had already planned to transfer assets and secretly purchased many properties abroad.

He asked Xu Sheng to go to one of the destinations he planned to move to in the future to negotiate an acquisition with an automobile production company. However, the situation is uncertain and cannot be made public. Xu Sheng must travel secretly and cannot bring too many people with him.

Xu Sheng selected negotiators from the two groups, and Xu Hefu agreed.

It was almost twelve o'clock, and Xu Sheng thought that the conversation between him and his grandfather was over, but Xu Hefu suddenly mentioned a wealthy businessman who had moved overseas.

"His precious granddaughter is two years younger than you and is very beautiful," he said. "He will come back next month to worship his ancestors. You can see her when you have time."

Xu Sheng felt nothing in his heart. He looked at Xu Hefu and said, "Okay."

Xu Hefu patted him on the shoulder and said: "From now on, the whole family will be in your hands, but sacrifice is still difficult to avoid."

Xu Sheng made a sincere gesture, but actually nodded perfunctorily. He suddenly thought of Tang Zhi who would go to eat egg tarts while waiting for him to play ball with his grandfather.

No matter whether the egg tarts are delicious or not, or whether life is smooth or not, Tang Zhi is always vivid. Every body language and every expression tells the observer that he is living comfortably.

Xu Sheng does not long for love, but sometimes yearns for freedom.