The True Scandal

Chapter 43: (2)


If your hand is cut by a high-end brand knife, the wound will be very deep.

Half an hour later, Tang Zhi sat on the chair in the consulting room, staring numbly at his bloody index and middle fingers, thinking to himself.

Xu Sheng also followed and stood behind him without saying a word.

The consulting room was not crowded, but Xu Sheng insisted on standing next to Tang Zhi.

The operating light shone palely on Tang Zhi's hand. The doctor covered his wound with a piece of sterile gauze. While disinfecting him, he told him: "Hand cuts generally do not require suturing, but your wound is too deep. So it’s needed.”

Tang Zhi nodded and said "Okay". The doctor took the needle handed over by the assistant and injected him with a little anesthetic. Then he noticed that Tang Zhi was still staring at his wound, so he smiled at Tang Zhi: "Sir, watch. The suturing process may cause you discomfort."

Tang Zhi looked up at the doctor and said hesitantly, "I want to watch."

In fact, Tang Zhi also knew that this practice was not common and a bit strange, but he didn't want to change it.

Mainly because when he was a child, he often ran around and fell. Xi Manxiang helped him apply disinfectant to prevent him from struggling. She lied to him that her eyes had super powers and that the disinfectant could relieve pain. Later, Xi Manxiang was no longer by his side, so Tang Zhi developed this habit. The habit of watching the wounds being treated.

He asked the doctor again: "Is it okay?"

"Sure," said the doctor, "but most people don't like it."

"You are very brave." He praised Tang Zhi kindly.

The anesthesia took effect quickly, and most of the stinging pain disappeared. It was as if the skin on Tang Zhi's fingers had evaporated from the sensory area of Tang Zhi's brain. Tang Zhi flexed his knuckles, and the doctor asked him not to move, and was about to start stitching him.

When the needle was about to touch Tang Zhi's skin, someone suddenly reached out and wrapped Tang Zhi's eyes.

"Stop looking." Xu Sheng's voice rang in Tang Zhi's ears. He covered his head tightly, not even light leaking in.

Tang Zhi was taken aback and tried to break away from Xu Sheng's hand, but failed, and Xu Sheng gave him a harsh words.

Xu Sheng said: "Don't move."

"..." Tang Zhi stopped moving, but he couldn't see anything and became a little nervous. He could only ask Xu Sheng, "Mr. Xu, have you started sewing?"

Xu Sheng paused for a few seconds and said, "No, we won't start until you stop moving."

Tang Zhi said with a guilty conscience: "Then I won't move, you can put your hand down."

"No." Xu Sheng refused.

Tang Zhi felt the hand covering him tighten and immediately asked, "Has it started yet?"

"No," Xu Sheng said again, "I will tell you when it starts."

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Tang Zhi felt that Xu Sheng's tone of voice was a bit perfunctory.

He waited quietly for a while, but Xu Sheng still didn't move. He wanted to ask again, but Xu Sheng's hand suddenly let go.

"Okay." Xu Sheng said.

When Tang Zhi saw the doctor taking away the sterile drape and starting to bandage him with gauze, he realized that he had been deceived by Xu Sheng.

He looked up at Xu Sheng and met Xu Sheng's eyes.

Xu Sheng looked at him for a moment and asked him in a low voice: "Does it still hurt?"

Tang Zhi said "it doesn't hurt," and Xu Sheng raised his hand and touched Tang Zhi's head and cheek, which may have meant comfort.

Tang Zhi's injury was not serious and did not require hospitalization. After bandaging and taking medicine, they left.

The property manager was waiting outside the clinic, looking terrified.

When sending Xu Sheng and the others out of the hospital, she and her assistant apologized and offered to pay the bill.

Xu Sheng's expression was a little cold, as if he didn't really want to talk to her. He refused her request to pay the bill and got into the car with Tang Zhi.

On the way back, Xu Sheng was silent and sent a few messages, but he didn't read the contract or work documents. He kept holding Tang Zhi's uninjured hand in his hand, holding the phone with one hand.

It didn't take long for the anesthetic to wear off. Tang Zhi endured it for a while, but the pain became more and more severe. He couldn't help it anymore and called Xu Sheng and asked Xu Sheng if he could let go first. He wanted to take painkillers.

Xu Sheng was startled for a moment, then quickly let go, said "Okay", opened a bottle of water for Tang Zhi, took another pill, and fed it to Tang Zhi's mouth.

Tang Zhi opened his mouth to hold the medicine and swallowed it with water. When he noticed Xu Sheng looking at him, he asked Xu Sheng, "Mr. Xu, is something okay?"

Xu Sheng looked at him for a few more seconds and told him, "I asked Jiang Yan to come over. He will be there tomorrow morning."

"Oh," Tang Zhi nodded, thought for a while, and asked casually, "Then shall I go back to Bingang?"

Xu Sheng looked at him and was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Tang Zhi to ask this question.

The two looked at each other awkwardly for a while, and Xu Sheng suddenly said, "Are you hungry?"

Tang Zhi said "I'm not hungry" first, and then found that Xu Sheng ignored his question.

"Mr. Xu." Tang Zhi wanted to ask again, but Xu Sheng's cell phone rang.

Xu Sheng picked up the phone, and his cell phone leaked a little sound. Tang Zhi thought it should be Xu Hefu.

"It's okay," Xu Sheng's voice became cold and polite, "but the decoration is a bit old-fashioned, which may not be Miss Zhao's liking."

Xu Hefu didn't know what he said on the other end, but Xu Sheng added: "You can ask the real estate manager to take her to see it too."

"I won't be free until next week," Xu Sheng said after a while, "after the contract is signed."

"The visit will wait until I finish my work," his tone was still patient, "I have discussed it with her."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Sheng looked at Tang Zhi.

Tang Zhi actually didn't feel anything in his heart. He just felt pain in his hand because the painkiller didn't work.

He has always been very clear, and Xu Sheng has always reminded him that Xu Sheng hates cheap people, such as Tang Zhi.

Tenderness and thoughtfulness are more likely to be unintentional, while sexual desire is more real.

Xu Sheng held Tang Zhi's hand a little tighter, but Tang Zhi didn't retract his hand. He was thinking about the big lawn of the mansion he saw in the morning.

He was thinking that it was indeed suitable for children to run around, but the lawns in ordinary parks were also good.

"Don't be so grim." Xu Sheng suddenly said to Tang Zhi.

Tang Zhi went to see Xu Sheng, and Xu Sheng said to him: "Zhao Shao and I are just exchanging interests."

It sounded like an explanation. Tang Zhi looked at Xu Sheng for a while and wanted to say something.

For example, even if it is an exchange of benefits, if you have children in the future, you should be a responsible parent.

But these were not things Tang Zhi was qualified to say, so Tang Zhi stopped talking.

"Tang Zhi," Xu Sheng finally let go of Tang Zhi's hand, raised his hand and firmly clasped Tang Zhi's chin, forcing Tang Zhi to raise his head, "did you hear that?"

Tang Zhi felt that Xu Sheng sometimes had double standards. He clearly did not answer Tang Zhi's question about whether to return to Bingang, but forced Tang Zhi to accept his statement.

Tang Zhi raised his face and replied to Xu Sheng: "I heard you." Then he said to Xu Sheng: "Mr. Xu, can you not be so fierce. You are using too much force and it hurts me."

In fact, Tang Zhi didn't feel any pain at all. He just gained experience. Xu Sheng was afraid that he would cry out in pain.

Xu Sheng bought it and let go of his hand. Tang Zhi looked at the driver's back, then approached Xu Sheng and kissed Xu Sheng's face flatteringly. Xu Sheng cleared his throat, turned away seriously, as if he was ashamed, and held Tang Zhi's hand again.

Tang Zhi used to think that Xu Sheng like this would be more fun than ordinary Xu Sheng, but now he doesn't seem to feel that much anymore.