The True Scandal

Chapter 47


Zhao Shao's call came suddenly.

Near one o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Sheng took Jiang Yan out of the factory where the strike was taking place. He was followed by two senior executives from the automobile group, who continued to explain to him the reasons for the strike.

Xu Sheng didn't want to continue listening. First, because strikes are very common in MI state, this strike is not serious. As long as there is negotiation and communication, it is only a matter of time to resolve it. Second, when he went out in the morning, he made an appointment with Tang Zhi. Let’s have dinner together.

It takes more than half an hour to return to the main city of Xicheng from the factory area, so Xu Sheng walked a little hastily.

He felt that if he went back too late, Tang Zhi would be unhappy and would eat very little.

After walking out of the engineering room, Zhao Shao called.

Xu Sheng didn't want to answer it, so he handed the phone to Jiang Yan first: "Tell me I'm busy."

Jiang Yan picked up and suddenly stopped. Xu Sheng turned to look at him. He mouthed to Xu Sheng: "Chairman Xu."

Xu Sheng frowned, took the phone back, walked forward, and politely said to the other end of the phone: "Grandpa."

"Xu Sheng, guess where grandpa is?" Xu Hefu's voice was full of energy, cheerful and cheerful, as if he was deliberately showing someone the closeness between him and his grandson.

Xu Sheng's footsteps did not stop. He waited politely for two seconds and asked Xu Hefu: "Dunshi?"

"Wrong," Xu Hefu laughed, "Xiao Shao, Mr. Zhao and I were on our way to see that holiday villa."

"I know you are in the factory area," he said to Xu Sheng, "I have also heard about the strike, but these are minor matters. You should go over from the factory area now. We should arrive at about the same time. Mr. Zhao wants to see you. "

Xu Sheng frowned slightly, and when he was young, he said to Xu Hefu, "Okay."

"Leave as soon as possible." Xu Hefu hung up the phone.

According to Xu Sheng's understanding of Xu Hefu, the focus of this call was to remind and intimidate, implying that Xu Sheng knew everything that happened in Xicheng.

But in fact, Xu Hefu is not as omniscient as he thought, and Xu Sheng has long been unmoved by this.

Xu Sheng's irritability came from not being able to return to Xicheng for dinner on time. Now was not the right time to refuse Xu Hefu's request, and Tang Zhi was waiting for him.

When approaching the driving area, Xu Sheng asked Jiang Yan to notify Tang Zhi, while he called Xu Jin.

Xu Jin didn't answer at first, but Xu Sheng patiently called again, and then Xu Jin picked up.

"Uncle," Xu Sheng called Xu Jin and said bluntly, "It seems you haven't paid back the money yet."

Xu Jin hesitated on the other end, asking Xu Sheng to give him a few more days of grace.

The driver opened the door for Xu Sheng, and Xu Sheng got in.

Not far away, Jiang Yan ended the call and walked over.

"Xu Sheng," Xu Sheng didn't give him an answer, so Xu Jin began to beg repeatedly, "The amount of cash at the port is so huge, please lend me a little more time."

Xu Sheng was quiet for a few seconds, looking at the slowly receding scenery outside the car window, and told Xu Jin: "I'm afraid if I don't make up for it, grandpa will find out."

"The factory of the company I am acquiring just went on strike today. He already knew about it and just called me to ask about the situation." Xu Sheng listened to what Xu Hefu told him and put it into practice, and sent a copy to Xu Jin.

Xu Jin was very afraid of Xu Hefu, so he finally stayed quiet for a moment.

But after the silence, he still said to Xu Sheng hesitantly: "Nephew, uncle really can't come out now. Please help me."

Xu Sheng leaned back in his chair and suddenly felt that the music in the car was a little louder. He called the driver and asked him to turn down the volume.

When the volume was suitable for him, he slowly said: "Uncle, let me help you pay back the money first."

Xu Jin was obviously stunned on the other end and said doubtfully: "Really?"

"Well," Xu Sheng told Xu Jin gently, "please transfer the company to me."

Xu Jin was silent.

Xu Sheng said nothing and waited quietly. After a while, Xu Jin said, "Give me some more money."

He spoke in a desperate tone, which was what Xu Sheng wanted to hear.

"Just a little bit," Xu Jin begged him, "Give me a little more."

"Uncle, after making up the money, I won't have much left." Xu Sheng told Xu Jin calmly.

"Just a little," Xu Jin said, like a desperate and hungry animal, "let me know how much you have left."

They drove onto a wide road, green plants flying past the windows.

The weather was cloudy and the temperature was suitable. Xu Sheng raised his eyes slightly and looked out of the sky window, where he could see a small patch of sun.

He told Xu Jin a number.

Xu Jin may have struggled, or he may have wanted to yell at him, or hang up the phone, but in the end, Xu Sheng got the result he wanted.

Xu Sheng hung up the phone and asked Jiang Yan to notify the lawyer. Then he took his mobile phone and sent a message to Tang Zhi, asking him what he was doing in the afternoon.

After waiting for a minute, Tang Zhi didn't reply. Xu Sheng called Jiang Yan and asked him, "Was Tang Zhi angry just now?"

Jiang Yan paused and answered uncertainly: "Probably not."

"It's quite normal." He told Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng waited for another minute, but Tang Zhi still didn't reply. He sent another question mark, but Tang Zhi still didn't reply.

Xu Sheng thought that Tang Zhi might be unhappy because Xu Sheng did not accompany him to dinner.

In the past, Xu Sheng thought these things were boring, but he no longer thinks so.

He thought of the kiss he had with Tang Zhi before going out, Tang Zhi's hand on his shoulder, Tang Zhi's beautiful, big eyes, Tang Zhi's confession and secret, Tang Zhi's back to him, looking very shy .

Tang Zhi was angry because of Xu Sheng, and finally happy because of Xu Sheng.

Although Tang Zhi did not reply to Xu Sheng until he arrived at the vacation villa.

Xu Sheng waited in the lobby of the villa for five minutes before Xu Hefu and Zhao Shao arrived.

Zhao Shao's grandfather, Zhao Tianlu, was a few years older than Xu Hefu and was slightly hunchbacked. Zhao Shao helped him go inside.

He looked Xu Sheng up and down, showed a slightly satisfied expression, extended his hand to Xu Sheng, and Xu Sheng briefly shook hands with him.

"The house is nice." He said to Xu Sheng.

Grace was very professional, as if she had completely forgotten the accident in the villa that day, and told the new guests what she had told Xu Sheng a week ago.

Zhao Shao also seemed to like the plank road leading to the sea. She walked up, and the sea breeze blew up her white skirt. She turned back and looked at Xu Sheng with a smile: "Why don't you come up?"

Xu Sheng followed her up.

The sea breeze was stronger than the day he and Tang Zhi arrived, and the sun was also stronger.

The sun shines on the sea level, making the blue waves sparkle. The waves wash against the pillars of the plank road and the coast, making it sound very noisy.

"It's so beautiful," Zhao Shao approached him and said to him, "Grace said the lawn is suitable for children to play."

"It's not too hot in the summer and not too cold in the winter. I like it very much."

“I was thinking I could have my bachelorette party here,” she said. “The house has everything, the lawn is so big, and the swimming pool is decorated.”

As she spoke, she seemed to be married to Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng looked at her without saying a word. She got a little closer and whispered to Xu Sheng, "You can also bring your friend to live with him."

"Who?" Xu Sheng asked her.

"On the day we had lunch in Bingang, the guy who brought you gifts and followed him to the aquarium pretended that he had no money to buy toys." She winked at Xu Sheng, "I saw it."

"He was here the day we first met," Zhao Shao lowered his voice and told Xu Sheng, "He is very obedient. Has he been with you for a long time?"

Xu Sheng looked down at her expressionlessly. She paused, then smiled as if unwilling to be outdone: "Can he take care of the child? I don't know how to take care of the child anyway. Can I let him help me take care of it?"

"He can sleep on the first floor," Zhao Shao said. "I noticed just now that there is a nanny's room that is very big."

Xu Sheng looked at Zhao Shao for a while and asked her calmly: "Don't you mind?"

When Zhao Shao saw his eyes clearly, he suddenly froze and became quiet.

Marriage has nothing to do with love, it only represents interests and has valuation.

Xu Sheng has always thought so.

His grandfather and parents were like this, and even the wedding of Tang Zhi and Xu Keyu was an example.

At the false wedding ceremony prompted by persistent delusions, Xu Keyu hugged Tang Zhi happily and called him "husband".

Instead of resisting, Tang Zhi obediently kissed Xu Keyu on the cheek, dressed like a real groom, and hugged Xu Keyu.

Photographers and videographers were standing by, taking close-up shots to record the beautiful moment.

The hot sun at the wedding was very similar to today, making the cream cake seem like it was about to melt.

Xu Keyu looked so happy that he was about to die, but Xu Sheng knew that Tang Zhi was very reluctant.

Xu Sheng crossed Zhao Shao and looked at the sea level, thinking that if the person opposite was him, Tang Zhi might be more willing.

Tang Zhi might show a happy, pure smile and call Xu Sheng: "Husband."

They kissed in the backyard of the villa, which was deserted except for them. Tang Zhi had a ring on his ring finger, and then said "I love you" to Xu Sheng.

No one else was involved in the wedding.

After that, Tang Zhi forced Xu Sheng to take him to the aquarium, eat sweets with him, buy a lot of his favorite little things home, act coquettishly to Xu Sheng, sit on Xu Sheng's lap and ask for kisses openly, and spend time with Xu Sheng in public Have sex in different places.

Perhaps to show goodwill, Zhao Shao suddenly changed the topic. She said, "By the way, we need to meet the designer of the wedding ring as soon as possible."

But Xu Sheng changed his mind simply and directly.

He did not respond to Zhao Shao's words. After thinking for a while, he asked her: "Zhao Shao, do many people over there know about our affairs?"

Zhao Shao was stunned, looked at Xu Sheng for a moment, and said, "Except for the people in my family, there are not many."

Xu Sheng stared into her eyes, and after a while, he asked in a low voice: "Is there anything you want in particular?"

"You and your brother don't seem to have a good relationship," Xu Sheng said softly, "Is the trust fund enough for you to spend?"

"...What do you mean?" Zhao Shao's expression changed.

"I know why you are in a hurry to get married," Xu Sheng said, and then politely invited her, "How about moving forward?"

Twenty minutes later, Xu Sheng and Zhao Shao reached a short-term consensus.

Zhao Shao will act in accordance with Xu Sheng's advice and extend the preparation period for the engagement ceremony indefinitely until it can be cancelled.

After dinner with the two elders, Xu Hefu took the initiative to explain to Xu Sheng, saying that Xu Sheng was called by him urgently in the middle of work and had to go back now.

Mr. Zhao expressed his understanding, praised Xu Sheng a few words, and Xu Sheng left.

When we left the city, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Xu Sheng did not contact Tang Zhi again. After working in the car for a while, he suddenly received a call from the assistant of his mother's attending physician.

The situation on the other end seemed to be very chaotic. The medical assistant said to Xu Sheng: "My wife had a cerebral hemorrhage this afternoon and is now undergoing emergency treatment. The situation is not very good."

The assistant's voice was low. Xu Sheng didn't react much at first and asked him: "The situation is not good, how bad is it?"

"..." The assistant hesitated for a few seconds and then told Xu Sheng truthfully, "You have to prepare for the worst."

The road back to Xicheng was not well lit, and dark tree shadows passed through the car outside, like wandering spirits waiting beside the car.

Xu Sheng didn't ask any more questions, hung up the phone, and asked Jiang Yan to arrange a return flight immediately. Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly received another call from Xu Hefu.

The words "Chairman Xu" were on the screen, and the phone kept vibrating, illuminating Xu Sheng's chin and brow bone.

Xu Sheng stared at it for a while, then pressed answer. Xu Hefu said to him on the other end: "How are you preparing to sign the contract tomorrow?"

His tone was actually relaxed, as if he didn't know that his daughter was lying on the operating table, and told Xu Sheng: "This acquisition is so important, grandpa gave it to you."

Xu Sheng was silent, and Xu Hefu asked again: "Is it okay, Xu Sheng?"

Suddenly, Xu Sheng's stomach was churning. He held the phone without using too much force or letting go. He stayed quiet for a few seconds and told Xu Hefu: "No problem."

Xu Hefu hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Xu Sheng looked at the computer and planned to read the contract again, but the car shook a little and he finally closed the computer.

He vaguely thought that if Tang Zhi happened to sit next to him, he could hold Tang Zhi's hand.

Not long after, they arrived downstairs of the hotel. Jiang Yan stood behind him and went upstairs with him without saying a word.

Xu Sheng swiped his card and entered the room. The room was dark. He turned on the main switch and lit up the entire suite. He found that Tang Zhi was not inside.

Maybe he went to eat, Xu Sheng thought, walked to the sofa and saw Tang Zhi's mobile phone on the coffee table.

Xu Sheng stood there for a minute or two, walked over, picked up his phone and looked at it.

The phone screen lit up, and Xu Sheng saw the unread text message from himself. After thinking for a while, he figured out that Tang Zhi might have gone out early, so he didn't read the text message he sent him asking him what he was doing. .

Xu Sheng lowered his head, holding Tang Zhi's cell phone, and stood there for a while.

He couldn't figure out why Tang Zhi wanted to go out or where he would be. He wanted to go to the door, but the door of the room suddenly moved and made a soft "tick" sound.

The door was opened, and Tang Zhi was standing at the door wearing a comfortable-looking light-colored coat and holding a bottle of soda in his hand.

His hair was a little messy due to the wind, his cheeks were slightly red, his eyes were bright, and he looked at Xu Sheng tenderly.

Xu Sheng called his name: "Tang Zhi."

Tang Zhi walked towards him.

Tang Zhi's eyes were wide open and he looked at Xu Sheng intently. Xu Sheng called his name again, and Tang Zhi walked up to Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng reached out and took hold of Tang Zhi's wrist, pulling Tang Zhi closer to his arms like a light cloud, and then hugged Tang Zhi tightly.

He smelled the sweet aroma of Tang Zhi's body and felt the coldness left by the evening breeze on Tang Zhi's body.

Xu Sheng leaned against Tang Zhi's soft hair and whispered, "Tang Zhi, my mother has a cerebral hemorrhage."

Tang Zhi seemed to stiffen slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Sheng received an unreserved hug with love and comfort from Tang Zhi.