The True Scandal

Chapter 48


Xu Sheng almost choked Tang Zhi until he couldn't breathe.

In the warm place at the junction of the entrance hall and the living room, Xu Sheng lowered his head, leaned over slightly, and held Tang Zhi's waist tightly in a posture that made Tang Zhi feel uncomfortable and insecure. , place your chin between Tang Zhi’s shoulders and neck.

"She is in emergency care," Xu Sheng said suddenly, "The doctor asked me to prepare for the worst."

His voice was very deep, obviously very mature and nice, but it was also a little sad and willful for no reason.

Tang Zhi didn't know how to comfort Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng leaned against his ear and breathed slowly. A sadness that Tang Zhi was not familiar with spread from his abdomen to his chest.

He felt a little pitiful for Xu Sheng.

The despair that came from nowhere as Tang Zhi wandered around all afternoon and all night seemed to be because Xu Sheng was in urgent need of comfort, so he took the initiative to run into the temporary storage container.

Tang Zhi thought that maybe it was because Xu Sheng had comforted him when his mother had an accident, or maybe he just wanted to hug Xu Sheng.

Tang Zhi carefully touched Xu Sheng's back, and after a while, asked him: "Are we going back to Bingang now?"

Xu Sheng calmed down and whispered to Tang Zhi: "You can't go back yet."

He let go of his hand, walked away a little, lowered his head to look at Tang Zhi, then came closer, kissed Tang Zhi's forehead, and said, "You can't leave until you sign the contract tomorrow."

Xu Sheng seemed to have calmed down a bit. The expression on his face was very light and the corners of his lips were straight. It seemed that he did not have too many intense emotions because his mother was in the intensive care unit for emergency treatment.

Tang Zhi said "Okay", Xu Sheng looked into Tang Zhi's eyes, and after a moment, suddenly asked: "Where did you go this afternoon?"

Tang Zhi was stunned for a moment: "I'm going out for a walk."

"Really?" Xu Sheng stared at him with lowered eyes, paused for a few seconds, and asked in a low voice, "You've been out for so long without a mobile phone?"

Only then did Tang Zhi realize that his cell phone was in Xu Sheng's hand.

"Oh," Tang Zhi, a little nervous for unknown reasons, hesitated, "I forgot."

"I'm too lazy to come up and get it," he added.

Xu Sheng said "hmm" and asked him: "Where have you been? It's been so long."

To be honest, Tang Zhi couldn't tell where he went.

He just walked from one block to another, and when he got tired, he sat on a bench and dazed for a while. Finally, he realized that it had been dark for a long time, so he decided to go back. He no longer knew where he was. He took a taxi back to the hotel, but the car only drove ten minutes. It took a few minutes to arrive, but I realized that I hadn't gone very far.

Tang Zhi didn't want Xu Sheng to know the details, so he casually mentioned the name of an art museum in Xicheng and said he went there.

"Is the art museum open at night?" Xu Sheng was heavy-hearted and was not deceived by him.

Tang Zhi said vaguely: "I took a walk nearby again later."

Xu Sheng looked at him without saying a word. He returned the phone to Tang Zhi and told him: "Remember to bring your phone next time."

The screen lit up because of his movement. Tang Zhi lowered his head to take it and saw two unread messages, which were sent by Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng made a very strange gesture, as if he wanted to take Tang Zhi's phone away. Tang Zhi moved his hand away without giving the phone to Xu Sheng, quickly unlocked it and read the text message.

"What are you doing this afternoon?"


The time interval between the second question mark and the previous sentence was very close. Tang Zhi thought that single question mark was very funny, so he joked, "Mr. Xu still has time to care about his subordinates when he is out on a date."

Xu Sheng was stunned for a moment and said to Tang Zhi, "I don't have a date."

"Jiang Yan said I was going on a date?" He frowned and asked unhappily.

Tang Zhi realized that Xu Sheng didn't know the specific content of the call between Jiang Yan and him, and immediately said, "No, he said you won't be back in the afternoon."

Xu Sheng looked at Tang Zhi, and after a while, he suddenly asked Tang Zhi, "Are you angry?"

Tang Zhi opened his mouth and denied: "No."

Xu Sheng looked at Tang Zhi emotionlessly, waited for a few seconds, and then suddenly smiled slightly.

Tang Zhi felt that his face was a little hot, so he stopped arguing with Xu Sheng and wanted to go back to the room. He didn't take two steps before he was pulled back by Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng seemed to look more relaxed than before. He put his hand on Tang Zhi's shoulder and said close to Tang Zhi's ear: "Tang Zhi, you have very little energy."

Tang Zhi's heart was beating fast. Looking at Xu Sheng, he felt that Xu Sheng was inexplicably cute, but also a little sad for no reason.

So Tang Zhi quickly drove away all the emotions, good and bad, saying that he was very cold from the wind and wanted to take a shower, and hid in his room.

His hands had gotten better in the past few days, and he refused Xu Sheng to enter his bathroom. He struggled to hold them up, took a slow bath, and clumsily dried his hair. He walked back to the room and found that Xu Sheng had not come yet.

When he came out of the bathroom two days ago, Xu Sheng was already there.

Tang Zhi waited for a few more minutes, feeling a bad premonition in his heart. He quickly walked to Xu Sheng's room and saw Xu Sheng answering the phone.

Xu Sheng seemed to have just taken a shower. He had a bath towel around his waist and hadn't wiped his hair. His whole body was wet. Water dripped from the ends of his hair and slid down his tight abdominal muscles.

His eyes were looking at the ground. When Tang Zhi opened the door, he raised his eyes and looked at Tang Zhi without saying a word.

Tang Zhi saw him move the phone away from his ear. The screen was still dark. It seemed that the other party had hung up, but he didn't know how long.

Xu Sheng's expression was still very calm, just like Xu Sheng who would say harsh and ruthless words to Tang Zhi the next moment when they first met.

But when he stared at Tang Zhi, Tang Zhi seemed to see a very strong sadness, which was tightly shut in Xu Sheng's eyes. The door was locked very tightly, and all the nerves leading from sadness to expression They were all cut off, making Xu Sheng a person who could neither be sad nor happy.

Xu Sheng looked at Tang Zhi calmly and motionlessly, as if waiting for Tang Zhi to go over and comfort him, so Tang Zhi walked over and reached out to hug him.

The water also dripped on Tang Zhi, making him wet.

The hot water vapor from Xu Sheng's body was like a strong fortress, holding Tang Zhi inside. Xu Sheng's muscles were separated by Tang Zhi's too-thin bathrobe, and his hand gently placed on Tang Zhi's waist.

"It's not too painful for her to go," Xu Sheng said quietly to Tang Zhi.

"No last words," he said.

Tang Zhi looked at the wall of Xu Sheng's bedroom, his fingertips touched the cool skin of Xu Sheng's back, and his chin rubbed Xu Sheng's still wet shoulder. Thinking of the appraisal certificate he had burned, he pressed closer to Xu Sheng. Secretly using a trick to get comfort when he was sad, he put his face against Xu Sheng's cheek, kissed Xu Sheng gently, and hugged Xu Sheng in silence for a long time.