The Truth of Magic

Chapter 10: On the doorstep


Zhao Xu couldn't describe what he was thinking when he passed through the portal.

According to his estimation after listening, players who get two badges should directly get the opportunity to be employed as dossier scholars after arriving at the Mage Association headquarters in Mystra, and continue on this road.

In fact, when the black-robed mage said the name File Scholar, Zhao Xu was deeply shocked.

Before that, he had never expected that players on Earth would have the opportunity to come into contact with this basic profession, which is no less important than a mage or a priest, on the first day.

The game Arthur is a popular game as long as it lasts on earth.

In an environment where traffic is more valuable, many live broadcast players are not stingy about revealing and announcing game content.

These contents also rely on the Internet, and there are no restrictions on dissemination, allowing laymen like Zhao Xu to understand them.

The biggest difference between basic professions and advanced professions is that the caster levels of advanced professions can be superimposed, but that of basic professions cannot.

Listening to the words of the black-robed mage, there is no doubt that his path as a mage will continue.

The problem is, for the path of archival scholar, he has to work part-time as a level 1 priest first, and then become a archival scholar who is a repetitive divine spell caster

Being a level 1 priest means that his major as a file scholar will always be one level slower than others.

Level 1 wizards can learn first-level spells, and level 3 wizards can learn second-level spells.

By analogy, a level 5 mage can learn level 3 spells, as is the case for most spellcasting professions.

Someone else's level 9 priest casts the level 5 divine spell Resurrection, but he can only use the level 4 spell Mud.

By the time Zhao Xu appeared in the floating city after a round of time, he had regained his composure.

He roughly understood.

The words "the will of the goddess" are very subtle.

It was the goddess's will to make him a dossier scholar.

It is also the goddess's will that he must work part-time as a level 1 priest.

Zhao Xu, who understood this, immediately switched the belief tendency on the character panel to the magic goddess Sisylvina in an instant.

He was 90% sure that the goddess was watching him from the time he created the character to the time of career selection.

Those statues were indeed as he had vaguely guessed at the time, and they all had divine power attached to them.

The gods use the Temple of Creation as a wrestling ground, where they have begun to plan and select their believers.

Zhao Xu was selected perhaps because of his dual elite qualifications.

Or maybe it's because of deeper reasons.

Anyway, the goddess needs him to become a priest, so she must strengthen contact with him.

The priests in Arthur's world, because of the true God, can be said to be practitioners of God's philosophy. How pious a person is, it is not necessarily true.

But if a man is a priest of that god, his piety cannot be questioned.

Because their priest level is the testimony given by the gods.

Priests can be directly assigned professional levels by the gods.

Therefore, the churches and temples in Arthur are also deeply trusted by believers, and what they do is completely consistent, and it is like a true ideal paradise.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Xu naturally immediately changed his belief to the goddess.

Faith is a serious matter.

However, the gods are still very tolerant towards light believers, and are only very strict in the selection of priests.

Every improvement in priest level requires the approval of the gods.

Priests who are spurned by the gods they believe in will lose most of their abilities, including divine spells.

At that time, only the evil gods and the abyss of hell would accept these blasphemers. To them, the souls of rebellious priests are the ultimate delicacy.

But there are some exceptions to everything, otherwise pastors should always be loyal, and God is not omnipotent.

They can force melons to become sweet, but they cannot make melons that are supposed to be sweet become a natural thing.

Zhao Xu speculated that if he really didn't believe in the goddess so much that he would die, the goddess would naturally not let him become a senior priest.

But just giving him a level 1 priest level is probably still allowed as a favored candidate.

This is also the reason why he boldly decided to believe.

Otherwise, just let yourself be a dossier scholar. Why would you need to be a level 1 priest in the second path

The goddess needs her own level 1 priest as an anchor, so why doesn't she need the favor given by the goddess to give herself an advantage in the future world of great battles

As for him not being a devout believer and becoming a priest, it depends on whether the goddess will give him this face.

He really didn't want to lose face, so he just changed to a camp faith priest.

At least four years later, the entire north will begin to be in turmoil, and the abyss and hell will invade again. At that time, Zhao Xu is not at level ten, so he really can't say that he can keep his family safe.

It was during that turmoil in his previous life that Zhao Xu was recruited to leave.

As a result, his hometown was destroyed by a passing black dragon.

In that great turmoil, countless people died throughout the Northland.

Many earthlings who traveled to the past and were only Level 1 civilians were wiped out by that turmoil.

It was also at that time that the entire Earth Traveling Group was determined to join the basic adventure profession.

The popularity of non-adventurous basic professions such as mentors, noble families, and experts has dropped to freezing point.

When Zhao Xu finished thinking about this, his transmission was just completed.

He slowly walked out and saw a hall that was more than ten times wider than before.

At the same time, the hall is densely covered with multiple identical portals, like a forest of steles.

On one side of the entire hall, there was a row of spell guards standing, guarding the order of the entire hall.

From time to time, people would come out of the portal.

On the wall facing these portals, a group of staff set up tables and were busy working on them.

Before Zhao Xu could ask a question, a waiter came up to her. She was quite delicate in appearance, allowing Zhao Xu to rekindle the aesthetics that Arthur had cultivated for eight or nine years.

"Dear mage, please come with me and register again." She said and stood aside, waiting for Zhao Xu to leave.

Basically, there are guide maids like her waiting at every door.

Thinking about it this way, the black-robed mage who just got him might have really come here specifically for him. Could it be that he wanted to see what he looked like

Zhao Xu couldn't help but feel a chill when he thought of this.

The maid in front still waited carefully, without feeling a little annoyed. Zhao Xu didn't want to be kept waiting, so he quickly followed her.

As he walked, he asked: "Those senior mages can't come in through this door, right?"

Zhao Xu knew that it was safest to come in through the door.

Both for the mages and the defense of this floating city.

These floating cities that Mystra raised at great cost, in addition to being satellite cities of the main city, probably also exist as the last fire.

Teleportation spells are out of reach for others.

But in high-level battles, it's impossible to ignore.

Zhao Xu had seen it in a battle. A group of high-level adventurers fell from the sky through teleportation spells.

Zhao Xu knew that this floating city was extremely huge, but the projection did not completely cover the entire Mystra. It can only be said that these floating cities were too high, so high that even flying creatures could not reach them.

Naturally, the only way to break through is teleportation.

"These cities are all locked up. Only those who are recognized can use the teleportation technique to enter." The maid's voice was not high, just enough for Zhao Xu to hear without disturbing others.

Zhao Xu was stunned. He had never heard of this statement in his previous life.

There are too few players born in Mystra, and this group is completely at the top of the pyramid.

He suddenly realized what the mark mentioned in the post explaining the advancement of Spell Guard meant, and also said that something that did not provide any ability, but only proved to be of great use.

It turns out that the professional ability of an advanced profession is actually used to pass the floating city's mystery lock.

As Zhao Xu knows, professional abilities can be said to be the most difficult to counterfeit and pirate.

This is much more stable than using a magic mark to teleport to the floating city without any restrictions.

Because every spell guard is a carefully selected person, especially those who betray will lose their professional abilities.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu became solemn.

Sure enough, the cities in Arthur that can be passed down for thousands of years all have their own heritage.

Finally, Zhao Xu finally walked to the table in front.

After the other party simply confirmed his letter of recommendation and the badge on it, he handed him a bunch of keys and asked the maid to lead him to his future dormitory before turning around to entertain others.

After Zhao Xu heard this, everyone in the audience looked confused and followed the maid to follow the map.

He walked in circles in the castle the whole time, and he had already reached the dormitory without even breathing the outside air.

The maid didn't say anything and went back to receive the next person. Zhao Xu was even more confused.

In his previous life, he received training as a warrior, and the other party directly pulled him to the training ground. A group of muscular men came up and they gave him a drill, from correcting their fighting postures to how to dodge and respond to attacks.

Immediately after selecting the specialty, start practicing the specialty until it is successfully activated.

One link after another, it is very compact. Some players can complete the training before going to bed tonight and go on an adventure alone in the wild.

Unlike Zhao Xu, who didn't even talk about any lessons, just sent him to the dormitory first.

He doesn't sleep with Arthur either. Why does he need a dormitory

Shaking his head, Zhao Xu pushed open his dormitory door and stepped in.

Then he froze.

(End of chapter)