The Truth of Magic

Chapter 11: Introduction to the mage


Zhao Xu's dormitory in the game is several times larger than the four-person dormitory in the real university.

After all the people traveled through time, the first problem faced by the Earth community was the problem of housing. Many people did not expect that after finally struggling to get a house of their own on Earth, they would have to do it all over again when they came to another world.

Many people slept in the open in the early days, just like homeless people.

Zhao Xu directly fulfilled his accommodation needs.

In the middle of the dormitory is a heavy nanmu table, with simple alchemy tools placed on the table that is half a person's height.

To the left of the table is his bed, which is square and square, with the mattress and quilt already folded.

On the other side, there are full-ceiling bookcases surrounding three walls.

Zhao Xu glanced at the past, "Introduction to Simple Spells", "The Path of the Mage: Original Intention", "Discussion on the Origin of the Eight Major Spell Factions", "Transformation in Change Spells"...

All of them were mage books, but Zhao Xu knew that when he opened any book, he would find that the contents recorded on it were detailed and reliable.

Many people were initially amazed at the amazing details of Arthur at this time. After some magic books began to be widely circulated in the later period, some people actually doubted whether today's AI is so terrifying that it can construct a knowledge system in this way.

Although they are all seemingly nonsense magic book theories, they are surprisingly self-consistent.

It was definitely not just copying and pasting from some medieval magic books.

But these alone would not shock Zhao Xu so much that he could hardly close his jaw.

Right in front of the desk, stood a female mage in robes and cloak, standing there staring at him as if staring at the years.

Zhao Xu secretly thought: Arthur's mage is not so cheap that he can provide one-on-one tutoring to novice players like him.

"Hello, Mr. Zhongxia." The woman did not put down her cloak. Her appearance was still shrouded in a deep curtain, and her whole body exuded a mysterious aura.

"I am your mage tutor, Antinoya. During the next period of time, I will assist you in completing your mage professional training." The mysterious woman's voice was crisp and melodious.

"Are the mages of Mystra already so wealthy?"

Zhao Xu asked in surprise.

He knew that even at the headquarters of the most powerful Mage Association, Mystra, the teaching of mages was still based on a small class selection system.

In the traditional one-to-one model of masters and apprentices, unless the other party is a legendary mage who stands on top of the world, the teaching quality will not be as good as the current mainstream professional collective teaching.

Currently, one-to-one mentoring is only seen in some rural wandering mages taking on apprentices.

So when he heard this teaching method, his first reaction was not surprise, but a few questions.

If he's just playing a game, it doesn't matter.

But now he has to study hard. Even if everyone reaches level two, it doesn't matter if he hasn't left the mountain yet.

This period of time in the academy was the only time in his life where he could acquire knowledge for free.

"Don't worry, I'm just assisting and will be responsible for answering your initial questions. For specific teaching information, you can check the recent lecture list on the desktop and participate in the above lectures according to your own needs."

After saying that, she handed it over without looking back during the whole process, as if she knew every piece of information on the table.

Zhao Xu didn't look at it carefully after taking it, and stuffed it back into his backpack, but his eyes kept scanning the other person's cloak from time to time.

There was a bright light on the cloak, like the accumulated light of stars, which made him couldn't help but have a speculation in his heart.

The mysterious woman Antinoya saw that Zhao Xu was more interested in her cloak than himself, so she couldn't help but said, "If you are interested in this cloak, then after you complete the training, I can give you a similar set."

"Really?" Zhao Xu couldn't help but raise his voice. It is said that outstanding graduates will receive large gift packages. Can it really be his turn

"Of course, this cloak is not valuable, it is just for decoration." Antinoya said.

Zhao Xu almost choked when he heard it, but fortunately he almost fantasized about it.

A legendary item that was impossible to buy had just entered his mind.

The Star Cloak is said to be immune to attacks from non-magical weapons. Even if it is a magical weapon, as long as it passes the test, it can be exempted from half of the damage. The price is 130,000 gold coins, but there is always a price but no market. Even if you want to pay a premium, there is no place to buy it.

But this is natural. When it comes to giving graduation gift packages, the most luxurious thing given in the past life forum was a 50 gold coin giant sword.

Others usually get rid of weapons with no more than 10 gold coins.

During the following period, Zhao Xu sat at the desk with peace of mind, reading the introductory book Antinoya provided him: "The Road to Arcana".

The cover of this book outlines a strange pattern, like a mysterious giant network that connects countless nodes.

However, the material looks different from this era, and it has a sense of history.

According to the concept that the older the tradition, the more powerful it is, it would be worth a lot of money if sold.

It is the author’s name Antinoya that destroys the value. Zhao Xu couldn't help but secretly sigh that people's hearts are old. The mage must have bad intentions when he develops this old-fashioned spell for no reason.

As he flipped through the contents, he asked Antinoya about the contents.

This is the reason why Arthur has stopped countless players from choosing the mage.

Everyone is here to play games, not to learn.

So before everyone knew how powerful the mage was, many people were dissuaded by this amazing training and directly switched to other professions.

What's even more embarrassing is that the level 1 mage is also a noob.

The Hit Dice is D4, which is the lowest among all professions. Priests also have D8 after all.

In the case of limited resurrection stones, if the mage wants to level up by killing monsters, it is really a hellish difficulty route without anyone to bring him.

Therefore, in the early days, except for those who were interested in occultism or those who were addicted to secondary school, very few people could sink their minds to delve into the magical knowledge recorded in a game.

Players really know how powerful mages are until the first level 5 mage appears, followed by level 7 mage, level 9 mage, and level 11 mage.

In this way, players' concepts were gradually changed, and the mage profession was slowly elevated to the altar.

It's not that players haven't come into contact with what they think of as NPC mages, it's just that in other online games, NPCs and players don't have a numerical system at all. It's really confusing that NPC mages can destroy the world.

So in the early days, when everyone saw the powerful NPC mage, they didn't take it seriously.

As everyone knows, these NPCs are also upgraded by players, and their races, professions, expertise, skills, spells, saving throws, health points, and items are gradually stacked up.

Zhao Xu knew this, but it didn't stop him from worrying about those tutorials that were like a heavenly book.

Logically speaking, wouldn't the academy-style teaching require a group of players to listen to the class and then slowly guide them

The way he started was that he taught himself under the supervision of his tutor, which was a bit magical.

The only thing that gave him some comfort was that although the "Arcane Road" was a sacred book to him, it did not prevent him from feeling that the book was well written.

In particular, the whole book exudes a profound sense of Arthur's countless eras.

After a while, Zhao Xu asked every question, and the female mage would answer him in detail.

But he still felt that this process was a bit awkward, like an aimless road in the desert.

After flipping through many pages, Zhao Xu finally asked, "Why don't you teach me some tricks first?"

Tricks are the mage's zero-level spells, and basically every spell will master all the tricks.

When it comes to the later spells, the mages learn according to their own abilities.

In fact, the other party never told him about the common sense of mages, but started with the origin of arcana. He was already a little confused.

No matter how difficult the mage course is, it has its basis after all. It will teach you about spell models, how to prepare spells, and how to release spells.

It's one thing for players to sound impatient, but at least the goal is clear.

Antinoya was very elegant. She said: "What's there to say about preparing spells? Isn't it a matter of course?"

Zhao Xu was surprised, "How can it happen naturally?"

According to the records from the server launch, it was already a week later that the first player to complete the mage training.

This is number one, not average.

The overall progress of the players can be imagined. Even when Zhao Xu entered the game 8 months later, there were still people who had not completed the mage tutorial training.

For each profession to be recognized by the system as level 1, it must be able to display all professional abilities.

For example, a mage must be able to copy all level 0 spells and 3 level 1 spells, and be able to successfully cast level 1 spells, learn "copying scrolls", successfully summon familiars, and learn dragon language.

Now others actually told him that this was a matter of course

These big guys should be considerate of their group of novice players. Their players don't have real intelligence at the moment, and they can't really understand that knowledge so quickly. Only after a year, everyone will get the body corresponding to the attribute, then it will be a matter of course. .

(End of chapter)