The Truth of Magic

Chapter 116: Outside the Cave (2-in-1)


Behind him, he saw a ranger with blue eyes and chain mail, who was chasing him on horseback with an angry look on his face. The arrow just came from the longbow in the opponent's hand.

Looking at that expression, Zhao Xu already understood that the guard who had just taken off his helmet and was shot dead probably had a close relationship with the person in front of him.

It's just that Zhao Xu has no choice. In this kind of thing, it's clear that there is a wrongdoer and a debtor, so why do you have to chase and kill him

In the blink of an eye, the opponent relied on his legs to control the horse underneath him, and once again freed his hands to raise the bow and arrow in his hand.

Seeing this, Zhao Xu could only raise his hand and start preparing to release the spell.

He only used two first-level spells today, and the "summoning mount" was released by a multi-talented spellcaster.

However, Zhao Xu was not on flat ground, and the strong bumps on his mount greatly affected his spellcasting.

It's like a person sitting on a jumping machine and still maintaining his own style while taking pictures.

Horse hooves kept walking on the muddy grass, but Zhao Xu was completely unable to distance himself from the opponent.

Suddenly, the second arrow flew over again with the sound of breaking through the air.

Zhao Xu was casting a spell. When he heard the sound, he quickly evaded defensively, only to find that the target of the arrow was not him, but landed directly on the summoned mount under him.

Suddenly, the horse's body was in pain, and it leaned forward. Zhao Xu's riding skills, which had no point at all, were directly exposed.

Even if Zhao Xu pulled the reins tightly and tightened the saddle, he still couldn't slow down his tendency to fly away.

[Adventurer Zhongxia made a concentration check of 4 (level) + 2 (physique) + D20 = 6 + 6 = 12, which is greater than the saving throw difficulty of 11, and successfully cast the spell.]

The moment Zhao Xu fell off his horse, his concentration skill was activated again, forcing Zhao Xu to maintain the spell-casting posture.

Zhao Xu's mind became clear for a moment, and he recited the incantation smoothly: "Grease Technique!"

The light of the spell fell directly on the opponent's path.

The ranger who was chasing him on horseback did not notice that there was a greasy area of three meters by three meters in front of the horse's hooves. He was still rushing towards Zhao Xu, as if he was going to crush him alive under the horse's hooves. look like.

But when the war horse's hooves stepped into the greasy area, the horse's body immediately lost its sense of balance and was thrown directly to the side, just like a person dancing on the ice without wearing non-skid boots.

The ranger wearing chain mail, like Zhao Xu, fell off his horse on the spot and rolled twice.

Zhao Xu, who fell first, recovered faster due to his high physical attributes. He relied on willpower and endured the pain all over his body and managed to stand up.

However, he did not release the attack spell again, but directly took out his iron stone from his backpack and released it into the air.

Zhao Xu has now discovered the burden of this ioun stone worth 36,000 gold coins.

Just carry it with you on a regular basis. His level 2 worth is not worthy of this stone.

Waiting until you need to use it before releasing it, and it is often urgent, you may not have the time. After all, it is not as convenient as a necklace that directly blesses a ceremony.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu had already made up his mind to go back and discuss it with Antinoya.

When the Ioin Stone floated above Zhao Xu's head, he had already received the power fed back by the Ioin Stone, which raised his caster level by one level.

Zhao Xu looked at the ranger who was still kneeling on the ground and tried to struggle several times. He smiled coldly and immediately cast the first-level spell "Shield".

He knew very well that these six seconds were his rare time, but a level one spell was actually unable to kill these players who started with high talent points.

Others start with more than ten points of talent, and many times they have to make trade-offs, such as sacrificing physical attributes.

However, whether Zhao Xu is dealing damage from magic missiles or light crossbows, facing a ranger with D8 hit dice, 8-12hp is really not so easy to deal with with one shot.

So he chose the "Shield Technique" which can also increase the level 4 defensive shield bonus.

These days, he is learning spells whenever he has free time, which has put his first-level spell learning volume at the forefront of the majority of novice mages.

Roya once provided Maple Leaf with a tower shield. As its name suggests, the tower shield is almost as tall as a human being. It can also improve defense capabilities to almost 4 levels.

The shield technique can create a completely concealed force field shield the size of a tower shield, hovering in front of the caster.

With the superposition of these two spells, Zhao Xu's defense ability reaches as high as 18 levels, and ordinary people cannot penetrate his defense ability.

When the life ranger finally stood up on his own strength, he was full of confidence and looked at Zhao Xu who was still trying to cast a spell.

He had recognized Zhao Xu's "Mage Armor" and the "Grease Technique" that knocked his horse down.

Now Zhao Xu only has zero-level tricks left to use at best.

"Death," roared the ranger. There was a "pop" sound as the bowstring passed by.

The arrow was seen traveling with the wind, flying straight towards Zhao Xu.

After the horse stopped jolting, it was not only easier for Zhao Xu to cast spells, but also easier for the ranger to shoot arrows.

However, before the arrow even got close to Zhao Xu, it made a dull sound half a meter in front of him, then broke and fell, like a bird that overestimated its strength and hit an airplane.

Seeing the arrow break in mid-air, as if it hit a hard object, the ranger already understood something, and he said in disbelief -

"How is it possible? How can you still cast the shield technique!"

"Who are you? You are definitely not an ordinary player."

A level 1 mage, even with 18 points of intelligence, only has two level 1 spells. This has become the consensus of the forum.

Zhao Xu also realized at this time that the ranger in front of him was actually a player.

Sure enough, the player killed the player, so he pursued them so hard that he dared to come alone and take his life in exchange.

"Go to the Creation Temple to ask about these words." Zhao Xu said with a smile. He raised the light crossbow in his hand and pointed it at the ranger.

He has dual elite professions, and has two professional systems: mage and priest. He has three first-level spells as a level 2 mage plus intelligence, and three first-level spells as a priest plus domain.

He can also use versatile spellcasters to convert zero-level spells into first-level spells, which can also be exchanged for 3 first-level spell slots.

Therefore, Zhao Xu can now cast 9 first-level spells, which is four or five times as many as other first-level wizards.

"Haha, although you have been blessed with shielding and mage armor, I know that your shielding can only last for one minute. I can kill you in just one minute."

Knowing that there was no hope of killing Zhao Xu immediately, the ranger became patient, pulled out the scimitar from his waist, and looked at Zhao Xu like a prey.

He was ready to keep an eye on Zhao Xu no matter which direction he fled.

"Stupid." After Zhao Xu said this, he let go of the trigger on his fingertips.

At this moment, the power of magic allowed him to see everything in the world as if possessed by a god.

At this time, the ranger had raised the small buckler held in his other hand, and at the same time moved his body towards the other side.

Facing a mage who was not good at attacking, he was not worried at all that the other party could shoot him.

However, that crossbow bolt followed him like a shadow, traveling at the most extreme angle and reaching the ranger's heart.

[Adventurer Zhongxia, launched a long-range attack, and successfully hit with the blessing of "Destroying the Enemy First", causing 1D8=8 points of damage, and the target fell into a coma and was on the verge of death.]

It's a pity that the light crossbow has to be reloaded after being fired. It's not like a pistol where Zhao Xu can show off and blow out the smoke.

When the ranger fired an arrow at him again, he had already completed the casting of another spell "Destroy the Enemy".

This spell allows him to gain more than 20 levels of powerful insight in his next round of attacks.

Under the superposition of this state, Zhao Xu's casual blow is like a blow from a level 20 experienced warrior, possessing unpredictable power.

In the current situation where most of the defense power relies on armor, this "defeat the enemy first" spell is enough to make the mages stand out from the crowd and truly hit whoever they see.

This is also the first time that magic has intervened in the field of physical attacks.

If level 1 mages had unlimited level 1 spell slots, then they would be able to act as good shooters who would hit once in two rounds.

Looking at the ranger who was still unconscious, Zhao Xu didn't show any mercy and sent him directly back to the Temple of Creation.

Now, due to their own projections, the killing of players is the same as the death of creatures summoned by the conjuration system. It is not a real killing.

Therefore, the degree of deflection of Zhao Xu's camp was not high, not to mention that the opponent had a deep murderous intention towards him from the beginning.

After completing this, Zhao Xu couldn't be happy.

Looking at the smoke rising from the signal in the distance, he understood that he appeared at that ingenious time and was definitely considered one of the gangs that attacked the level.

As long as he dares to show his face again, he will definitely be hit with a combination of iron fists, and he will not be given a chance to explain. ���

In the next two days, Zhao Xu had no choice but to learn the strategy of traveling by day and night.

During this period, he also had the experience of being chased by a ferocious bear that had been hunting at night, leaving him in a panic all night long.

But in the end, after Zhao Xu spent two days, he finally approached North Carolina City.

The city of North Carolina is far away from the cities of Kasuo and Butan. To him, it is a barrel of explosives. He does not dare to get closer easily.

These days, although Zhao Xu has not invested in survival skills, he cannot rely on survival skills to obtain food.

But they couldn't help but the earth adventurers didn't have to eat, so even if Zhao Xu was moving around like a savage on the edge of the Nanyu Forest, he still didn't have much pressure in life.

After Zhao Xu extinguished a bonfire in the cave, he was ready to start again.

These days, there has been no intermission in the showers in the entire Nanyu Forest. Even if his own magic tricks can dry clothes, he can't help but use this method.

This time, Zhao Xu collected some firewood and put it in a convenience bag. Once he got caught in the heavy rain, he would just light a bonfire to dry it off, and wait until the heavy rain stopped to set off again.

But when he approached the outside of the cave, the sky outside was still dark, as if a bigger rainstorm was brewing.

Zhao Xu was a little confused whether to just wait a little longer or just move on.

However, I thought that North Carolina City was just around the corner, and that I would be able to return to the Floating City today to learn what the legendary dossier scholar was so good at.

Zhao Xu couldn't help but feel joy in his heart, and his legs quickly walked out of the cave.

But the moment Zhao Xu stepped out of the cave, his face immediately darkened, like frost.

The most iconic thing about Nanyu Forest was that it was full of lush and towering ancient trees, but now what was revealed in front of Zhao Xu was the backbone of the Tianbei Merchant Alliance - more than two hundred heavy cavalry, standing , showing off one's strength.

No one would have thought that a group of cavalry could silently hunt around the entrance of the cave without making too much noise.

But what really made Zhao Xu feel a little worried.

His companion these days also appears here as a prisoner.

The entire caravan, together with more than fifty people from Roja, were all escorted and knelt on the ground, facing him with a depressed expression.

The people led by Luo Ya were even more miserable. They were hung directly on the wooden frame, with scars all over their bodies, and their life and death were unknown.

The pride of the spellcaster kept Zhao Xu from losing his mind even when facing a cavalry company of 200 people.

The young man in expensive silk clothes in front is obviously the leader of this team, and beside him are several mages in robes. Their levels don't seem to be too high, but they are enough for Zhao Xu to drink a pot.

Zhao Xu knew that the person who came was evil, but the fact that the other party came to attack him without saying a word meant that they could still talk.

He immediately took out the certification document issued to him by the Crescent Town Mage Association from his backpack.

"Boom." At this time, there was a burst of thunder in the sky, indicating that the real heavy rain that had been suppressed for several days seemed to be coming.

"Mr. Zhongxia, let me introduce myself first. Tucker, the ninth elder of the Tianbei Merchant Alliance, is about to take office." The young man in Chinese clothes looked proud, and it is no wonder that he was proud.

Now among the other elders of the Tianbei Merchant Alliance, the youngest ones are all his uncles.

"Can you give me any advice?" Zhao Xu said. He was about to hand over the blue seal certificate in his hand, but couldn't help but stop after listening.

"No advice, but I heard from your previous companions that you once obtained something from a wizard in that mine?" said the proud young man Tucker.

Zhao Xu's heart couldn't help but sink.

At that time, he did not hide the fact that Master Lane gave him a booklet, because he could not be sure that everyone did not see the scene of Master Lane giving him something.

The force field prison was completely transparent. Zhao Xu thought that since no one knew it involved secrets, he ended up calling it a book of magic tips.

"Haha, don't be nervous." Tucker, the young man in gorgeous clothes, seemed to see Zhao Xu's face, laughed and comforted: "This leader of Roja, right? He is really amazing. He has endured many tortures without revealing anything. Experience in the mines.

"It's just that his companion Rogue Locke lacked this kind of perseverance, and he revealed everything. So, I want you to give me that pamphlet, and then I will return these people to you, but The goods can only be regarded as your sincerity to me."

"You think I'm kind enough?" Tucker, a young man in fine clothes, showed his teeth and said with a satisfied look on his face.

"It's a beautiful thought." Zhao Xu smiled.

The two chapters will be released together today, and they will be available at 12 o'clock tonight.

(End of chapter)