The Truth of Magic

Chapter 119: Physical changes


The few mages standing around Tucker were originally indifferent, thinking that Tucker's presence was completely overkill for them.

Just after seeing Zhao Xu in front of him begin to erupt with powerful magical energy, the leader of the level 5 mage didn't even close his jaw, and was completely in a state of deep shock.

"My spell identification failed, what is this?" the level 4 mage behind him asked in a low voice.

"Shut up, it's over." The level 5 mage gritted his teeth, but didn't know what to do.

Even if he offended the president of the Mages Association in North Carolina City, it was not enough to make him panic to this point.

Because that is a level nine spell.

He had never seen this spell be able to be cast without the aid of a scroll or the "Use Magic Device" skill.

But no matter how he asked the goddess of magic why she was so loving to the person in front of him, he could not hide the fear in his heart.

At this time, he couldn't help but look at Tucker, who was still standing with gritted teeth. His face showed a trace of paleness, as if he had realized something.

For thousands of years, countless large families have been able to flourish and spread their descendants. The first thing is to remember not to offend those who cannot be offended.

As for Zhao Xu, who was at the center of the storm, countless rain fell on him, but it was difficult to lower his temperature.

The ninth-level arcana - shape change, second only to the ultimate transformation secret of the shepherd.

This spell allows him to transform into any non-unique creature with no more than 25 HD (Hit Dice).

At the same time, he can also possess the special abilities and supernatural abilities of those transformed creatures.

Zhao Xu's body has grown huge, nearly three meters tall, and his weight has also increased to half a ton.

But the huge and snow-white angel wings behind him seemed to have infinite power. With just a few flutters, he was able to levitate.

At the same time, a giant sword floating in the air appeared in front of him, and a composite longbow also appeared in Zhao Xu's hand.

Zhao Xu's whole person was filled with a sacred aura at this moment.

Not to mention the mysterious and powerful energy surrounding his whole body.

Seeing this scene, even several more pious heavy armored cavalry knelt down towards Zhao Xu, as if he was the incarnation of the messenger of the gods at this moment.

"It's actually the Divine Attendant of Blazing Sky!" The level 5 mage muttered to himself.

Seraph, the most powerful angel.

Antinoya had given Zhao Xu some thought when he chose the ninth-level magic form transformation.

The book handed to him was to let him know the characteristics of the creature he wanted to transform into.

Body change cannot obtain the spellcasting ability of the corresponding creature, which is useless in the eyes of many mages, but it can obtain various static data of the corresponding creature.

This is extremely suitable for Zhao Xu. At this moment, he is stronger than a level 20 warrior even if he does not use special abilities.

Zhao Xu, who transformed into a Seraph, immediately focused on Tucker as his target and sprinted away in an instant.

Zhao Xu, who had wings on his back, felt the powerful pleasure of flying for the first time. In his previous life, he could only watch those level 5 mages fly.

Although his mobility is not perfect and he cannot perform various extremely difficult movements, Zhao Xu's sprint speed that is five times faster than ordinary people allows him to reach Tucker in an instant.

"Shoot him to death." Tucker suddenly shouted in shock.

At the beginning, several mages around him, led by the level 5 mage, had already fled when Zhao Xu sprinted over.

They were even afraid of attracting Zhao Xu's attention and did not even dare to use basic protective spells.

It's just that Zhao Xu doesn't care. With the powerful panel data of the Blazing God, even if he has no magic, he can still crush everyone present.

The spell resistance of the Blazing God is as high as 31 points. Before the caster level reaches level 12, there is no way to affect him with spells.

But he didn't need spell resistance at all, because the moment he transformed into an angel, his whole body had already condensed a protective aura.

The protective aura directly transformed into an anti-evil magic circle and a secondary spell invalidation barrier to protect him, and these barriers would also move with him.

For mages who have not reached level 7, no matter how many times they come, they are just giving away food.

"Bang." There was a sound, and a crossbow arrow hit Zhao Xu's body, but it was blocked by his skin, leaving no even a shallow mark.

His skin is basically natural armor, just like dragon scales to a dragon.

Zhao Xu turned around and saw that the archer who was shooting at him had already hurriedly hid in the crowd.

Zhao Xu had cast two consecutive first-level spells before, which raised his defense level by 8 levels. But now that he has transformed into a Seraph, no ordinary person with a sword can pierce him.

The natural defensive armor of up to level 21 is enough to stand out among the heroes. Unless there are several high-level warriors with magic weapons present, no one can break Zhao Xu's defense.

Zhao Xu's eyes immediately noticed the shooter who tried to attack him. He raised the compound longbow in his hand and shot directly at the opponent.

The rapid sound of breaking through the air resounded across the earth, and even the layers of rain curtains blocking the front seemed to be pierced by a vacuum path.

And Zhao Xu didn't even look at it. In front of his twenty or thirty-level attack power, even this group of cavalry wearing heavy armor was still no different from paper.

Even if the opponent can withstand the damage of the arrow, he still has to bear the instant death effect of the arrow itself.

Basically, none of these low-level cavalry can withstand this effect.

Every time Zhao Xu drew his bow, he sounded the death knell for every cavalryman.

When the cavalry saw Zhao Xu's murderous arrow piercing the armor and piercing the cavalry's heart, and with his naturally noble status as an angel, no one dared to fight anymore, and they all began to flee in all directions.

This world is, after all, a world of belief in God.

At this time, Tucker, the young man in gorgeous clothes, had also woken up and began to run away in a panic.

But without magic, even if he was riding a horse, the opponent still couldn't keep up with Zhao Xu's speed. He directly jumped to close the distance with the opponent.

At this time, the personal bodyguard trained by the Tucker family since childhood mustered up the courage to stand up. The opponent set up a horse shield and tried to cover Zhao Xu's attack for Tucker.

At this time, Zhao Xu, whose whole heart was completely dominated by an emotion of indifference, directly controlled the giant sword flying in the air and flew towards the Deadpool.

After being activated by Zhao Xu, this legendary top-notch +5 flying giant sword has gained the ability to attack on its own. For at least four rounds (24 seconds), it is equivalent to Zhao Xu holding him to attack.

Zhao Xu, on the other hand, freed his hands, held the +2 composite longbow in his hand, and started shooting arrows one at a time. Relying on the instant death effect of the killing arrows, he frantically harvested the lives of the cavalry who acted as executioners at that time.

Just like when they stabbed the caravan guard through the heart.

And the giant sword in the sky pierced the heart with one strike, instantly piercing the Deadpool who was holding the shield, killing him on the spot.

At this time, Chitian Divine Attendant's specialty, "Powerful Slash", which Zhao Xu had not been able to master in his previous life, was directly activated.

The Wukong giant sword seemed to have gained extremely strong spirituality, and it instantly slashed at another heavy armored cavalry approaching under the influence of huge traction.

The opponent's full-body armor still couldn't stop Zhao Xu's nearly thirty-fifth-level melee attack power, and the armor was broken and killed on the spot.

After the Wukong Giant Sword successfully knocked down one person again, the ability of the specialty "Powerful Slash" was activated again.

In a few seconds, an ordinary warrior could only swing at one person once, and the flying giant sword killed all ten people surrounding him to the ground.

Zhao Xu shot the killing arrow with a nearly level 20 difficulty exemption at the back of the horse under Tucker. The horse died suddenly on the spot, and Tucker also fell to the ground hard.

Tucker, who had spent most of the day carefully correcting his appearance, now had disheveled hair. He looked at Zhao Xu desperately and begged: "Let me go. I don't know your details. I was wrong."

Tucker, who has seen countless people humbled and begged for mercy, and made countless people kneel down and cry and beg, has no shortage of examples to learn from.

He was quite knowledgeable, and he had already understood that Zhao Xu was not directly possessed by an angel as claimed by some escaping cavalry, but that he had actually cast the ninth-level spell "Physical Change".

No one knows why this spell can be cast on an ordinary low-level mage.

Because no one knows that it would take 23 days to attach this spell to an ordinary person.

Looking at Tucker who was already kneeling on the ground, Zhao Xu said lightly: "Is there a sword that can be sheathed without seeing blood?"

"So please go to hell."

Zhao Xu directly raised the compound longbow, drew it to full capacity and shot an arrow.

Because he knew that the fifth-level magic "Resurrection of the Dead" no longer worked for people killed by the instant death effect.

No matter how much Na Tucker climbed over and used the magic items given by his family elders, it still didn't help.

The instant death effect is a fair thing for everyone.

If you live, you will live, if you live, you will die.

Just like that, seeing Tucker, who was still kneeling and crawling forward in the end, Zhao Xu let out a sigh of relief in his chest.

Those heavy armored cavalry who participated in the killing were basically slaughtered by his archery skills and the flying sword.

He also took revenge, and he had to kill them one by one.

Zhao Xu raised his head and stared at the deep sky where heavy rain continued to fall.

Killing is really a boring thing. ���

Arcane Gate.

20 days after the game was launched, as the first group of floating mages graduated collectively, the player group of level 1 mages also began to gain the right to leave the floating city.

Located in Mystra, the Arcane Gate where the Mage Association headquarters is located, there are also many players in the flow of people who usually pass through it.

Before possessing the teleportation spell, or being able to teleport in the floating city, everyone must go through the teleportation gate, from the floating city to the arcane gate, and then leave through the arcane gate.

Therefore, even if many mages have teleportation, they can only teleport to the entrance of the Arcane Gate, and then walk in to register and obtain the qualifications to enter the floating city.

"Huh? Why is this man so wet all over? Hasn't the weather around Mystra been controlled? There won't be heavy rains anymore." A novice mage said in surprise.

The accomplice beside him also looked up at this time, only to find that the man mentioned in the other person's mouth was walking towards the front desk.

"He's so disheveled, he won't be kicked out, right?"

"Because that's not the case. Did you see the mage badge on the other person's chest?"

"Oh, it's so sloppy, why don't you use a magic trick to do it?"

"Hehe, maybe I haven't mastered it yet."

Many mages who were waiting in the corner were talking with their heads down to the man.

At this time, the man who was soaked all over had attracted the attention of many people. Several female mages with some mysophobia could not help but shake their heads as they looked at the traces of water on the ground as the man walked.

But the man didn't pay attention to the buzz around him.

He looked indifferent, and the rainwater flowed down his hair and onto his face, dripping on his robe.

At the same time, his steps were heavy, as if every step reverberated throughout the hall.

Slowly, more and more eyes fell on the man, as if he was born to be like this.

When a clerk felt someone approaching, he did not raise his head, but continued to whisper: "Name?"


The man's voice penetrated into the hearts of everyone present.

(End of chapter)