The Truth of Magic

Chapter 14: Legendary mage


After hearing Antinoya's answer, Zhao Xu almost couldn't hold the heavy book in his hand.

His 16 intelligence suddenly lost its charm.

Zhao Xu was a little skeptical. Is it true that players and NPCs have the same numerical system

Every living thing must have a card.

No NPC is created by stacking data out of thin air, and how they rise to each level can be traced.

This is the consensus of future players.

"It's so funny to see your expression of disbelief."

Antinoya suddenly chuckled, and suddenly changed from an enigmatic senior mage to a noble girl.

"Can mages brag?"

Zhao Xu didn't have any negotiation skills, but that didn't stop him from using some tricks at this time.

Antinoya was nonchalant, "Although your provocation is of no use to me, I want to tell you how to achieve it, and maybe it can stimulate you to work hard to complete the course."

When Zhao Xu heard this, his breathing quickened.

50 points of intelligence.

This means that there is a full 20 points of intelligence adjustment value, not to mention that the saving throw difficulty is increased by 20 points.

The extra spell slots it brings are: 5 from level one to level four, 4 from level five to level eight, and 3 from level nine.

This number is no different from the spell slots of a level 20 mage.

"First, my intelligence hood's enhancement bonus is +12."

"Isn't it just that the maximum is +6?"

Zhao Xu immediately asked back.

Antinoya, as if everything was normal, answered directly: "It is true that the intelligence headscarf made by a spellcaster below level 20 can only reach +6, but the legendary level rare item can reach the upper limit of +12 of."

Zhao Xu knew that Legend was awesome.

It's just that he didn't expect to be so awesome.

The lifetime intelligence of most ordinary people may not be as much as the bonus provided by an intelligence hood.

When everyone travels back in time a year later, wearing this headscarf on a baby will be able to directly overwhelm ordinary people with intelligence.

The same name does not add up, and wearing two hoods does not make any sense.

If you want to continue to improve, you can only consider numerical improvement.

A piece of +6 attribute equipment costs thirty-six thousand gold coins.

A fifth-level magic scroll costs one thousand gold coins, and the price of the resurrection spell has been raised to six thousand gold coins because of the materials.

But the price of a human life has been measured, six thousand gold coins, as long as the body is intact and the spell is cast in a short time.

If there is no corpse, then a higher-level spell is required—the ninth-level divine spell Complete Resurrection. The scroll costs 28,000 gold coins.

Zhao Xu couldn't raise the money in his previous life, or in other words, he didn't even have the means to purchase it.

If the materials in the two worlds of Earth and Arthur can be circulated, 50 gold coins will be about 0.9 kilograms, which is converted into a price of 350 yuan for 1g of gold bars on Earth.

One gold coin in Arthur's World is about 3,010 yuan.

A level 5 resurrection spell costs 20 million.

A complete resurrection at level nine would cost 90 million, almost 100 million.

Of course, prices are certainly not calculated this way, and this calculation would be inflated because of the earth’s gold price system.

For example, the gold and silver exchange rate on earth has fallen by 1:100, but Arthur is still 1:10.

But even if they are priced in silver, the 2.4 million and 11 million resurrection spells are not within the reach of ordinary people.

Thinking of this, a magic item with +6 attributes costs 36,000 gold coins, which is more than enough to replace it with a complete resurrection stone scroll. It can even turn it into fly ash to bring you back.

That +12 attribute magic item costs 144,000 gold coins.

What a luxurious mage family.

Zhao Xu asked honestly, "140,000 GP?"

Antinoya chuckled when she heard this and said, "Multiply by 10."

"1.44 million gold coins??"

If Zhao Xu didn't have any internal injuries now, blood would have spurted out.

"Yes, legendary items are calculated this way. Otherwise, why do you think legendary items are so rare?"

Zhao Xu stared blankly at Antinoya in front of him. Was he holding a walking vault on his head

Don't you think it's a bit heavy to carry something worth 26 tons of gold on your head

Gold is priced at RMB 4.4 billion and silver is priced at RMB 570 million.

Zhao Xu's teeth ached when he heard the price of the headscarf. He also knew that he would never expect his intelligence to reach 50 in this life.

"The second point is that the wish spell can increase the inherent attribute bonus by 1 point. It can be cast 5 times in a row, and it can still be increased by 5 points at most." Antinoya continued to explain.

The wish spell also requires additional material fees.

A spell improves attributes by 1 point, and by 5 points, it is about 140,000.

It was less than 1.44 million, but it was still an unaffordable figure for him.

No, Zhao Xu looked at the woman in front of him again. Will someone who can afford 1.44 million only improve one attribute

Even if Zhao Xu couldn't imagine the six attributes, he still knew that 28,000 times 30 would be approximately 840,000.

But at this time, Antinoya had already continued talking.

"The third point is that some spells such as divine appearance and attribute transfer can last more than 24 hours."

"The fourth point is that as a legendary mage, the number of attribute improvements I have received must be more than the three times you think."

At the third point, Zhao Xu still listened silently. At the fourth point, Zhao Xu looked up as if completely stunned.

The Antinoya in front of me is actually a legendary mage

The condition for a legendary mage is to be above level 21 and be able to cast legendary spells.

The ninth-level spell is already devastating, and it can stop the flow of time.

There are gates to other worlds that can teleport to any place in any plane.

There are physical changes that can transform into most creatures and possess abilities.

There is a mage's disintegration technique that can destroy all magic barriers.

There is a rainbow light sphere that can withstand all attack detection.

Basically, the mage is already able to stand out among the others at the peak of level nine spells.

Their defense methods have surpassed traditional numerical defense and reached the level of conceptual defense.

That way you can't attack me as long as you use non-magical weapons, it's just a relatively crude method.

When you moved, I used magic to stop your movement this time. This is the normal routine.

In terms of probability, they can even erase the results of previous failures and try again.

On top of this, legendary mages can develop legendary spells on their own.

Arthur's natives know very little about legendary spells, but everyone has guessed that this floating city was raised using legendary spells.

So, the Antinoya in front of him is actually a magic master who can cast legendary spells

For the first time, Zhao Xu felt that he might really be the illegitimate son of Goddess Luck.

(End of chapter)