The Truth of Magic

Chapter 23: Awakening ceremony


Less than ten minutes later, a maid came and knocked on the door.

But before Zhao Xu could stand up, Antinoya opened the door. He didn't say much, he just lowered his head respectfully, put down a box of things in a hurry, and left.

Only then did Zhao Xu realize that the method of awakening that Antinoya mentioned was not reading a book or the like, but that it needed to be matched with some materials

"The way to awaken the 'Wisdom Heart Spellcaster' is very simple. After I finish setting up the ceremony, you can just sit in the middle for a while." Antinoya said while opening the box.

Zhao Xu was a little confused, "Is it that simple?"

The mage has been struggling to recite a spell for a long time. Some players can already perform tricks, but they are still stuck in learning the two abilities of "copying scrolls" and "summoning familiars".

In this way, isn't it equivalent to two thresholds less than others? After all, according to her, he just needs to sit there for a while.

Originally, he thought that he had to master those two abilities and then give them up in exchange for the ability of "wisdom-minded spell caster", but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Teacher, if I awaken the ability of 'Wise Heart Spellcaster' and later become a mage and find another basic profession, wouldn't it be equivalent to earning an ability in vain?"

Antinoya's cloak turned slightly, apparently glancing at him.

"What are you thinking about? As long as you do not become a level 1 mage within a certain period of time, you will lose these additional abilities. Except for the fact that your dragon language comes with intelligence."

"Only when you complete level 1 professional level will it become the anchor for all your professional abilities and consolidate them. And I also advise you not to try to think of some very simple ways to exploit loopholes."

"Arthur, for thousands of years, countless people have tried methods that you can directly think of or that you can't think of."

"Including many novice mages, they like to think about borrowing spell books and copying them for others to get money."

Zhao Xu had indeed planned this before he knew about the ability of the wise spell caster, because he could make money by copying it, and only a fool would not do it, and this spell was not unique to him in the world.

"Think about it, why don't these spell books be copied directly with spells? Or find someone with an extremely strong memory, who can memorize them all at once. Why do you need to study for a day? If you don't study, can't you just copy them? "

"When copying, you have to understand how the entire model works, so every stroke you make is your insight. But this kind of insight cannot last forever. You can only understand the insights in the spell book. Ready the spell again. This is determined by the way the mage casts the spell."

"General mages will know this when they copy spells."

"But they don't know that the original owner of the spell book they lent you to copy was on the same path when preparing spells, so there's no problem. But if outsiders understand it, the flow of the model itself will be destroyed, so Every copying carries the risk of erasing the spells in the original spell book."

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Xucai's heart trembled. It turns out that borrowing the original document to make a copy may cause the original document to be damaged.

In this case, even if the other party has finished copying, they still have to spend 50 GP or 12.5 GP per page to copy their spells back from the other party.

This is too painful. I am afraid that except for very good mage friends, most people will not borrow spell books easily. Who knows how worn out the model itself is.

Just as Zhao Xu was thinking about it, Antinoya had already used the materials brought by the maid to carve something on the ground in front of his dormitory.

Arthur's mage casts spells, using gestures and movements to add spells, and more is all about adding materials.

It is rare to draw on the ground with such big movements, so this is probably not a spell.

"Ritual." After Antinoya finished sketching a six-pointed star, she continued to use that unique chalk-like thing to draw some strange runes.

"Ritual is an independent system other than magic. It intersects with magic. For example, some similar magic effects can be achieved through long-term rituals. However, because it takes a long time, it is not suitable for actual combat, but it is not available to ordinary people. In the case of a spell scroll, it is one of the ways to display mysterious abilities.”

"And some rituals are just like this, used to awaken professional abilities. Generally, this kind of ritual is common in the awakening of various professional abilities."

"Through this ritual, your future abilities of 'copying scrolls' and 'summoning familiars' will be withdrawn in advance and will no longer be available. Have you thought about it?"

Zhao Xu nodded firmly.

Once he made a decision, there was no reason to regret it.

More importantly, Antinoya also chose this way, and he didn't believe that he could really lose money.

"Then you go to the middle of the ceremony and sit down."

After Zhao Xu heard this, he stood up directly, followed Antinoya's instructions and sat down directly in the outlined magic circle.

He looked at the six corners of the hexagram with a white candle lit respectively, as well as the mysterious powder sprinkled by the other party around him, and his own shadow that alternated between reality and reality.

Zhao Xu couldn't help but feel a little confused in his heart. This kind of scene is usually the technique of those death squads trying to channel psychics in European and American horror movies.

"Even if the demon king comes, I can kill it back, so what are you worried about?" Antinoya said.

Zhao Xu could only comfort himself.

Indeed, with the strength of Antinoya's legendary mage, it is not necessarily a boast to kill the clones of the legendary demon kings when they encounter them.

"You just need to hold this piece of paper, recite the incantation on it, and then start to meditate on the endless and profound path in your heart."

Antinoya said, a piece of paper floated in front of Zhao Xu.

It made Zhao Xu wonder how many zero-level spell masters his mentor had prepared.

Just when he took it and saw the incantation that was so dense that he could hardly write it down, Zhao Xu suddenly became a little suspicious -

Did my mentor, whose intelligence reaches 50, also choose some "flaws" such as forgetfulness, and only bring them to me when the situation arises

Fortunately, the spell itself is not difficult to pronounce, and Zhao Xu memorized it immediately under the pressure of this mysterious ritual.

Then he closed his eyes and imagined that he was walking on a deep road.

Zhao Xu, who closed his eyes at this time, did not notice that Antinoya took out a holy emblem of the goddess of magic and placed it at the outline of the rune formation on the magic circle.

Then she took out another bottle of holy water and poured it directly towards the holy symbol, while still reciting an inexplicable mantra in her mouth.

The complex magic circle she had sketched out suddenly seemed to have vitality. It began to turn red like fire, and began to glow with flickering fluorescence.

With a "boom", Zhao Xu's heart felt as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer, which opened the atrium deep in his heart.

He opened his eyes suddenly and looked ahead.

The fluorescence of the magic circle on the ground also disappeared the moment he opened it.

Each stroke of the original outline seemed to be wiped away a little, fading away, and finally condensed back to the holy emblem.

Zhao Xu was about to ask Antinoya if he succeeded, but he noticed it on his character panel.

In the column of abilities and characteristics, the words "wisdom-minded spellcaster" sit firmly there.

(End of chapter)