The Truth of Magic

Chapter 28: Hall of Awakening


Until Zhao Xu logged into the game the next day, he didn't explain much to Zhang Qi.

He also did not tell Zhang Qi that he had completed the zero-level spell transcription, which was equivalent to joining the first rank of player mages.

Judging from Zhang Qi's big mouth, knowing that he was making such progress, he had already shouted so loudly that the whole class would know about it, so that he could slap anyone who was pretending to be a show-off.

The only thing Zhao Xu did was to pat Zhang Qi on the shoulder and tell him to have fun.

The Resurrection Stone is the tuition that players pay to Arthur. No matter how good Zhao Xu thinks, Zhang Qi still has to pay it honestly.

By the next day, when Zhao Xu came online, Antinoya arrived on time as before.

It seems like yesterday's sudden disappearance was just a very special idiopathic condition.

At this time, Zhao Xu had already selected his three first-level spells: protection from evil, colorful jet, and magic missile.

When Antinoya saw Zhao Xu's choice, she smiled softly and said, "The price/performance ratio is good. You players are quite discerning."

That's right, zero-level spells and first-level spells, which players can choose to learn, have long been put on the forum for discussion.

It’s okay for all zero-level spell mages to learn them all, but everyone can only learn three first-level spells. After learning them, they can get additional first-level spells based on their intelligence adjustment value.

Then how to obtain the second-level spell later depends on the mages themselves.

This also leads to the fact that Arthur's first-level spells will not be a secret in the future, but starting from the second level, the list of spells provided by the forum begins to be missing, and some even only know the approximate names, but have no idea of the specific effects.

Analyzing the strength of various zero-level spells and first-level spells has become one of the offline pleasures of the vast majority of quasi-mages who cannot copy zero-level spells.

Looking at Antinoya's expression now, the powerful spells he has chosen that are recognized by the forum are not much different.

"I have prepared scrolls for these first-level spells. You can just copy those scrolls later."

After that, Antinoya took out three scrolls out of thin air and gave them to him.

Zhao Xu took it and touched it. They were all made of high-grade leather paper, the same as those he had come into contact with in his previous life.

The scroll is 20cm by 30cm long. Both ends of the paper are fixed with slender strips, and then rolled inwards. It looks like the edict of a costume drama, except that the scroll itself records magic words. Once the scroll is used to cast spells After that, those words will disappear without a trace.

A scroll can copy one spell or multiple spells, up to six.

"Teacher, why did you give me a scroll instead of a spell book?" Zhao Xu asked strangely.

The scroll itself is a kind of spare spell slot, allowing players to use it to cast spells directly without consuming spell slots.

If a player theoretically has a large number of scrolls, then he is a humanoid self-propelled cannon with unlimited battery life.

Unlike the early one-hit man like the mage.

It's just that the mage can completely copy spells from the spell book, instead of having to copy the spells from the scroll.

Even if a first-level scroll only costs 25 GP, it is cheaper than the cost of copying, but it is not as good as a free spell book.

"It's just a few gold coins. I have to find a spell book for you. It's too laborious. Just use these scrolls." Antinoya said nonchalantly.

After hearing this, Zhao Xu could only accept it silently.

If you have money, you are a master, not to mention the man in front of you who can make 25,000 gold coins with bare hands.

"Before you copy these scrolls, let me give you a piece of advice."

Zhao Xu quickly pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the instructions of the master of teaching. In his previous life, it was the academicians who gave basic courses to undergraduates like them.

"There are no useless spells, only useless mages."

"That's bullshit, forget it."

Before Zhao Xu could fully comprehend the subtlety of the previous sentence, he was shocked by the latter sentence.

Although he really wanted to say that you were just saying this, he still thought carefully about the meaning of Antinoya's words.

"Some spells were developed by rubbish mages to take up space, and are naturally very weak. And we mages just want to find the most powerful ones and the ones that suit our own style from the spells available that day."

When Zhao Xu heard this, he could only nod his head honestly, then walked back to his desk, applied those irritating plasters, and began to copy these spells according to the method of copying the gourd.

Compared with the previous copying of zero-level spells in one go, in order to avoid the risk of spell accidents, everyone worked step by step and studied diligently for 24 hours.

After two days, many people had already gathered information about the first mage to graduate.

The other person is also the kind of person who has been a child prodigy since he was a child, and is born with the ability to remember things.

But even so, in order to pursue the first record, the opponent gave up the extra first-level spell due to the intelligence adjustment value.

Zhao Xu himself does not pursue speed. For him, it is naturally best to take one step at a time.

No one knows that the training academy is Arthur's biggest comfort zone.

He wished he could stay there forever.

A character's level 1 expertise is not a prerequisite for a career, so some players are not in a hurry to determine their expertise right away, but plan to decide based on their needs during the adventure.

Zhao Xu is different. He will never step out of Mystra until he has learned four powerful specialties.

For the next whole week, Zhao Xu worked on the big project of transcribing first-level spells every day.

It's just that after he copied it, there was no miracle like a vision from heaven that was unique to the protagonist's template.

Later, Zhao Xu also specifically asked about the inside story of Antinoya's gossip, and confirmed that the magic spells developed by the mages may not necessarily have abnormal phenomena, let alone simply copying and learning individual people's spells.

At this time, various talented players who chose mages began to appear one after another, and the second and third players completed the training.

By the end of the second week of opening the server, Zhao Xu had just finished learning all his free first-level spells.

At this time, the number of level 1 mages the players have can reach over a hundred.

Zhao Xu has an intelligence adjustment value of 3 points, and the Mage Association will give him three additional free ones and spell transcripts.

This time he consulted Antinoya for advice and chose mage armor, debilitating ray, and transfiguration at her suggestion.

The first two mass-produced spells are okay, but the latter one, the transfiguration spell, is the kind of method that is not passed down.

That is to say, this kind of spell is not on the learnable list of other players. Only those with a personal tutor like Zhao Xu can obtain it from the other player's collection.

According to Antinoya, this spell can be regarded as a disguised displacement spell under certain circumstances.

Eventually, the spell list in Zhao Xu's mind reached a stable state, at least it would not change again until he obtained money to copy new spells or upgrade it.

Zero-level spells: increase resistance, acid splash, detect poison, detect magic, read magic, stun, dancing lights, flash, light, freeze ray, phantom sound, smite undead, touch of fatigue , Mage's Hand, Restoration, Communication, Switch, Arcane Mark, Magic Trick

1st level spells: protection from evil, colorful jet, magic missile, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, disembodiment

This is just a level 1 mage who already masters 25 spells. No wonder the mage profession in his previous life was not satisfying at all.

"Are you ready?" Antinoya said after watching the words on the last "Transformation" scroll disappear.

"What are you preparing for?" Zhao Xu was confused.

"Take you to awaken and become a mage."

After hearing this, Zhao Xu's numbness and fatigue that he had felt for a week suddenly disappeared, and it finally came.

"Teacher, let's go then. I have nothing to deal with."

Zhao Xu stood up quickly. He was a lonely man with no permanent possessions.

He even kept the spell book in mind that mages would desperately carry with them if there was a fire.

Seeing that Antinoya didn't turn around to open the dormitory door, Zhao Xu thought he was waiting for him to make a move, so he quickly stepped forward to open the door first.

Suddenly Antinoya's body flashed past.

In an instant, Antinoya appeared in front of Zhao Xu, and then she stretched out a snow-white arm from the cuff of the robe and directly grabbed Zhao Xu's collar.

Level 4 Arcane Any Door!

Without any gestures, just a spell can teleport the target to anywhere within the spell's range. His Transfiguration is a weakened cubic version of this spell.

But before Zhao Xu had time to think about it, he felt that after his collar was grabbed, his whole body suddenly felt a tugging force.

This feeling was not unfamiliar to Zhao Xu, it was exactly what he felt when he passed through the portal.

He sensed that he could resist the spell's effect on him.

But he was facing his mentor. If he really wanted to kill him instantly, it didn't have to be so complicated. If a fireball came over, there would be no Zhao Xu scum left.

So Zhao Xu also put down his resistance and followed the guidance of the spell.

If you want to hug your thigh these days, just hold it honestly and don't keep thinking about things.

Suddenly, in an inconspicuous bedroom in the floating city, two figures, a man and a woman, turned into white light and disappeared.

After Zhao Xu came to his senses from a trance.

He found himself standing in a theater-like lobby.

At the very front is a silver throne-like seat, which is constantly glowing with metallic luster.

At the same time, the throne was surrounded by magical inscriptions that were directly carved on it. Even if Zhao Xu had learned magic for a few days, he was still confused.

At the back of the lobby, ladder-like seats were arranged one after another. If the surroundings weren't more open and bright, Zhao Xu would have thought he was in a luxury cinema.

Many people were already sitting on the soft seats on the stairs, and half of the seats in front were occupied.

"Teacher, what is this?"

"Mage Awakening Ceremony." Antinoya explained.

"The entire Mystra and these floating cities are protected by legendary spells, which have spell-casting restrictions for outsiders. If your identity is not injected into this legendary spell, then you novice mages will never be able to successfully cast spells in Mystra .”

"So the awakening ceremony in other towns is very simple. Every time a new mage is awakened, a new mage is awakened. But because Mystra needs to modify the secret lock, it has to perform the 'Mage Awakening Ceremony' regularly every month,"

Only then did Zhao Xu realize that among the people sitting there, they were the mage output of Mystra in one month.

He counted, at least hundreds or thousands, too many for a month.

"Teacher, your floating city is really productive." Zhao Xu praised.

"It's not you, it's us." Antinoya corrected, "Actually, there aren't usually so many. It's because the player mages are also rushing in, so there are so many."

Only then did Zhao Xu realize that he had read all the information about the top ten mages on the forum, but none of them came from Mystra, the holy city of magic.

It stands to reason that the most talented players in learning magic are all assigned here, except for special talents like him who come in through the back door.

Now I know that Mystra players have to wait for the myth locks to be revised every month before they can perform the ritual. Naturally, everything is in vain.

Zhao Xu also noticed at this time that there were already many novice mages sitting on the seats waiting to take turns to go up for the awakening ceremony, quietly talking to the two uninvited guests.

Everyone present here came to gather step by step, unlike the two of them who just teleported here in such a swaggering manner.

Showing specialness is a bit too much.

Zhao Xu reluctantly relied on the characteristics of the players' clothing to recognize that the players on the left side were all players.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu's pupils widened a bit.

He saw a beautiful girl sitting in the front row with a calm expression.

Wang Ningwei!

When Arthur traveled through time, she had the highest mage level among the players, and she later became one of the top leaders of the earth's forces.

It turns out that her new mage training place is Mystra.

It is in this arcane gate, in this floating city.

A few years after time travel, Arthur faced the invasion of the abyss and hell. The earth's forces sent a mission to visit the Northern Alliance, trying to allow the other party to jointly protect the civilians of the earth.

Zhao Xu was working as a guard in the Northern Alliance at the time. His family had long been included in the asylum scope because of Zhao Xu and was placed in a town close to the rear. Who knew that Zhao Xu would have his family stolen by a black dragon when he went on an expedition later? .

It was only because of that mission that Zhao Xu had the opportunity to see this beautiful lady of heaven.

It's just that at that time, his identity was just a guard of the Northern Alliance headquarters. At best, he was out of the category of ordinary soldiers and considered a higher-level guard.

As for the other party, not to mention the aura blessing brought by leading people across the earth, just his status as a senior mage is enough to become a guest of the lords of the northern cities.

Wang Ningwei now does not have the aloof temperament that he will see in the future, honed through long training. She is just an ordinary player, sitting down and waiting to be awakened on stage.

Zhao Xu suddenly remembered the legend he heard in his previous life. Wang Ningwei awakened and became a level 1 mage on the 20th day. In the future, it became an example for novice mages to comfort themselves.

He now knew the inside story of why it took so long.

Counting today, the server has only been open for 15 days. Where did the missing five days go

Could it be that the rumor was added specifically to exaggerate that Wang Ningwei came first

After all, we can still squeeze in more than 100 people in 15 days.

"Teacher, how many days ago was the last time?" Zhao Xu asked in a low voice.

"25 days." Antinoya said.

"Didn't you agree to a month?"

"I still eat three meals on time every day, can't I only eat two?"

Listening to Antinoya's nonsense, Zhao Xu said angrily, "Teacher, even an outsider like me knows how to change legendary spells so casually."

Rules are called rules because they are difficult to change.

"Oh, let's ask why." Antinoya seemed to have just caught the focus of Zhao Xu's question.

But Zhao Xu already knew that she did it on purpose.

"It's very simple. Since you have learned six first-level spells today, I will arrange in advance for everyone to awaken today."

(End of chapter)