The Truth of Magic

Chapter 30: Female mage


After Zhao Xu heard this, he turned his head and looked at Antinoya beside him.

The other party still looked mysterious in his cloak and did not object at all.

Zhao Xu felt something was not right about the old mage, but he didn't hesitate much and walked forward directly.

At this time, all the mage apprentices in the audience were sitting obediently, their eyes constantly scanning him, the first person to eat crabs.

Even the most unruly players, who were dissatisfied after being beaten by Arthur's mage training for two weeks, basically deleted their accounts and left. Those who are still able to persist have never lacked patience.

It’s just that many players can’t help but murmur that there will be no recharge for Arthur’s game, and everything depends on personal ability.

Why would Zhao Xu, a person who looks inconspicuous and has no edge at all, get special treatment and be able to go on stage without saying anything

Arthur's indigenous apprentices secretly analyzed the origins of the young man in front of them.

Two weeks ago, there was news that a group of adventurers from another world would be projected onto Arthur. Many mage apprentices from noble families received the news.

They have not stepped out of the floating city, and they have private internal channels.

Not to mention, in these ten days of contact, they realized the existence of this group of self-proclaimed players, and how they could quickly achieve the level of mage training that they had worked hard for a year or even ten years.

Zhao Xu, who was being watched by many eyes, also blushed a little. He finally experienced the scene of the Sorting Hat in the Harry Potter movies.

Finally, Zhao Xu slowly walked to the stage.

The focus of his eyes fell directly on the existence called the "Arcane Throne".

The ground on the stage is not flat, and the entire stone stage is not covered with carpets. The various hollowed-out rune carvings are full of traces of time.

In Mystrali, countless novice mages are like him. After a long period of suffering, they completed their studies and stepped onto this stage to start their own life adventures.

When Zhao Xu walked to the throne, he discovered that the throne was already covered with dense scratches.

I don't know to what extent he was hit by spells.

Suddenly his eyes revealed a look of disbelief.

This throne, which is as tall as two people in terms of backrest alone, is actually made entirely of mithril.

Zhao Xu's head couldn't help but spin. Mithril cost more than 1,000 GP per kilogram, and this throne weighed at least a ton.

Isn't it worth more than two million gold coins

Maybe it can be turned over again.

Make a fortune in one fell swoop.

Zhao Xu smiled, he finally gained experience and touched an item worth millions of gold coins.

Antinoyana's +12 legendary intelligence hood has always been hidden under the hood of her cloak, and is as invisible as her face.

"Stop stupidly calculating the value of this thing. Sit down quickly. I will take you to see the mage's battle later."

Zhao Xu's whole body suddenly went numb, and Antinoya's voice came directly from his mind.

His ability to calm down was still good and he did not look back at Antinoya.

Although he had never been in contact with it, Zhao Xu still focused his attention on the aperture on the panel of his character card, and then said to himself as if he was having a nervous breakdown: "Teacher, can you hear my voice?"

"Nonsense, this is a level five psychic connection. It can definitely communicate in both directions."

Zhao Xu, who felt relieved, turned around and sat directly on the "Mysterious Throne".

His eyes crossed with those of the new mages in the audience, and he had the illusion of looking down on his subordinates.

Feeling the metallic chill coming from his butt, Zhao Xu tried to reach out and touch the armrest of the throne.

"This is the throne of the arcane king Ernest in ancient times. We later poached it as a medium for the awakening ceremony. Relying on its function, the success rate of the awakening ceremony can be increased to more than 80%."

"Teacher, you said the success rate of awakening is not 100%?"

“Have you ever seen anything that’s 100% accurate?”

Hearing this, Zhao Xu couldn't help but secretly cursed that second-hand news killed people.

In the previous life, when everyone was bragging and spanking in Arthur, no one mentioned such a thing to him.

If it’s not 100%, isn’t that a scam

Why has there been no mention of this matter in the forums these past few days

But Zhao Xu didn't think much about it yet.

Above his head, a beam of light poured down, and the colorful glass light warmly reflected his whole body.

The water-like light spread lightly to the ground and followed the veins of the inscription.

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but open their mouths and stared blankly at this scene.

Even the palms of the old mage were trembling slightly.

He kept thinking about who had experienced such a vision in the past hundred years.

Zhao Xu was unaware of these. The scene in front of him transformed directly into a huge circular library, with countless books stacked up to the sky.

Directly in front of the stacks of books was a female mage, wearing a gold brocade wine-red dress, which gave her an indescribable sense of harmony.

She is like bathing in the long river of time, both the beginning and the end.

For the first time in his life, Zhao Xu felt the emotion of being perfect.

He saw the woman slowly walking up to him, as if she wanted to possess him and serve him.

Zhao Xu suddenly closed his eyes fiercely.

He remembered that he was here to undergo a ritual with a failure rate.

There are also extraterrestrial demons in the awakening of the mage. No, it should be said to be the temptation of the succubus in the abyss

Zhao Xu, who was afraid that this would be a test, could only close his eyes tightly, and at the same time, he kept praying in his heart the first-level spell "Protection from Evil" spell he had copied these days.

At the same time, he kept mumbling to himself, "Don't kiss me, don't kiss me."

Although he has no spell slots and cannot cast real spells, he can only act like a dead horse at this time.

Zhao Xu had participated in the demon-sealing battles against the Abyss and Purgatory, and knew that creatures like succubi could transform into mysterious maidens in distress, deceiving men through their pitiful appearance.

He had a comrade who was attracted by the succubus. His level was drawn from level 5 to zero, and his body immediately decayed.

"That's fun. I'm waiting for you in the future."

The sound is as ethereal as a chant.

Zhao Xu remained unmoved. Slowly, he felt the chill in his butt again.

"Open your eyes, your ritual is complete."

Zhao Xu, who was about to obey, suddenly trembled all over and secretly cursed himself for being stupid.

Antinoya was clearly communicating mentally with him just now, how could it turn into such a face-to-face voice.

The projection of this succubus is really powerful, and even Antinoya's voice can be imitated so vividly.

However, Zhao Xu did not laugh at the other party.

He continued to guard his heart and instilled various firm beliefs in himself.

"I'll give in to you idiot."

This time Antinoya's voice appeared directly in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xu felt his hand being grasped, and there was a warm touch in his palm.

The familiar feeling of teleportation came to his heart, and he directly chose to accept it.

It wasn't until the lag in transmission disappeared that Zhao Xu opened his eyes slightly.

Beyond sight is the endless sky.


"This is the highest place in this floating city."

Antinoya stood in front of him as he spoke.

"Before you go to fight, please tell me what you just saw?"

(End of chapter)