The Truth of Magic

Chapter 34: Character card


"You are now a level 1 mage." Antinoya looked at Zhao Xu and said.

Zhao Xu was initially shocked, thinking that today's ceremony was a waste of time, but he thought that there was such a twist and turn.


The tension that Zhao Xu had been tense for these days finally relaxed slightly at this moment.

His plan proceeds according to normal steps.

Zhao Xu suppressed his inner excitement and looked at Antinoya, waiting for her next arrangement.

"You can focus now and the character cards will appear in your mind."

In fact, there is no need for Antinoya to elaborate, Zhao Xu also knows it.

The reason why Arthur said it is a quantifiable world.

This is because once everyone successfully takes up a level 1 basic occupation, they can see their character card.

It can be understood that all professionals have a numerical system that cannot speak and cannot give cheats.

This is a world where everyone has a system and everyone is like a dragon.

This is also the reason why their players have numerical values and are still compatible after traveling a year later.

Here, everyone is equivalent to a level 1 civilian when they are born, and civilians cannot see their character card panel.

The special thing about their players is that they can see their character cards before level 1 and can freely allocate their attributes.

Immediately afterwards, Antinoya began to teach him some basic knowledge about character cards.

Even though Zhao Xu had seen this thing for nearly ten years in his previous life, he still bowed his head humbly and followed his mentor's teachings.

"After you advance successfully, you should be able to see your health value."

Zhao Xu directly scanned the character cards in his mind.

[Life: Current 6/6hp

Basic health value 6 = 4 (occupation) + 2 (physique)

Hit Dice Type: D4 Wizard]

He now has 6 hit points, 2 from his Constitution modifier and 4 from his wizard Hit Dice.

Level 1 professionals will directly draw full life dice without randomization.

But when you upgrade later, you can only directly add the value of D4, which is the value of the four-sided die roll—randomly between 1 and 4, while D12 is between 1 and 12.

However, the physical adjustment value can be superimposed every time you upgrade to a level, which is why Zhao Xu spent 6 purchase points to upgrade his attributes to 14 points.

If a player does not purchase points and starts with 8 attributes, the current adjustment value is -1, and 1 point of health will be deducted.

Compared with D12, D10, and D8 in other professions, D4 die types such as mages and warlocks are born with several points less health than others at level 1.

This is also the reason why the mage is fragile. In the early stage, it is too easy to be killed by a stray arrow.

Antinoya continued speaking until the end, and her tone began to become a little serious.

"Zhongxia, in your understanding, what is life value?"

"HP?" The first reaction of earth players like Zhao Xu was this concept. It was only when he said it that he came back to his senses. He was a bit stupid.

Antinoya did not embarrass him, but just shook her head gently, "The health value is not a symbol of how powerful our vitality is. As long as you die and are transformed into a skeleton, the health value of the skeleton will still be calculated, even if you were before Sheng is a legendary warrior.”

"You have to remember - health is the ability of each of us to withstand damage."

"A fireball can wipe out a group of civilians, but a high-level warrior can take it down, because he has enough health to offset the damage."

"Also, our real death is not when our health points return to 0, but when our health points return to -10. Between 0 and -10, we will be directly paralyzed and can only wait for the rescue of our partners."

Listening to Antinoya's explanation, Zhao Xu also nodded.

After seeing Zhao Xu understand, she continued to explain the immunity.

Zhao Xu continued to look at his panel. The immunity data only appeared after he became a mage.

Fortitude: 2=0 (occupation) + 2 (physique)

Reflex: 1=0 (occupation) +1 (agility)

Will: 4=2 (occupation) + 2 (perception)

Fortitude saving throws are a measure of your ability to resist physical challenges like poisons.

The reflex saving throw is a measure of the ability to dodge some special attacks, such as fireballs, which can be resisted by relying on reflex saving throws.

Will saves are for some tests of mental willpower, such as spells such as charming humans.

When Zhao Xu's mage is at level 1, only his will gets a 2-point career bonus.

Normally, once these three values reach a certain level, you can resist most infringements.

As long as it can pass the saving throw, Arthur will usually give a difficulty level assessment. These three saving throws can be superimposed with a performance and difficulty resistance of 1-20. As long as the difficulty is exceeded, it can be passed smoothly, so once the saving throw is If the value exceeds the difficulty level, you will basically never miss.

"Let me explain these two concepts to you first. Next, let's talk about expertise." Antinoya finally said.

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Xu suddenly remembered. Although the previous content was important, he knew it.

“First of all, what is the expertise?”

Zhao Xu's pupils shrank, "Character abilities."

"Strictly speaking, it is the ability to connect everyone's spirituality."

"Actually, you can gain that expertise invisibly through exercise, but this will consume your spirituality. Everyone's spirituality is fixed and can be obtained through upgrading. It is available at level 1 and subsequent multiples of 3. .”

"At the same time, as humans, we are born with additional spiritual compensation, which happens to correspond to one expertise."

Hearing this, Zhao Xu suddenly realized that in the previous life, if they had expertise, they would use it. As for the ins and outs of the expertise, and why they could only use that expertise after upgrading, they had only a partial understanding of these.

There are different opinions throughout the forum.

"If you learn the 'Scroll of Copying' specialty ability at the beginning, and then later awaken the 'Wise Heart Spellcaster' and become a spellcaster, the ability of 'Copying Scroll' will occupy your level 1 character specialty Spirituality. "

"Teacher, didn't you say you would forget it?" Zhao Xu suddenly remembered the difference that Antinoya had explained to him before.

"Now I finally believe that you don't have 16 points of intelligence. The premise of 'copying scrolls' is that you are a level 1 spell caster. The forgotten premise is naturally that you did not become a mage later."

Hearing Antinoya's complaints, Zhao Xu couldn't help but blush.

"How many specialties do you have yet to be assigned?" Antinoya continued.

Zhao Xu didn't even need to look at the character card panel and proudly replied: "Four."

"Huh? Do you have additional spiritual compensation?" Antinoya's prophecy spell can see Zhao Xu's status ability, but he definitely can't see something like this that he hasn't chosen yet.

"I have two flaws, and I can choose two more specialties." Zhao Xu returned.

Before, it was quite magical to think that a defect could be exchanged for a specialty, but now that he knew it was a specialty corresponding to spirituality, he understood it much better.

"Lucky boy, many people have flaws in Arthur, but they may not be spiritually compensated."

"But it's easier this way. You have 4 specialties. Let me ask you, do you want to cast spells freely without the restriction of preparing spells every day?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xu's heart beat faster, could it still be like this? Free to cast spells, he doesn't even need to prepare scrolls.

This is not the Master, but the God of Law, right

(End of chapter)