The Truth of Magic

Chapter 37: test


There was a scene before where Antinoya tried to lie to him in the first sentence, but then told the truth in the second sentence.

Zhao Xu, who had been frustrated once, would not easily step into the same pit again.

That’s what Antinoya said, it’s so reasonable.

Reasonable enough to hit his Achilles heel.

"Teacher, why didn't the old mage named Mokar accept this spell when he was middle-aged?"

Zhao Xu asked. He still remembers the way the old mage looked at him at that time.

With a certain emotion.

For someone who has lived to that age and can still be seen by a novice like Zhao Xu, it can only be said that the emotion is too strong.

"It's very simple, he is not qualified." Antinoya said.

When Zhao Xu heard this, he almost didn't react, "Isn't that right? Tutor."

"There is nothing wrong. There is indeed more than one way to achieve immortality. In addition to mages, there are also other professional channels, and even some of your advancements can help you gain immortality in disguise."

"Everything has a price. Mokar used to think that he could become a legend. So he didn't want to give up and didn't use other methods. As a result, the methods he can still use are limited."

Having said this, Antinoya looked at Zhao Xu and said, "Remember, the purer you are, the easier it is to break through the barriers of legend."

Not to mention legends in previous lives, Zhao Xu had not had much contact with mage above level 10.

On the contrary, when he arrived at the Floating City, Antinoya had already mentioned some legendary things to him several times.

It's a good thing to be praised for your legendary appearance.

It’s this process of becoming a reality, it’s so difficult.

"Then why don't you bless the mage named Mokar with low-cost immortality?" Zhao Xu couldn't help but ask.

"You can't see through the mental barrier. He has been a weakling at level 14 his whole life. He thinks he knows what he is thinking." Antinoya mocked.

"Basically, when each of you sets foot in the floating city, the association will create a grid for you, which will store an analysis of your development and all your experience files. None of the giants in the association will look at the bad things Mokar does. Worthy of him."

Zhao Xu wanted to complain.

To them, a 14th-level mage like Mokar is completely a top powerhouse, okay

"Teacher, didn't he still call you teacher respectfully?" Zhao Xu suddenly remembered.

"Haha, I was their leader back then, and with such a name, he called me teacher for decades. I was so angry."

"He just has illusions. If his mentor was me, he would have become a legend long ago." Antinoya said.

Only then did Zhao Xu realize that the emotion was jealousy.

The chat between Zhao Xu and Antinoya did not last long. After a while, she received a notification from the "message technique" and then disappeared again.

Before leaving, she handed Zhao Xu a blank silver-sealed book and asked him to write his name on the cover and add a drop of blood.

According to her, she has injected spirituality into the two specialties of "familiarity with spells" and "uncanny foresight" into the book, and Zhao Xu can figure out the contents just by reading.

Antinoya just asked Zhao Xu to study on his own and then go offline to sleep.

Get enough sleep tomorrow morning before going online to prepare spells, and then start the mage battle.

[Spell Familiarity] This specialty is not difficult at all because Zhao Xu is a wise spellcaster.

He solved this feat every few minutes, which he heard had stuck with other players for several days.

For almost the rest of the whole day, he was busy studying [Strange Presence].

It's just that Zhao Xu has never had a spell slot, so he can't actually experiment, so he can only learn by guessing.

Finally, at almost 11 o'clock at night, he suddenly felt an empty feeling of missing out in his mind.

Only then did he realize that in his character card panel, the two specialty names [Strange Seer] and [Spell Familiarity] had appeared in the "Defect Reward Specialty".

Zhao Xuze also smiled happily, which showed that he had initially mastered these two specialties, and the rest was just waiting for him to become proficient.

Then Zhao Xu went offline on the obelisk and woke up directly from the real world.

At this time, his two roommates were both wearing helmets and still fighting in Arthur.

Another person who was preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination still didn’t reply.

Arthur's popularity in society as a whole has not yet reached its peak, and there has not yet been a hit phenomenon.

But many people in his class have joined this game.

The university environment is like this. A few people play a game. As long as it is interesting, it is easy to attract the surrounding students to follow suit.

Many students who originally wanted to prove themselves have since been discouraged by the spellcaster profession, especially the mage training, and have sincerely switched to other professions.

Zhao Xu took a box of "Vita Lemon Tea" and walked to the balcony of the dormitory. He removed the straw and sucked it in sips.

He is finally a level 1 mage.

If you sleep for eight hours tonight, and log in to Arthur tomorrow, he will be a man with spell slots.

In my previous life, when I got sick, I had to find some "doctors" who had upgraded their "medical" skills for treatment, but there was no guarantee that it would be effective.

But a third-level "remove disease" spell can remove most diseases.

Magic can really do a lot of things that humans can't.

Zhao Xu didn't put it down until the carton was empty.

His mind was already drawn to tomorrow's battle.

Antinoya told him before leaving.

As long as he can pass the test, she will give him a magic item as a gift from a level 1 mage.

Are there any items on Miss Antinoya’s body that cost less than 10,000 GP

Zhao Xu didn't believe it.

In the early days, being able to get a piece of equipment worth 10,000 GP was regarded as a small artifact among the player community.

It's just a question of how this mage combat assessment will be carried out.

Zhao Xu couldn't help but fall into deep thinking.

Zhao Xu still remembers his spell slot list—

Zero level spell slot: 3=3 (Mage)

Level 1 spell slot: 2=1 (mage) + 1 (intelligence)

There are a total of 5 spell slots, 3 zero-level spell slots and 2 first-level spell slots.

Among them, he has 3 points of intelligence adjustment value. He can reserve three spell slots without deciding on specific spells. He can choose them when he wants to cast a spell.

Naturally, they are all allocated to first-level spell slots.

All that's left is to arrange 2 zero-level spells and prepare some spells.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu reacted.

Antinoya left in a hurry today and taught him two specialties.

But he still has two "Human Talent Specialties" and "Level 1 Character Specialties" that have not yet been arranged.

Could it be that you should teach him something and see the result of tomorrow's battle

Zhao Xu couldn't help but click his tongue. Basically, he was testing what he learned. As expected, there is no such thing as pie in the sky in a large organization.

His eyes gradually became firmer.

He is good at both hard work and hard work.

(End of chapter)