The Truth of Magic

Chapter 4: Attributes


Throughout the afternoon, he had already imagined countless attribute allocation scenes in his mind.

Compared with ordinary players who look blank, he can determine attributes based on his profession.

When he first entered the game, his classmates recommended him to be a warrior in order to help him get started quickly.

The entry level is low and the training time is short.

As for spell casters such as mages and priests, many players are stuck in the process of learning spells from the beginning. Even warriors have reached level 2, and many mage players have not yet completed the mage apprenticeship training.

It's equivalent to being stuck in the novice process.

Only later, when he traveled to the real world of Arthur, did Zhao Xu gradually realize that in this era, only those who could cast spells had the right to speak.

Those whose spell level can reach the legendary ninth level have the right to vote and make a splash.

When the warrior profession reaches the later stage, it is not much different from the Master and the Shepherd, and is not much different from the soldiers.

Therefore, Zhao Xu was very determined that he would choose a mage. Even if he couldn't follow the warrior experience in his previous life, he didn't care.

If his account is indeed a dual-elite profession, then he will only choose a priest as his second profession.

He just wants to stay on the path of magic to the end.

In his later adventures, he had seen too many phenomena where magic was the truth.

It's just that the key attribute of a mage's spellcasting is intelligence, and the key attribute of a priest's spellcasting is perception.

Arthur model calculations basically use the attribute adjustment values.

The attribute adjustment value is the attribute value minus 10, divided by 2.

If you have 10 points of strength, then the strength adjustment value is naturally 0. If you have 12 strength points, the adjustment value is 1.

Decimal points will be rounded off for free.

Therefore, odd-numbered attributes will cause a loss in the early stage, but they can be compensated for by the attributes obtained through upgrades to an even number.

Zhao Xu directly allocated attributes according to the predetermined plan.

Regardless of strength, just initialize 8 attributes and talk about it later.

Agility costs 5 talent points to upgrade to 13 attributes. This attribute is related to initiative, defense and reflex immunity. Zhao Xu is willing to give it up.

Physique costs 6 talent points to increase to 14 attributes, which is fully qualified.

In terms of intelligence, the most important attribute for a mage, Zhao Xu spent 10 purchase points to upgrade it to 16 attributes.

It is certainly not high among today's group of knowledgeable mages, but it is still tenable for the group of mages who are all living beings.

In terms of perception, Zhao Xu hesitated and only spent 6 talent points to upgrade to 14 attributes.

On the contrary, it is the inconspicuous attribute of charm. He spent 5 talent points to increase it to 13 attributes.

In the end, Zhao Xu’s attributes are as follows:

Strength: 8(-1)

Agility: 13(+1)

Constitution: 14(+2)

Intelligence: 16(+3)

Perception: 14(+2)

Charisma: 13(+1)

Looking at his final attribute panel, especially the adjustment values in brackets, Zhao Xu was silent for a moment and then confirmed it directly.

Although charm will really affect everyone's appearance and temperament after traveling through time, as well as how others treat them favorably.

But for Zhao Xu, who was desperate for his life, this was not the decisive factor.

After traveling through time, Arthur, even an adventurer with a professional level like him, had a rough life, let alone ordinary people.

Zhao Xu would not hesitate to trade for disfigurement, let alone appearance.

What really made him decide to transfer the purchasing points allocated to perception to charm was that he vaguely heard a certain great god say that the charm attribute had an unusual meaning for a priest.

As a complete layman to the legal profession in his previous life, he didn't know what this meant, but in the end he chose to believe that statement in terms of attribute distribution.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

In the originally quiet Creation Hall, after he finished allocating attributes, a melodious bell sounded, echoing throughout the area.

"Players are invited to step onto the ladder and prepare to make career choices."

ps: The protagonist only arranges level 1 priest for the priest ability, and will transfer the files later.

(End of chapter)