The Truth of Magic

Chapter 46: Healing spells


Compared with the arcane spells of mages, which are extremely complex from content to model, priests' divine spells basically only have spell introductions.

Zhao Xu glanced at his spell slot.


Zero-level magic slot: 3=3 (occupation)

Level 1 divine magic slot: 2=1 (occupation) + 1 (perception)]

For these 3 zero-level spell slots and 2 1-level spell slots, he can choose any of the 12+25 magical spells to add to them.

Zhao Xu played against Antinoya in the morning. In fact, the five spells would be used up very quickly.

These days, there are already people on the forum who have registered the ID "When will mages be strengthened?" and post to protest against the fact that there are too few spell slots.

Many players who had finally been promoted to become mages began to find that the difficulty of mages was completely out of proportion to their professional strength.

In other online games, a mage would be embarrassed to be called a mage if he didn't lose more than a dozen spells in a battle, let alone being able to drink blue pills to restore magic power.

When I put it in Arthur, I only lost four or five spells and it was already empty.

After using up a spell, you cannot cast it again until the next day. This completely offends many trainee spellcasters who have graduated or are even still in training.

Zhao Xu knew that these people still had not changed their thinking, and their thinking was still stuck in the stereotype that Arthur was a game about upgrading and killing monsters.

They haven't yet realized that they can also improve their level by doing research, completing tasks, and sublimating themselves.

In the previous life, it was only a few months before it became everyone's consensus that spell slots should be used sparingly.

But Zhao Xu doesn't care about these anymore. He has more spell slots as a priest. At least at level 1, he has twice as much battery life as others.

Arthur has extra spell slots, and that's Dad.

Zhao Xu, who had experience as a mage, had basically made his decision after briefly browsing the magical arts.

Anyway, he has no actual need for it, so he can use it casually after preparing it.

Among the zero-level spells, he prepared water creation, detection magic, and repair.

Among the first-level spells, he prepared Divine Favor and Understanding Languages.

As soon as he finished picking, it was as if some kind of sacred power was directly instilled into Zhao Xu's body.

It made his whole body feel numb, and his spirit became energetic.

Immediately afterwards, he recovered from his dazed state.

At this time, he looked at the hourglass in the corner and realized that an hour had passed.

The spells prepared for the day by the mage profession have turned gray, indicating that they have been used.

Zhao Xu, who had gained the magic for the first time, was not too excited.

The priest's divine spells are the same as the mage's arcane spells, and some of them have spell and gesture components.

But compared to the mage, the priest does not need to understand why, he only needs to follow the instructions to successfully cast the spell.

Zhao Xu has experience as a mage, so there is no need for training in this part.

He looked at the character card on the spot and imitated the spells and gestures of the spells he chose.

Like a beginner imitating dance movements, Zhao Xu reluctantly recited the spell and made gestures for the first time.

Finally, he secretly said in his heart: water creation!

Zhao Xu's originally empty palm suddenly filled with sweet and clean water.

The water without a container just flows to the ground, continuously.

A full seven or eight liters of water, about half a barrel's worth, flowed, soaking the floor of Zhao Xu's dormitory.

Fortunately, he lived on the first floor and had the green brick floor under his feet, otherwise it would have been really difficult.

But when Zhao Xu saw the drinkable water created by his magic, he fell into deep thought.

Compared to the mage's arcane spells, the priest's divine spells are weaker than field control, but stronger in support.

At least the most critical healing spells are basically priest-unique divine spells.

At this moment, Zhao Xu could slowly understand why those spell casters looked so aloof.

Because they have achieved their own closed loop.

Mages also need to learn spells, and priests don’t need to ask anyone, just ask God.

Whatever is lacking, they can create.

When the level reaches a high level, Zhao Xu can also create food and houses.

When the real doomsday comes, only spell casters like them can find a corner by themselves and live a self-sufficient life every day.

After lamenting his stupidity in his previous life, Zhao Xu continued with his plan.

His focus is on healing spells.

In his previous life, Zhao Xu had received healing spells from a priest on the battlefield. He could never forget the feeling of his life being sublimated.

This is also the meaning of the "life value" of these professionals.

The priest's healing spells can help restore their health.

Theoretically, as long as you won't be killed instantly and have enough priest support, you can start a war of attrition with some of Arthur's powerful monsters by using a high-defense tank warfare profession, making it possible for the weak to defeat the strong.

As a spokesperson for healing, the good priest can automatically convert any prepared spell into a "healing spell".

The evil priest can turn any prepared spell into a "damage spell".

Although Zhao Xu's camp was still absolutely neutral, he still honestly chose treatment.

There are a lot of damaging spells in his mage list.

Priests like Zhao Xu are born with this spontaneous transformation ability and do not need training.

But now that spells are available, so are spontaneous abilities.

It's just that he lacks an injured target.

Zhao Xu looked around the entire bedroom, but couldn't find any sharp weapons.

After thinking about it for a while, the target can only be myself.

Zhao Xu raised his fist and had no choice but to smile awkwardly.

Players who are still adventuring outside can never imagine that they can't wait and can only go to the forum to cry for healing spells every day.

Now it's going to be used like this by someone who just wants to experiment.

Zhao Xu breathed out slowly. It was embarrassing to talk about self-mutilation, but now it was hard to find someone else to try, so this was the only way.

He looked at his fists, and the damage to his health caused by a bare-handed strike was 1D3.

With 6 HP, he doesn't have to worry about something funny like knocking him out with a punch.

With a sudden force, Zhao Xu punched himself in the chest.

This act of giving up blocking almost caused him to be beaten to the point where his chest was tight and he couldn't even breathe.

[Zhongxia launches 'unarmed strike' on himself, -4 attack penalty penalty, causing fatal injuries, 1D3=2]

His health immediately dropped to 4 points.

After slowing down for a moment, Zhao Xu did not stop. He had suffered disembowelment in his previous life.

He continued to perform spells and gestures to treat minor injuries.

Suddenly, the first-level spell "Divine Grace" in his mind was consciously attracted to him.

The spell energy is directly broken and turned into fuel for the first-level divine spell "Cure Minor Injuries".

The moment he finished reciting the spell, a pure white flame erupted from Zhao Xu's palm, but it was not burning at all, but instead gave him a comfortable and warm feeling.

Most of the priest's healing spells are contact spells, and simple contact is enough.

Zhao Xu put this flame against his chest.

His information panel suddenly flashed up [Whether to reject the spell effect, harmless (will save if rejected)]

Zhao Xu ignored it and let it pass by default.

A refreshing soft light penetrated into his chest, and the original feeling of chest tightness disappeared in an instant.

Just like he had received healing spells.

In an instant, he saw his life points return to full.

[Zhongxia received the first-level magic "Cure Minor Injuries" and recovered health points of 1D8+1=3+1=4hp.]

Looking at this message, Zhao Xu secretly sighed and said that the treatment was really powerful. It could restore 1D8+X points of HP.

This is equivalent to the fact that he can only heal 2-9 HP at level 1. Although it is not much, it is enough for most people.

Starting last week, many war-type players have recently graduated.

Countless players have taken to the forum to complain that their health will not be restored automatically after they have been harmed.

It takes a night of lying in bed to restore 1 hp, and a whole day of lying in bed to restore 2 hp.

If a warrior has about 12 hp, if he is hit to 1 hp, he will probably have to lie down for four or five days to reach full health.

Extremely suppressing the efficiency of upgrading and killing monsters.

Zhao Xu naturally knew that an X-level character could recover X points of HP after a night's rest, and 2X HP after a full day's rest.

It's just that this natural recovery method is far from enough for the player's health.

This is also the reason why the priest profession has recently become the most popular for the first time.

However, there are still very few priests who graduate and advance every day, not much more than mages.

Now, if Zhao Xu is willing to form a team outside, he will be disliked if he shows his identity as a mage, but he will be extremely popular if he shows his identity as a priest.

He heard from Zhang Qi yesterday that several classmates have decided to cancel their original characters and become priests. It doesn't matter even if everyone says that priests don't know how to successfully advance.

After verifying the use of the ability to spontaneously cast healing spells, Zhao Xu didn't care so much about the remaining spell slots.

At this time, he went back and studied the descriptions of the 12 zero-level spells and the 25 first-level spells.

These spells appear in the Cleric Spells Known list on his character card after he completes the manifest.

Compared with using spells, knowing how to use them is also very important.

Just as Zhao Xu slowly took a closer look, his eyes suddenly stopped.

The focus of his eyes fell on the zero-level spell that caused minor injuries.

A kind-hearted priest like him cannot spontaneously cast such damage-causing spells, but it does not affect his use of his original spell slots to prepare.

The zero-level spell slot is worthless to him. He can prepare a spell that causes slight damage, first causing 1 point of damage to himself.

Then you can verify your own treatment through healing spells.

There's no need to risk punching yourself to cause damage.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu felt that being able to become a mage was really a blessing from time travel.

PS1: Thank you very much to the readers of "Sangtian 152" for another 500 starting coin reward. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

PS2: Priests also have domain spell slots, which can be arranged after the protagonist chooses a domain. They are basically carefully selected powerful domains, so don’t worry.

(End of chapter)