The Truth of Magic

Chapter 5: Weaknesses and Expertise


From just now to now, the scene is similar to the scene when Zhao Xu created an account eight months after the server was launched.

Zhao Xu also walked towards the ladder while thinking.

The quiet atmosphere in the entire hall at this moment made Zhao Xu feel the realism of Arthur's game.

Many players even went out of their way to explore the surrounding statues to see if they could trigger any special plots.

Zhao Xu, who knew that there would be no difference in this palace, did not waste any time.

In other words, he was not sure whether the gods were already watching the living beings in the game at this moment.


When Zhao Xu stepped onto the first step, his eyes were suddenly shrouded in a white light, as if a gentle light was spreading from the endless sky, making people feel like they were reborn.

"Players need to take a career recommendation test or choose a career directly, please choose."

Zhao Xu was walking on the stairs when a voice prompt sounded in his ear. This time it was like someone was whispering in his ear.

Eleven adventurer statues as high as forearms also appeared in front of him. They formed a ring and floated around him out of thin air.

These statues are in order: warrior, barbarian, monk, rogue, bard, ranger, paladin, druid, priest, mage, and warlock, the first batch of eleven basic professions to be opened.

Especially the last four professions are all masters who can finally cast ninth-level spells.

According to Arthur's average level, it is difficult for many mages and warlocks to survive to the middle and late stages. Their low health points and limited spell slots in the early stage make them frequent visitors to the Hall of Creation.

Now that you step on the ladder, you can choose directly or let the system determine your tendency by answering questions.

Every time you step on another step, a question will automatically appear in the system.

By answering questions, the system will naturally analyze the player's tendencies. For example, if a player likes melee combat, the brightness of the statues of natural combat professions will increase, while the brightness of long-range and legal statues will darken.

The few highlighted statues left in the end are naturally recommended by the system.

Zhao Xu knew that answering questions was actually the best way.

Not only professions such as druids, priests, and paladins have behavioral and religious requirements, but even pure combat professions such as barbarians have camp requirements.

Once you violate the professional requirements and camp requirements, you will no longer be able to upgrade the professional level, and you will have to work part-time in other professions.

More seriously, a paladin loses most of his professional abilities.

This is a lesson learned through blood and tears from countless players.

If you make a choice that goes against your heart, you must be prepared to act for the rest of your life.

Zhao Xu chose the path to heaven without hesitation.

Because he heard an urban legend in his previous life -

On the first day of the server opening, if you answer questions until there is only one glowing professional statue left, and choose it as the promotion profession, you will get an opportunity to exchange your flaws for expertise.

Expertise is actually an alternative talent tree. Players can only obtain expertise at level one and multiple levels of three.

After the Arthur game was officially opened for operation, it was announced that it was completely hosted by AI.

Not many people knew the value of expertise in the early days.

Some players even resolutely choose the extinguished career statue after coming up with the only recommended profession, missing out on the defective system.

There are also players who feel the punishment is too severe when they see the list of flaws, so they refuse to accept the flaws and give up on redeeming their expertise.

Some are very cautious and only exchange for one flaw, giving up the opportunity to choose two flaws to exchange for two specialties.

If Zhao Xu was given unlimited choices, it wouldn't matter if he had dozens of flaws, as long as he could replace them with dozens of expertise.

Zhao Xu's current dilemma is, how does his elite career reflect for him

Will he leave one statue or two

If both statues glow like this, does the defect system fail to turn on

Zhao Xu's originally raised foot also froze in the air and never stepped down.

The defective system is said to be only opened 24 hours after the server is launched. More strictly speaking, it is only available to each character's first account.

After some people heard about this that night, they gave up their original accounts and reopened accounts to test, but got nothing. Then they went to the forum to curse the scammers.

If he misses this time, the two specialties that are worth a lot of money will be closed to him.

Zhao Xu's expression gradually became serious.

(End of chapter)