The Truth of Magic

Chapter 58: Knowledge skills


Many magic items have a price but no market. There is a market price, but you have no way to buy it, and you may not be able to get it even if the price is increased.

Generally, adventurers prefer to accept tasks issued by the "Mage Association" and the Church of the Gods. In addition to the generous rewards, the main purpose is to accumulate contribution points and eventually obtain the qualifications to purchase certain magic items.

Zhao Xu couldn't buy a single dimensional bag in his previous life, and even some classmates who were more powerful and rich than him were helpless about it. Sometimes they couldn't buy it at double the price.

So when he touched this kind of magical item with dimensional space for the first time, Zhao Xu felt secretly happy.

In the next year, it will be very rare for players to have a dimensional bag, let alone one who can get it within half a month of the server opening.

"Teacher, this is too expensive, isn't it?" Zhao Xu said politely.

"It's only 2000 GP, what's so valuable about it? And if I make it, it costs less than 1000 GP." Antinoya said.

"Production?" Zhao Xu asked hurriedly.

"You want it too?" Sensing the urgency in Zhao Xu's tone, Antinoya asked.

"Curious, curious." Zhao Xu touched his head.

He must want to.

Even if he wears all the magic items on his body, he still has all kinds of family and friends.

If he could create these magic items by himself, he would probably not be the most powerful player, but he would definitely be worthy of the title as the most wealthy player.

"If you have mastered the 'Create Strange Object' feat and the 'Leomont's Vault' spell, you can make this convenient bag."

"But it's not necessary. Not only does it take time to create something, it also consumes your own abilities." Antinoya said slowly.

"Ability?" This is the first time Zhao Xu heard about it.

In the past life forum, the senior mage players who knew about magical creations kept it secret, kept it secret, and did not let anyone get involved at all.

"Slow down the upgrade. Even if you build too much, you can downgrade it directly." Antinoya said.

Hearing these words, Zhao Xu almost vomited blood.

You actually have to deduct experience points. Isn’t this playing with fire and setting yourself on fire

But when I think about it, doesn't it mean that this convenient bag in my hand also condenses Antinoya's experience points

"Don't look at me like that, or I guarantee you will regret it." Antinoya said slowly, "There are some specialties that can reduce losses, and cooperative creations can also share losses."

"More importantly, creating things is a hobby. Even if I create a legendary item with a million GP, I may not be downgraded. Do you think this 2,000 GP thing will affect me?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xu also knew that he was overthinking.

The depth of a legendary mage like Antinoya was beyond his ability to guess.

"Also, if you want to create something in the future, you don't have to go to such trouble. You can take the shortcut of wishing."

Zhao Xu's eyes suddenly widened.

Thinking of the day Antinoya casually performed a prayer technique for him to make gold coins, it could also be used to make magic items.

In this way, Antinoya can still patiently use her expertise to create things, but it is really just to cultivate her sentiments.

"The convenience bag contains some supplies for you in the future. You can take a look at it later. Let's get to the point and teach you the skills first," Antinoya said.

Hearing these words, Zhao Xu was almost moved to tears, and finally reached the last step.

After half a month of training, he finally reached the last skill level.

"How many skill points do you have?" Antinoya said.

Zhao Xu glanced at the information panel.

[Skill Points: 40=[6 (Monastic Priest) + 3 (Intelligence Adjustment) + 1 (Human)]*4]

"40 o'clock."

"That's enough." Antinoya nodded with satisfaction.

Each time Arthur's skill points are upgraded, he can obtain rewards from three aspects: occupation, intelligence adjustment, and race.

Level 1 players will be directly counted as 4 times, and the remaining skill points in these three areas will be regained every time they upgrade.

Zhao Xu's mage profession is only 2 points.

But he is a double elite group of tall, rich and handsome people. He can use whoever is taller, mage or priest.

The remaining 1 point is considered a racial bonus from humans themselves.

"What do you think the skill points are?" Antinoya turned around and asked, "There are rewards."

Zhao Xu was about to answer, but stopped immediately after hearing the second half of the sentence.

When ordinary players hear this question, they directly answer that by investing skill points, they can strengthen their abilities in that area.

But Zhao Xu has ten years of experience, and he knows very well that the causal relationship is reversed.

Zhao Xu took a deep breath slowly and calmed down his emotions.

Many players do not understand the current usage and meaning of skill points, and many even just put them aside and ignore them.

Some people wonder why they can spend points sometimes and not sometimes.

Only when players are stuck and unable to reach level 2 will they go back and deal with these skill points.

Zhao Xu knew the answer, but he couldn't say it directly.

The official statement is not yet used in the forum, otherwise Antinoya would not ask him.

He seemed to feel that Arthur's thirty-five skills were condensed and spinning in his mind at this moment.

He organized his thoughts a little and returned: "Skill points are the potential that can be exchanged for talents."

"Huh? Continue talking?" Antinoya became interested.

"The talent of each of us is originally fixed and undeterminable. Some people are good at long jump, and some people are good at kung fu. However, after becoming a professional and obtaining the character card system, we can allocate skill points-"

“Let’s get that talent and get to a certain level.”

"That's right. As far as I know, you players probably haven't reacted yet. You do have some kind of terrible intuition." Antinoya continued to praise.

After hearing this, Zhao Xu breathed a sigh of relief and got the reward.

In his previous life, when he started the game, everyone basically warned him to allocate his skill points well.

That determined every aspect of his life, so he always remembered it clearly.

"Strictly speaking, skill points allow you to redeem talents through hard work."

"The level of your skill determines your level of that ability. Craftsmanship, performance, and taming animals are just some of them."

"Through hard training, you can successfully consume your skill points, so that he can broaden your talents and allow you to reach a deeper level."

Zhao Xu nodded. He couldn't add skill points by himself. For example, if he wanted to add skill points to "Forging Documents", he could only determine the direction first, and then accumulate enough proficiency by constantly forging documents. Only then could he gain this skill point. Successfully consumed, it becomes his true ability.

"Next, you only need to consume all 40 of your skill points, and then you can start."

Hearing this, Zhao Xu took a deep breath.

"Instructor, what skills should I practice?"

"Let's practice spell identification, concentration, and knowledge first. You can click on level 1 first."

"Teacher, what kind of knowledge is it?" Zhao Xu had a bad guess.

"Mystery, religion, geography, history, places, nature, planes, dungeons, architecture and engineering, nobility and royalty, these are the main ones first, forget the less popular ones first."

Zhao Xuqiang resisted the feeling of complaining, these are not three skills, they are thirteen skills.

"Then mentor, how can you hone these knowledge and skills?"

"Nonsense, study."

(End of chapter)