The Truth of Magic

Chapter 66: Counterspell



After Wang Ningwei finished speaking, she directly held the pearl in her hand. Slowly, the mana recovery pearl lost its former luster.

Only until the next day can it condense its original energy.

After recovering her magic position, Wang Ningwei's color became rosier. She walked directly to Zhao Xu and stuffed the "Mana Restoration Pearl" back to him.

"This is too valuable. The reward is to restore one spell slot." After saying that, she slowly distanced herself from Zhao Xu until she reached the right position for the mage battle.

At the same time, Wang Ningwei took off a string of shining silver necklaces from her chest and stuffed them into her pocket.

At this time, except for some ambitious people who were disappointed, most of the surrounding players were busy keeping their distance.

From the first day of their training, they were warned that if they cast offensive spells on their companions without authorization, they would be expelled from the floating city.

This is why everyone is unleashing their magic in this square tonight.

Now that I have finally seen a permitted mage battle, how can I not be excited and cooperative

"It seems that I am really afraid of accidentally killing you." Antinoya's voice, with Zhao Xu's consent, entered his heart.


"The necklace she is wearing performs a ritual. It can increase the wearer's caster level by 1 level." Antinoya explained.

"Can you use rituals to increase the caster level by 1?"

It became clear that Wang Ningwei was deliberately reducing the damage of her magic missiles, but Zhao Xu still couldn't help but be surprised by this ritual.

"Yes, my intelligence turban has blessed this ceremony." Antinoya said.

Zhao Xu suddenly couldn't help complaining, "Teacher, why don't you just give me the blessing? It's hard for me to bring out the Aoen Stone."

"I will bless you with a ritual, but you can't estimate its value. But if I give you an ioun stone with the same effect, you will know it, and then you will be grateful to me." Antinoya calculated for Zhao Xu Learned a lot about human nature and sophistication.

Zhao Xu almost made a sound.

However, he noticed that Wang Ningwei had already stood still, ready to wait for his statement to begin.

Only then did Zhao Xu realize that he didn't know what to do, and he quickly called Antinoya.

"Teacher, what should I do?"

"Oh, when you were acting cool just now, I thought you had it all figured out."

"Sister Antinoya, someone is going to die."

"Okay. You are ready to cast a spell. As long as you successfully identify the other party's spell. Just think of casting the same spell to cancel the other party's spell."

"Is it that simple?" Zhao Xu didn't understand the logic at all.

"If you can kill him, I will give you another piece of magic equipment. Let's start now." Antinoya said directly.

The people around him suddenly felt nervous and were even more disturbed by the magic equipment.

There is a large circle here that has attracted the attention of many people, and several managers further away are staring in this direction.

The bricks and stones on the ground of the entire underground square were bright enough to reflect Zhao Xu's figure.

Wang Ningwei also entered a different state at this time. She looked at Zhao Xu intently and began to chant a spell.

Zhao Xu had read out the opponent's spell at this moment. In fact, he knew that Wang Ningwei was going to release the "magic missile" without even listening.

The magic missile dealt 1D4+1 damage (2-5) after Wang Ningwei took off the necklace, and even the maximum value could not knock him down.

But Zhao Xu was unable to do anything about it. He could only look at his character card information panel.

He recognized that this spell was useless. It had to be recognized by the system and connected to the source of magic to give him feedback.

As soon as Wang Ningwei finished speaking, the magic missile was ready to go.

Wang Ningwei looked a little surprised.

She originally thought that Zhao Xu was trying to use the first-level "shield technique" to shield her magic missiles in an extreme spell battle situation.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the energy was about to condense, there was still no shield in front of Zhao Xu.

Basically, none of the mage players who can reach Mystra have an intelligence lower than 16, and there are not many physical attributes left, unless they are players who start with 32 talent points on the first day.

Thinking of this, Wang Ningwei suddenly changed her target.

Zhao Xu, even if he wasn't blind, probably saw the magic missiles that were about to condense in Wang Ningwei's hand.

He wasn't afraid, but that didn't mean the blow didn't hurt his body.

This torturous feeling, as if waiting for a verdict, squeezed his heart and hammered his will.

He suddenly felt the remaining strength in his body surge again.

The magic field once again formed a bridge between the origin and him, and Zhao Xu found the corresponding opportunity at this moment.


"what happened?"

"How can it be!"

Countless people present exclaimed.

Wang Ningwei also looked at the magic missile that had disappeared from her palm in shock.

The flying birds have already disappeared before leaving traces in the sky.

Also disappearing together were Antinoya and Zhao Xu.

There was only one "Level 1 Mana Recovery Pearl" floating in the air and falling slowly.

Finally, it fell into Wang Ningwei's hands and fell into the point where the magic missiles were originally condensed. ���

The night sky over the obelisk was very bleak, even though many castle towers around it were still lit with lights.

But from the highest observation point in the floating city, what still occupies a large area of view is the bright starry sky and the three moons full of mysterious power.

The air is filled with the smell of rain. Although they cannot break through the barrier of the floating city, they also provide a little moisture to the land.

"Teacher, was I just now?"

Zhao Xu felt that his mind suddenly went blank, and the "magic missile" spell slot that Antinoya specially prepared for him disappeared. At the same time, he didn't see Wang Ningwei's magic missile.

"You know."

"Counter spell?" Zhao Xu said with a hint of speculation.

"The most annoying thing is that you people have obviously guessed that you are secretly happy, but you still want others to congratulate you again."

Zhao Xu was used to his mentor's straightforward tone, so he didn't feel anything at all.

After receiving Antinoya's confirmation, it also meant that he had learned another ability of the mage.

Spell Countermeasure: After successfully identifying the spell, you can use the same prepared spell to offset the opponent's spell.

This means that the day for him to leave this floating city is not far away.

"As long as I have the same spell slot, can I cancel the other party's spell casting?" Zhao Xu confirmed with Antinoya again.

"That's right. Counterspell. If used well, it is very powerful and can cancel other people's spells. But if used poorly, it will become a burden."

There are so many spells in this world that are exactly the same.

"Teacher, isn't there a way to make up for it?" Zhao Xu asked.

The book is very tight-lipped about this aspect, as if it is unwilling to talk about this method of mage warfare.

"Yes, expertise."

"Then can I learn?"


Hearing this, Zhao Xu had already begun to think of the scene where there was no mage in front of him who could cast spells.

Suddenly he remembered another disadvantage of counterspell and asked quickly.

"Teacher, counterspell can only be used once per round. If two mages release spells at the same time, it will be useless. Is there a way to make up for it?"

"Yes, expertise."

"Then can I learn?"

"This is not allowed."

Zhao Xu was suddenly confused.


"This requires legendary expertise."

(End of chapter)