The Truth of Magic

Chapter 81: Task


"What's wrong?" Zhao Xu asked.

The rear cover of this carriage was originally specially removed and turned into a cargo compartment. At Roja's request, the entourage spent nearly an hour restoring it to its original state.

The only drawback is that the wheels vibrate a bit when walking, and the car makes a grinding and collision sound.

The road throughout the wilderness was still very smooth, but the four Maple Leafs were not thinking about this rare carriage treat.

They all looked at Zhao Xu with half admiration and half confusion, as if they wanted to see any difference in his average to handsome appearance with 13 points of charm.

The current progress of the players is very clear and obvious. The only ones I heard about being promoted to level 2 are mostly warriors and barbarians who prefer the war type.

Like a spell caster, he has just graduated and is ready to reach the pinnacle of his life. Let alone level 2, he may not even have completed the configuration of skill points and expertise.

Arthur's character card is so clear. Basically everyone's abilities are clearly divided.

So they couldn't understand why Zhao Xu could exceed this limit.

To outsiders, this is just a game.

But for many Arthur players, this is a life.

"If I said that the ghost left on his own, would you believe it?" Zhao Xu said after thinking for a while.

Everyone in Maple Leaf shook their heads in unison, with Yoyo shaking the most.

However, everyone looked at Zhao Xu with a slightly strange expression. They didn't expect that Zhao Xu obviously saved everyone, but seemed unwilling to take credit.

Strong players will always be bathed in the eyes of others.

Especially Arthur's only chance to recharge is to get an extra set of clothes for 300 yuan.

"Then what if I said 'disperse'?" Zhao Xu thought for a while and continued.

"Brother Zhongxia, we can't drive away such advanced undead creatures." Youyou said.

Zhao Xu didn't expect that this humble priest sister would one day encounter a dead mouse.

Ghosts are not advanced at all. Whether they can dispel undead creatures depends on how many hit dice the undead creatures have, that is, HD, rather than the challenge level.

However, ghosts have dispel resistance, which is equivalent to undead creatures with 4 HD higher.

"This is actually one of my tasks." Zhao Xu began to look thoughtful, as if there were many entanglements in it.

Even Maple Leaf, the most serious warrior, couldn't help but twist his body, which was originally guarding the car door, towards the inside at a certain angle, just so that his ears could better receive the sound.

"Can you keep a secret for me?" Zhao Xu suddenly raised the decibel level.

As if a sense of mission had arrived, the four members of the team nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice, looking at Zhao with expressions full of enthusiasm and desire.

Gossip has always been a powerful tool to lower human defenses.

"This involves a history that spans thousands of years." Zhao Xu began to structure.

After hearing these words, Youyou was the first to take a deep breath, as if she was in that fateful era thousands of years ago.

The carriage that was originally made of steel plates suddenly became full of magic, and Zhao Xu's voice continued to echo in their ears.

Every player dreams of meeting an NPC and telling him, "I now have a task for you related to the fate of the world."

"A few days ago, I was still an ignorant apprentice." Zhao Xu looked up at the somewhat ventilated roof of the car.

The poet Antarctic Frog suddenly felt that the Zhongxia in front of him was more like a poet.

"My mentor was about to leave me that day. At the last moment, she looked solemn and gave me a task."

"Each generation of teachers has been burdened with a heavy mission of sacrifice, which is both a guard and a shackle."

"Now, they finally have a chance to change, a chance to escape."

"As long as I can get to Mystra with s—."

"This is about the fate of our entire school. It is about the future of the entire organization."

Zhao Xu deliberately used puns in Arthur's common language, as well as real dialogue with words that are misleading.

In fact, this mission is for him to escort himself to Mystra.

As for the future of the school's destiny organization, Zhao Xu must be involved, but it only accounts for a very small part.

Change and liberation are inevitable. As long as Zhao Xu can become a senior mage, he can naturally replace the labor of other mages. Isn't this enough to liberate others

"Wow." Before the wanderer could ask Zhao Xu what it was, Pastor Youyou exclaimed first, his eyes shining brightly when he looked at Zhao Xu.

The lonely male protagonist left his hometown, just to fulfill the teacher's instructions on his deathbed. During this period, he encountered a wild druid who summoned a storm to blow up the forest and escaped completely. He also encountered the mysterious ghost of the undead monarch who was thousands of miles away and the whole house was empty. He was frightened and retreated thousands of miles.

The male protagonist is able to survive because he has four brave adventurers who support him behind him. They are full of courage and wisdom and overcome obstacles for the male protagonist.

The story "This male protagonist is clearly on a mission but is extraordinarily steady" has already rippled through Yuyou's heart.

"So, for this escort mission, I have a few disposable props. They are all very common things for daily use, but they can have miraculous effects in certain situations. This is also the foundation of our organization."

"So I hope you won't reveal my secrets, lest I be targeted by some beings who have intersections with the organization."

"Otherwise, I can just go there alone, and I won't risk finding a smuggling team." After Zhao Xu finished speaking, he emphasized his voice on the smuggling caravan.

All four of them blushed immediately.

Working for a smuggling caravan is not a glorious thing.

There is a reason why most of this smuggling caravan are warriors rather than formally trained warriors.

The soldiers looked down upon him.

Not to mention that Maple Leaf and his team have goddess followers like Youyou who dare to smuggle with bodyguards.

Priests and paladins of good deities can turn every arrow that goes astray5 back onto the right track.

"We messed up something and owe a lot of money." Maple Leaf whispered.

Hearing this, Zhao Xu secretly thought that no wonder they dared to get on this train. It turned out to be debt-ridden.

This group of players didn't even look at why this smuggling team didn't take any hitchhikers, but just a few of their players.

Let’s make it clear that there may be something difficult to say in the rest of the journey.

The local people in Hurricane City cannot be involved in leaking secrets, but they need the few players who can be resurrected to tell what they have seen after resurrection.

In other words, the reward given to the four Maple Leafs already included their four resurrection stones.

"Hey, brother Zhongxia, why don't you listen to why we owe a lot of money." Youyou asked Zhao Xu.

"I'm not going to pay it back for you, so why bother asking?" Zhao Xu was a little confused.


(End of chapter)