The Truth of Magic

Chapter 85: The name of the abyss


Even though there was no unusual noise around at the moment, everyone couldn't help but look around, as if something would appear from a hidden corner at any time.

Everyone looked unhappy when they saw those handprints that were obviously signs of struggle.

Zhao Xu, who was originally full of confidence, began to worry. This situation may have made his teammates shrink a little.

Compared to the four Maple Leafs who pursue money, and Luo Ya and others who pursue upward mobility, Zhao Xu is pursuing adventure during this trial journey.

Antinoya gave him three trump cards, not to let him go all the way back to Mystra, but to let him train himself.

If Zhao Xu returned safely throughout the whole process and finally reported to Antinoya that he had killed a few thieves and successfully retained three trump cards, then this would be the end of his trial.

Therefore, Zhao Xu did not resist the crisis in the adventure. If an ancient black dragon appeared that night, Zhao Xu would definitely release Seraph to fight on the spot without hesitation.

What he wants to avoid is the behavior of being cheated by others.

For example, if he entered this hole and found out that it was a trap for others to surround him, then he would only be laughed at by Antinoya if he returned to Mystra after death.

There is a question of how to make a choice.

Avoiding the druids of more than ten levels that day was a small bonus, and using the prayer candle to scare away the ghosts was also a small bonus. Zhao Xu originally expected that this pothole would continue to give him small bonus points.

But looking at this scene now, I'm afraid this pothole is not just a small bonus point.

"What are your plans?" After all, Zhao Xu was not the kind of hard-hearted person who would sit back and watch his companions die.

If anyone fails to respond, the group will be destroyed, so he can only ensure his own safety.

"Ah? What's your plan?" Warrior Maple Leaf didn't react for a moment.

"Are you still going forward? Now there are those lines of Purgatory language and these blood-red handprints. As long as it is related to the abyss of hell, nothing is simple." Zhao Xu said in a low voice.

In the demon sealing battle that lasted for several years in the previous life, even the group of high-end players who entered Arthur in the first year suffered many deaths.

"Let's go, we're here." Warrior Maple Leaf said, and the other three Yoyos also nodded.

Roja was relieved to see that they were willing to persist.

Zhao Xu, who had fulfilled his obligation to remind, didn't say anything. He didn't react for a moment. Maple Leaf and others estimated that there were still many resurrection stones, so they naturally felt that the adventure was a good deal.

Only when there is only one Resurrection Stone left in the body will players know that Gou is Arthur's most important factor when his strength is insufficient.

There are several branch roads in this mining pit. If Zhao Xu and others want to find the deep underground city, they can only explore them clockwise one by one.

After seeing the handprint, they basically didn't dare to split up their forces to explore.

However, after everyone stayed close together and formed a formation and slowly advanced, they encouraged each other's courage.

After Roja led the team through a narrow path that was two people wide, they entered a wide hall. In addition to some collapsed cabinets in the corners, there were many gray and damaged beds piled on the floor.

This hall is probably the miners' dormitory. The surrounding walls were dug out and then piled up neatly, unlike the rugged path just now.

"Mr. Spellcasters, do you have the magic to detect secret doors?" Roja asked, looking at a half-closed wooden door.

"No," said the poet Frog.

The poet has not yet reached level 2 and cannot use the level 1 arcane "Detect Secret Door", and even if he had it, he would not choose this unpopular spell. Because the spells available to poets are as limited as those of warlocks, they can only choose carefully.

"Detecting Secret Doors" is a spell in the field of knowledge. Zhao Xu knows it, but he didn't expect to come to the dungeon in the morning. What he prepared was the "Fortune Observation Technique". If he really wanted to switch to the "Detecting Secret Doors" spell, he You have to use the "Versatile Spellcaster" feat to consume two zero-level spells to release it.

"Go into this room first and take a look. Let's search the surrounding area for secret doors." Zhao Xu thought about it and suggested Luo Yadao.

Hearing this, Roja nodded.

They haven't reached their destination yet, it's just the miners' dormitories, and the probability of secret rooms and traps appearing is low.

However, thinking so, several people were still very cautious when approaching the half-open door. Roja gently approached the wooden door with a heavy steel shield, holding it against the door to guard against the impact that would erupt inside at any time.

The warrior Maple Leaf was holding a giant sword and preparing to open the wooden door.

The warrior Hayate turned his back to the team, guarding against surprises from behind.

While Youyou mainly held the torch to provide lighting, Zhao Xu concentrated on it, holding the one-handed crossbow in his hand and pointing it at the room.

If it weren't for those few handprints, everyone would probably just kick down the door and clear the way.

Now naturally we can only treat it as if there is something inside.

"Then I open the door?" Maple Leaf reminded everyone. Seeing that there was no objection, he gently pushed the giant sword in his hand forward.


As the wooden door was pushed open, everyone's heartbeats were also heard.

"Altar?" Roja, who was standing at the front, was the first to see what was going on in the room. "I'm going in, and you guys are following closely behind."

After saying that, he held the shield and moved forward slowly step by step. Maple Leaf and the two wanderers followed closely behind him. Especially Caihong, who acted as a police sentry, focused his energy on listening skills and constantly monitored the surroundings. movement.

"Sing if something doesn't feel right." Zhao Xu whispered to the poet.

The poet's zero-level spells and archery at this time are of little significance. It is better to sing to give everyone an extra "morale-boosting" buff.

After everyone entered the room, except for Hayate, who was still blocking the door and observing the outside, several other people couldn't help but froze when they saw the details in the room under the light of torches.

This room next to the miners' dormitory is not big, and there is a collapsed bed in the corner. From the table with some discarded items, it can be seen that this may be the foreman's room.

However, this room was painted with blood-red words from the walls, floor to ceiling, and all the words ultimately pointed to the altar that was empty of sacrifices.

"I think we should notify the nearest church and send a priest here." Youyou was already trembling a little. If she hadn't been surrounded by everyone, she would have run away with her heart pounding.

"Don't be nervous." Zhao Xu squatted down and held an oil lamp to observe the purgatory inscriptions on the ground. "These things are probably just paint."

In his previous life, he had cooperated with the Good God Priest to encircle and suppress the sacrifices of some Evil God Priests. He was familiar with such scenes and did not panic at all.

They are all made of flesh and blood anyway, so if a knife is inserted into them, they will die, and ghosts will still cause trouble.

"These purgatory texts are all variations of the same name." Youyou took a breath and said.

"What's the name?" Zhao Xu continued to ask.


(End of chapter)