The Twelve Zodiac Guardian Gods

Chapter 45: Super beautiful legs (Part 2)


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Just as Yan Xiaoyi and Qi Yue were rushing towards each other, Ming Ming and Modi's attacks were launched at the same time. Modi jumped up on the spot and made a graceful spin in mid-air. The right hand he had raised earlier His feet suddenly kicked out, and invisible air flowed out of his feet, and kicked towards Mingming through the air. Fortunately, her attack was invisible, otherwise it would have been shocking. You must know that in today's era, most internal martial arts have been lost. Being able to transform internal energy into external energy to attack the enemy cannot be achieved by hard training. You must have extremely high talents, plus acquired skills. Success is possible only with hard work and guidance from famous teachers. This attack method of releasing internal energy to the outside is much more dangerous than before.

Obviously he didn't dodge, his arms stretched out to both sides were slightly raised at first, and then, they were crossed and slashed in front of him in an instant. The same invisible air flow surged out, and the air made a harsh tearing sound, and Modi's face turned pale. , took a step back, and Mingming swayed all over, taking two steps back before regaining his balance.

At this time, Yan Xiaoyi and Qi Yue's attention was on each other. While the two women were fighting, they were also facing each other head-on. Yan Xiaoyi had a better memory this time and was three meters away from Qi Yue. He had already jumped up and kicked Qi Yue on the head with a fierce roundhouse kick. After all, after practicing for several years, his basic skills were still very good. The first time I was beaten by Qi Yue was just because of experience.

However, Qi Yue at this time is no longer the Qi Yue of before. In his eyes, Yan Xiaoyi's attack is not too fast, and his forward momentum does not stop at all, just when Yan Xiaoyi's roundhouse kick is about to kick When Yan Xiaoyi hit him, he was already close to his body. When he hit the roundhouse kick, the feet were obviously the most powerful place. But when Yan Xiaoyi kicked Qi Yue, it was only the calf, and the force was much smaller. Qi Yue's calculation also made some mistakes. Yan Xiaoyi's leg strength was obviously stronger than he thought. His body was shocked and he was kicked aside and fell back a few steps. The wine bottle that was originally aimed at Yan Xiaoyi suddenly fell onto the ground. Empty space.

Modi and Mingming didn't watch the fight between the two, they looked at each other. At their level, the difference in strength was very small. Even if it was just a moment of negligence, the other party might catch the flaw.

Modi's eyes were full of sparkles, "Give up. After all, you are younger than me, and your skills are even worse. It is very rare to be able to master martial arts to this extent. I don't want to hurt you."

Ming Ming smiled, "I don't want to hurt you. I'm afraid there are not many people in this world who can kick Kuixing to attack with internal energy. In fact, when I see your long legs At that time, I already had some doubts in my heart. It was destined by God that we should not be enemies."

Modi looked at Mingming in surprise. She didn't understand what Mingming meant. Suddenly, her face changed slightly, she raised her toes and kicked to the side in an instant. The sound of wind came out of the air, and the blade of the foot was invisible. , and its target is Qi Yue.

It turns out that when Modi and Mingming had a simple two-sentence conversation, Qi Yue had already gained the upper hand in the battle with Yan Xiaoyi. In terms of strength, although Qi Yue has rich fighting experience, he is ultimately not as good as Yan Xiaoyi, a martial arts practitioner. However, he is now not only a ruffian, but also the successor of Qilin bloodline. When Yan Xiaoyi attacked Qi Yue for the second time, Qi Yue blocked Yan Xiaoyi's attack with his own hands. This time, Yan Xiaoyi suddenly felt that his legs were instantly paralyzed, and at the same time, a burning heat It appeared on the crook of his leg and he screamed in pain when it was so hot. At this moment, Qi Yue kicked his supporting leg and immediately put him to the ground. He raised the broken wine bottle in his hand and stabbed it into Yan Xiaoyi's body. Unfortunately, Yan Xiaoyi is not alone now, and there is cousin Modi beside him.

With a bang, Qi Yue only felt a strong force coming from him. The wine bottle in his hand had turned into powder, but the strong force showed no sign of weakening. It went straight to his chest and hit him. At the critical moment, Qi Yue sucked his chest in Abdomen, shouted, "Come." The four-colored light flashed slightly on the chest, and it instantly condensed into a stream before the invisible attack came to the chest, blocking the airflow attack. Despite this, under the huge impact, Qi Yue's body still took seven or eight steps back and fell to the ground. What terrible leg strength! You know, Modi was still seven or eight meters away from him at this time. Fortunately, Qi Yue learned some power-changing techniques from Uncle Zhou after he woke up, and the four-attribute unification skill he learned when facing Xie Zhi was able to burst out a certain amount of energy, so he was not seriously injured by the kick.

Ming Ming's expression changed, and he stood sideways in front of Modi, "Stop it, I said, we are not enemies."

Modi said coldly: "You and I are not enemies, but he is different. Xiao Yi is my uncle's only son, but he is terminally ill because he was beaten by Qi Yue last time. . Even if my uncle cannot avenge this revenge according to the law, I will still seek justice for Xiao Yi."

After listening to Modi's words, he couldn't help being stunned. Even Qi Yue and Vole were stunned at the same time. The conflict between Qi Yue and Yan Xiaoyi was actually over a woman. Although he hated Yan Xiaoyi very much, Qi Yue But I never thought about killing him, "Teacher Modi, you have to have evidence when you speak. I just hit him twice with a brick last time. At most, it was a concussion. He is still here fine, how can you say that?" Is your illness terminal? Please don’t frame me falsely, or I’ll sue you for defamation.”

Modi looked at Qi Yue coldly, "As a teacher, I will never lie. If it weren't for this, do you think I would be willing to interfere with your fight? Xiao Yi, let him see clearly."

Yan Xiaoyi's eyes were full of grief and anger, he gritted his teeth and fiercely pulled off the hat on his head.

"Holy shit." Qi Yue stared at Yan Xiaoyi dumbfounded, unable to believe his eyes. Although he didn't want to admit it, Yan Xiaoyi was indeed much more handsome than him. However, Yan Xiaoyi now was full of weirdness. His black hair had turned into white hair. Although it was trimmed very short, that The layer of white was still extremely clear. What was even weirder was that there were two protrusions about an inch high on his forehead, which looked like two horns. These two horns plus white hair completely destroyed his forehead. hansome. Only then did Qi Yue understand why Yan Xiaoyi looked at him with such hatred.

"I didn't shoot this with a brick, right? Do I have such a strong ability?" Qi Yue looked at Yan Xiaoyi and really didn't know what to say.

Yan Xiaoyi said angrily: "Didn't you take the picture? Did I originally have it? After you hit me last time, I stayed in the hospital for a full month to recuperate. During that month, my hair quickly changed. I'm white, and I have these two protrusions. Who are you? Am I still a human being now? My dad asked the best doctor in Beijing to check me out, but nothing could be found. It's impossible to even cut these protrusions. They are actually connected to my brain nerves. If they were cut off, I would die immediately. Do you think I want to wear a hat every day? How can I see people like this?"

Modi said coldly: "Have you all seen it? Qi Yue, I don't care how you did it. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, don't even think about leaving here."

Qi Yue was stunned and said: "How do I know what is going on? What a nonsense explanation!"

Modi was furious and was about to take action when she suddenly heard laughter that sounded like silver bells. She glared angrily, "Why are you laughing? My cousin is like this, are you still making fun of him?"

She was smiling beautifully, she was a stunning beauty. When she smiled, the three men present couldn't help but look a little dumbfounded. "Sister Modi, don't be angry. I smile for a reason. In fact, I should congratulate you." You are right, there are two zodiac signs, this has rarely happened in the past history."

Mo Mo and Yan Xiaoyi didn't understand what she meant. How could Qi Yue not understand? He opened his mouth and said, "No way, Ming Ming. Could you be wrong?"

Ming Ming smiled and shook his head and said: "How could it be wrong? Yan Xiaoyi's current appearance is clearly in the early stages of awakening the zodiac bloodline. I have experienced such things before. Sister Modi, don't worry, Yan Xiaoyi's matter is ours I will help him solve it, and immediately."

Modi said inexplicably: "What do you mean, why can't I understand you?"

Ming Ming said sternly: "In our Yanhuang Republic, there are some special people. They are warriors who protect the east. Among these special people, the leader is called the Guardian of the Zodiac. They each represent the ability of the zodiac. , this is the secret in the Guardian ***, but there are no outsiders here, I am not afraid to tell you. The field mouse is Qi Yue's good brother, and I believe he will not tell it. I know it is difficult for you to believe my words. , I will prove it to you with facts. What does Yan Xiaoyi mean? The patron saint of the Chinese zodiac, Rooster, is an alienated animal."