The Twelve Zodiac Guardian Gods

Chapter 60: Beautiful teacher Wen Wei (Part 2)


This is the third update today, please collect and vote -

While imagining what might happen with the two lesbians, Qi Yue puffed up his smoke and couldn't help but feel a little carried away.

After smoking a cigarette, the sounds outside had disappeared. Only then did Qi Yue remember that it was time for him to practice. He closed the curtains in the room and sat cross-legged on the bed. After sleeping in class all morning, he was now in much better spirits. According to everything he remembered, he started the real practice of Qilin for the first time.

Energy fluctuations gradually emerged from Qi Yue's body. Among the Qilin skills he barely remembered yesterday, he chose a medium skill as the first one he wanted to practice. And every skill Qilin possesses is related to Yun Li. Inseparable, cloud power is the foundation, and skills are the methods of use. Therefore, no matter what, he must start from the Shenglin Jue practice. It is just because of the method of merging Qilin bloodline and cloud power that his training methods are somewhat different from those of the Qilin inheritors in the past.

After really starting to practice, Qi Yue was surprised to find that practice was not as boring as he originally imagined. During the process of practice, he experienced the constant changes in the blood and breath in his body due to practice, as well as the comfort brought by the body. , turned out to be very wonderful. Moreover, during the training process, he could clearly feel that the Qilin breath in his body was extremely powerful, but these breaths were immersed in his own Qilin bloodline. If he wanted to draw out these breaths and use them completely, It requires continuous practice to integrate these Qilin auras with one's own bloodline bit by bit. Only in this way can one truly master the mysteries of Qilin.

Another thing that excites Qi Yue is that in the process of practicing Shenglin Jue, his perception of the outside world will completely disappear. His consciousness is immersed in a special space, and his body is practicing Shenglin Jue. His consciousness is pondering the methods of cultivation and the characteristics of those Qilin skills. He asked Haechi why such a situation occurred. Haechi's answer was simple. It was not because he had the ability to divide his mind into two tasks, but because after the body entered the correct state of cultivation, the mind would be liberated and the body would be freed. In a semi-dormant state, the spirit is not needed. The awake spirit enters the sea of consciousness inside oneself due to the dormancy of the body. Thinking in this situation will not be interfered by the outside world, and is often much more efficient than usual. .

Haechi was also surprised. He was deeply shocked by Qilin's talent. Before Qi Yue started to practice formally, he didn't expect that Qi Yue could find the real practice method so quickly. Although it was a bit unfamiliar, although it was still It's just the beginning, but as a Qilin, a good start is definitely the key to success.

When Qi Yue woke up from his cultivation state, the sky outside had darkened. He didn't wake up after practicing on his own, but because the knock on the door aroused the consciousness that remained in his body, and he stopped after completing a Yunzhou practice.

"Who!" Qi Yue asked. After practicing all afternoon, he didn't feel much other than physical comfort. Haechi's explanation was very simple. He used some of the Qilin Arm's abilities that day, which consumed him too much. Even if he found the right way to practice, he still had to replenish the overdrawn cloud power before he could feel his four powers again. Attribute cloud power.

"It's me." Surprisingly, the person who came was not Mingming as Qi Yue imagined, but Xu Qing's voice.

Qi Yue came down from the hospital. He had not taken off his clothes during practice. When he opened the door, he saw a somewhat embarrassed Xu Qing standing outside.

Xu Qing had already changed her clothes. Her home clothes looked very loose. The pink clothes gave her a bit of charm, which made her originally fiery personality much more restrained.

"what's up?"

Xu Qing glanced at Qi Yue. She found that Qi Yue's expression had not changed much from that at noon. She couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Come and eat. Sister Yun has already prepared it."

Qi Yue smiled secretly in his heart, but said calmly on the surface: "No need to pull, I will go to the cafeteria to eat."

Xu Qing smiled proudly and said: "I knew you would say that, but you didn't even look at what time it was. The cafeteria was closed long ago. I came back from class in the afternoon and saw that your room still had the curtains drawn, so I knew you I'm sleeping. I didn't call you on purpose. Let's see how you can resist now. Come on, I don't want your food, Fela." After saying that, she pulled Qi Yue's sleeves unceremoniously and pulled him toward the living room. Go.

As soon as he came out of the room, Qi Yue smelled a tangy fragrance and couldn't help but swallowed subconsciously. There were at least seven or eight dishes on the table in the living room. They were absolutely full of color and aroma. The taste was something that only those who had tasted it Just known. There was also a large bamboo basket containing a dozen large steamed buns. It looked like they were bought from the school cafeteria.

Mingming and Shen Yun were already sitting there. Seeing Qi Yue come out, Mingming hurriedly said: "Come and eat. From now on, you will eat in the dormitory, don't go to the cafeteria. How can the big pot of rice in the cafeteria compare to Sister Yun's craftsmanship?" As for your food expenses, of course I still have to pay them, but I can lend them to you first and pay them back to me later when you start working."

Looking at the eyes of the three women, Qi Yue suddenly felt a heat in his heart and sighed secretly. It turns out that the feeling of being cared about is so wonderful. The three women were all wearing home clothes, but surprisingly, Qi Yue didn't have any obscene thoughts in his heart. He seemed to feel that this was not a dormitory, but a home, a warm home.

Without saying anything, Qi Yue sat down and said, "Thank you. I will definitely find a way to make some money as soon as possible to pay for the food." As a grown man, although the three women have good intentions, how can he do nothing but make a fool of himself? What about? Can someone with arms and legs really starve to death

Just when Qi Yue was about to start eating, there was a sudden knock on the door of the dormitory. Xu Qing let out a sigh and said, "Who could it be? No one comes here usually." She didn't even sit down, so she went directly The door opened.

"Ah -" With a shrill scream, Qi Yue was so frightened that the steamed bun he just grabbed fell into the dish. The one who reacted fastest was Ming Ming. She rushed to the door in one stride, followed closely by Qi Yue.

Xu Qing was so frightened that she almost fell to the ground. The people at the door were also frightened by her scream.

A joking voice sounded, "Am I that handsome? Don't be so surprised, are you the master's wife?"

Qi Yue frowned when he saw the person at the door. It was none other than Mingming's eldest brother Jide. No wonder Xu Qing had such a big reaction. It was already dark outside. Ji De was taller than the dormitory door. Suddenly seeing a guy with only half a head and an extremely strong body, anyone else would be scared. One jump. Today Ji De was wearing ordinary casual clothes. Even so, the invisible aura exuding from him was still amazing.

Jide lowered his head and walked in. Xu Qing was patting her chest and gasping, "Who are you? Don't you know this is a girls' dormitory?"

Jide was stunned, glanced at Qi Yue next to him, and said in surprise: "Master, isn't this the master's wife?"

Qi Yue felt funny in his heart and said: "Mom, you are so big, what are you doing here?"

Xu Qing glanced at Qi Yue with an unkind expression, "Give me an explanation. I remember telling you yesterday that outsiders are not allowed to come to our place."

Qi Yue shrugged his shoulders and said: "It has nothing to do with me, he is obviously the eldest brother."

Xu Qing and Shen Yun who walked over both looked surprised. Xu Qing murmured: "No way, how could there be a brother who looks like a gorilla?"

After hearing her words, Qi Yue couldn't help laughing, but Jide, who originally felt good about himself, suddenly had a grimace on his face, "No way, beauty, I'm so handsome, tall and mighty, and you actually said I look like a gorilla? "

Ming Ming smiled and said: "Let me introduce you, brother, this is Xu Qing, and this is Sister Shen Yun. They are both my roommates, not your teacher's wife. This is my brother Jide."

Jide sniffed, "It smells so good! You haven't started eating yet! It just so happens that I haven't eaten either."

Qi Yue was speechless for a while, thinking to himself, is the thickness of the face directly proportional to the strength of the body

Chen Yun had already recovered from his surprise, smiled slightly, and said, "Since you are Ming Ming's brother, please come in."

Several people returned to the hall. Ji De didn't seem to know what politeness meant. He sat down in Qi Yue's seat before, looking at the table of food in front of him, he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit.

"Brother, why are you here?" Ming Ming asked curiously.

Jide said: "I'm not here to see my master, but I'm also here to see you."

Only now did Xu Qing realize what Jide meant when she said "Master's wife" before. She blushed slightly and said, "He is your master? What did he teach you?"

Ji Del was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Of course it's kung fu. My master is very good."