The Twelve Zodiac Guardian Gods

Chapter 8: Perfect tattoo(medium)


Shui Yue's body froze obviously, and with a soft sound, she subconsciously slapped Qi Yue's shoulder with her palm.

The elastic feeling in his hand just filled his palm, which he always thought was big. Qi Yue subconsciously squeezed it again to confirm his true existence. Although he had been in contact with Nana for a period of time, Qi Yue had always He is the kind of person who has the heart but not the courage to do so. This is the first time for him to do such an intimate action. Shuiyue is surprised, so why shouldn't he himself be surprised

Bai Yu's slender little hand fell on Qi Yue's shoulder. Qi Yue felt a heat instantly coming from his shoulder, and his body suddenly fell back to the waist under the irresistible force. And with Shui Yue's exclamation, because she Some parts were also caught by Qi Yue's unintentional hooliganism, and he just fell on him.

"You..." Shui Yue was about to reprimand angrily when she suddenly realized that something was wrong with Qi Yue. At this time, Qi Yue, who had just woken up, fell into a coma again, his face became very red, and a faint heat radiated from his body.

"Ah! Not good." Shuiyue then remembered that in her embarrassment, she actually used the family's Duoyang Shou. Although her skill was not very strong, the Duoyang Shou was not too overbearing. But for people like Qi Yue who have no martial arts foundation, the palm just now was still too heavy. Qi Yue's hand that grasped her high parts had already loosened itself, and his whole body was emitting a gradually increasing fever in a coma.

Diyang Shou is a kind of internal martial art, a secret that is not passed down in the Shuiyue family. It is mainly used to assist treatment. Of course, Diyang Shou itself also has strong attack power and can also be used for self-defense. If she had not been the only daughter in this generation, she would not have been taught. Shuiyue has been practicing since she was very young. In more than ten years, she has achieved some success in her internal skills. Qi Yue was very surprised when he first met her. How could a young and beautiful girl like her travel a long distance to Tibet alone? He didn't expect that this innocent-looking girl was already a master.

Shui Yue couldn't help but feel anxious when she saw Qi Yue's appearance, but after all, she had studied Chinese medicine with her father since she was a child. Although she was frightened, she hurriedly took off Qi Yue's shirt. At this time, Shuiyue's strength suddenly showed, and she easily took off Qi Yue's blue top that was already full of sweat.

Qi Yue's skin has a healthy bronze color. There is no excess fat on his body, but his muscles are not obvious and appear a bit thin. Judging from Qi Yue's pulse, it is obvious that he is a little malnourished. At this time, his right shoulder has become red and swollen. A faint heat gradually emitted from the bronze skin.

Shuiyue took a deep breath. This was also the first time she encountered someone who was injured by the family's Dieyang Hand. She was very aware of the attack power of the Dieyang Hand, although previously, in a hurry, she only used one of her palms. 30% of the strength, but it is still enough to kill someone. When the Duoyang Hand is used for self-defense, the most domineering thing is the masculinity in it. Fortunately, Shuiyue is a woman and is born as Yin, so her Duoyang Hand is a bit more feminine. The attack of breath is not that fast, otherwise, the palm just now can take half of Qi Yue's life in just an instant.

Shuiyue's body floated up, as if there was no weight. She just touched the ground with one foot and came to the door. She looked out first, and then immediately locked the door. After all, a man and a woman were alone in the same room, and at this time they were all together. She took off Yue's shirt again. She never wanted this scene to be seen by others.

Returning to the bed again, Shui Yue suddenly blushed, because Qi Yue's already somewhat white jeans had a huge bulge at this time. No need to ask, Shui Yue knew what it was, after all, he was studying medicine. , she is not the little girl in Qi Yue's heart who doesn't understand anything.

Qi Yue's physiological reaction was not caused by the hand that grasped the milk dragon's claw, but by the Yang hand that stimulated his own yang energy.

Suppressing the shame in her heart, Shuiyue took out a cloth bag from her body. The cloth bag was unfolded, and it was full of various silver needles. Now she needed to help Qi Yue channel the Yang Qi that had invaded his body, so that he could Save this life.

Twisting a medium-sized silver needle, Shuiyue was about to prick it when suddenly, she saw a strange scene. A faint pattern appeared on Qi Yue's left chest. It was a deer that looked like a deer but was not. , the animal head looks like a horse but not a horse. The pattern is black. A beautiful single horn spreads from Qi Yue's heart to the collarbone. The animal head is slightly lowered. As the pattern becomes clearer, you can see that The single horn on the animal's head is in a subtle spiral shape. The animal head has silvery brown hair from head to neck, and paired with the black animal head, it looks extremely handsome.

At the beginning, only an animal head appeared, but soon, the black body began to spread. The whole body was completely black, except for the head, neck and a small part of the forelimbs, the pattern continued towards Qi Yue's body. Spreading behind.

What's this? Is it a tattoo? How could there be such a perfect tattoo

Driven by curiosity, Shuiyue carefully turned over Qi Yue's body. She was immediately stunned by what she saw. Most of Qi Yue's back had turned black, completely looking like a strange monster. , the monster has lifelike silver hair on its back from head to tail, and its black and silver horn evenly intertwined looks even more handsome. Under the black monster, there are four clouds, but these clouds look a bit dreamy. The light silver seems to be mixed with some other colors, but no matter how hard Shuiyue tries, he can't see clearly. What does it contain. The entire monster almost covered more than two-thirds of Qi Yue's back.

Shuiyue thought to herself in surprise, could this be an invisible tattoo? Dad once said that after mixing pigeon blood with some medicinal materials, the tattoo will not be visible at ordinary times. It will only appear when the blood is surging. However, it seems that pigeon blood cannot make black tattoos, and there has never been any black tattoo. Heard about the appearance of silver. How much pain and effort it takes to achieve such a detailed and large-area tattoo is possible!

Although she was confused in her heart, Shuiyue soon felt relieved. Originally, she did not quite believe that Qi Yue claimed to study body art. Although she did not read many people, she was still somewhat vigilant in her heart. Therefore, after a simple conversation, She just decided to ignore Qi Yue. The reason why she took care of Qi Yue here was entirely out of the instinct of a doctor, not because she had any good impression of Qi Yue.

However, seeing this strange tattoo and thinking about what Qi Yue said, Shui Yue couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. She thought to herself, it seems that she has judged the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and can make such a perfect one. I'm afraid only people like them who do body art can do tattoos. How did she know that it was Qi Yue who really should be ashamed? The so-called body art was naturally used to seduce an innocent little girl like her. However, Qi Yue, the big bad wolf, didn't know until he fell into coma again that he had obtained it. The prey is not that easy to touch.

Even more bizarre things continued to happen. When Shuiyue turned Qi Yue's body over again, preparing to help him relieve the damage caused by Duiyang's hand, he strangely saw the silver and black monster with one horn. Suddenly there was a layer of faint red light on its upper body. Its left front hoof, half of its side body and head were all in front of Qi Yue. At this time, Qi Yue's swollen right shoulder was gradually disappearing. It was swollen, and Qi Yue's rapid breathing gradually calmed down, and only the high spirits in his lower body still existed.

The flushing on the skin caused by the increase in temperature was also gradually decreasing. Shuiyue was surprised to catch Qi Yue's wrist veins to examine carefully. She found that the yang energy in Qi Yue's body that was originally hidden by her Yang hand was gradually disappearing. , no, to be precise, it seems that the yang energy emitted by Duiyang's hand was absorbed by his body.

This was the first time Shuiyue had encountered this situation. She did not realize that Qi Yue's body had entered a special atmosphere at this time. Although there was some pain on his face, his skin seemed to become more beautiful. He has become more flexible, and his face is no longer flushed as before, but healthy and rosy. The black monster symbol on his body is gradually disappearing, and his spirit is gradually stabilizing. Every breath becomes extremely even, even the pauses in it. There was no pause. It seemed that he had entered a strange world at some point, but all the changes were very subtle, and even if he deliberately observed them, he would probably miss them.