The Twelve Zodiac Guardian Gods

Chapter 99: Invisibility (Part 2)


Seeing this computer, the fat man's face looked as excited as if he had just talked to Qi Yue about the AV girls in the Kingdom of the Sun. He couldn't wait to take the computer out of the hidden compartment and sat down behind the boss's desk unceremoniously. The moment he turned on the computer, the look on his face suddenly became focused.

Feeling the tense atmosphere in the room, Qi Yue couldn't help but feel a little bored. Sitting alone on the sofa, perhaps sensing the change in his mood, Tianhun looked back at him and smiled, saying: "Brother, don't worry now, wait a minute." We will naturally have somewhere to go."

Qi Yue smiled and said: "It's okay. You guys are busy with your business first. It doesn't matter to me." Even if he is a ruffian, he also understands the principle of patriotism. After hearing what Mie Hun said about the importance of Dr. Guan Ping, although he was a little bored now, he would never interfere with other people's business.

Computer Soul looked up at them and smiled: "Now is my busy time. When I really take action, I have to rely on you. Damn, it is really troublesome to have satellite monitoring. It would be great if I could be invisible, and I wouldn't be needed. Spend brain cells hacking their satellites.”

Qi Yue just stood up from the sofa. When he heard Computer Soul's words, an idea flashed in his mind and he blurted out: "I have a way to become invisible."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly became the focus of the room. The computer soul looked at him in surprise, but the expressions of Tianhun and Plant Soul did not change. Ji De's expression was the most interesting. He opened his mouth wide and said: "No Master, can you even be invisible? Simple invisibility is not enough. Satellite scanning can directly scan for any traces of life. This includes monitoring from multiple aspects such as heat, breathing, etc. It does not mean that it cannot be seen from the surface. "

Qi Yue chuckled. He did not answer. He touched his chest with his right hand and made a half-turn of his body. A layer of faint dark red light and shadow floated out as he turned around. Just enough to completely wrap his body.

Only then did everyone see that Qi Yue's body had been completely wrapped in a dark red ancient cloak. An invisible smell of blood and an indescribable sense of depression floated out from the cloak and spread throughout the room. within. If it wasn't for the venue it wouldn't be ordinary. I'm afraid the smell of blood has made them unbearable.

"Come." As Qi Yue shouted, the sudden breath disappeared out of thin air. Also disappearing at the same time is Qi Yue's body. It was as if he disappeared from the air. Not a trace was left behind.

Tianhun's eyes flashed, and a white halo emanated from his body. The halo hovered in the room as if it were alive, spinning rapidly in the room like a cruise missile searching for its target.

Tianhun's face gradually changed, because he was shocked to find that his consistent exploration of the halo had not found any trace of Qi Yue, not even a breath. This has never happened before.

Qi Yue is indeed invisible, as one of the eight treasures of Qilin, although the hidden Qilin ranks last among the eight treasures of Qilin. However, its capabilities cannot be ignored. Haechi once said to Qi Yue that Qilin Yin can not only hide the body shape, but also hide all the breath of Qilin, which naturally includes the breath of life and heat energy. In fact, it has always been a mystery where Qilin Yin should be ranked among the eight treasures of Qilin. Because the energy it possesses is so weird, especially the sad breath, there are very few unicorns that can use unicorn concealment, and there is no unicorn or unicorn inheritor who can conceal all its energy. Therefore, its power is always mysterious.

Invisibility, the first is to use invisibility, Qi Yue himself also thinks it is very magical. When he looked down, his body had disappeared. Qilin Yin does not require a large amount of his cloud power like Qilin Chi, and it can only last for a very short few seconds. When his cloud power was injected into Qilin Yin, he immediately felt as if his body was wrapped in a thin layer of energy. Although Yunli is gradually being consumed, the consumption rate is very slow, but all Yunli is completely locked by Qilin Yin. Qi Yue knows that as long as his cloud power is not used for other purposes, before the cloud power is completely consumed, he can continue to maintain his current appearance without being discovered by anyone.

"It's amazing, Master, how did you do it." Jide seemed a little excited, staring at the position where Qi Yue was standing before and sighed.

In a flash of light, the dark red cloak disappeared without leaving a trace. Qi Yue reappeared in everyone's sight, "This is the secret of the Guardian of the East. However, I think my invisibility ability should be able to evade satellites." I don’t have much ability in monitoring, so if this ability can be of any help to you, just let me know.”

Tianhun took a deep look at Qi Yue and said: "I believe you can do it. My exploration halo has the ability similar to satellite positioning. It can also find the breath of life, and my mental power has been locked on you. But , it’s really amazing that you still couldn’t find your location after you became invisible just now. It seems that the choice to invite Brother Qi to come with us this time is really the right one.”

Mianyang looked at Qi Yue in shock. Even now, he can't believe that everything before was true. He rubbed his eyes and said: "Oh my God! It turns out that you are from the Eastern Guardian. No wonder God Captain Soul is so confident."

Tianhun said: "Now that we have a way to deal with satellite surveillance, our actions will be much easier."

Mieyang walked to Computer Soul, pulled out the electronic map that Tianhun had requested from the computer, and explained it to Computer Soul in detail. Tianhun walked up to Qi Yue and patted him on the shoulder, with admiration shining in his eyes.

Qi Yue somewhat enjoys this feeling. In the past, he was often ignored by others, but today he has become the focus of everyone's attention here. Although he also knew that his ability was far from strong enough, at least he was already a useful person. He is no longer the useless ruffian he used to be.

Miehun walked in from the outside and nodded to Tianhun. Miehun smiled slightly and said: "Brother Qi has proved his ability to us just now. I see. You can stay here for the next few days. In order to rescue Dr. Guan Ping, I can only wrong you first."

Qi Yue asked curiously: "There are so many desks outside, are there no staff?"

Mie Ri said: "Of course, but we are all our own people. We have been running this company for almost ten years. You'd better not leave easily."

Tianhun smiled and said: "No, we not only have to go out. But we also have to appear outside frequently before taking action. Although your company has been operating for a long time, I also believe that you have laid a solid foundation here. However, these are extraordinary times. If the Sun Kingdom government is cautious enough, I think their surveillance scope will expand to every corner of the capital. If we have not appeared outside since we came in, it will not be good if we arouse suspicion. Computer Soul stays here, we go outside to find a hotel to live in, and the contact is directly through the Shenzhou 9 satellite. Before the operation begins, we try not to come here again. Computer Soul, you transfer the information here into the computer Then meet us directly at the hotel.”

The computer soul chuckled and said: "The boss is still thoughtful. After all, we are entering the country as tourists. Okay, let's do it. You go ahead and inform me of the location directly when you come back." As he said. He also gave Qi Yue a warm and ambiguous smile.

Mianyang frowned and said, "Is this appropriate? Captain Tianhun, your safety is very important, I..."

Tianhun stopped him from continuing, touched the colorful hair on his head, smiled slightly, and said: "Being cautious is a good thing, but being overly cautious can easily reveal flaws. Don't worry, this is not the first time we have performed a mission. I have Proper. Mieyang, after we leave, you must transfer the information left here as soon as possible. Wait for my notification. Once the mission is completed, you will evacuate here immediately. Do you understand? "

Mieyang said sternly: "Yes, Captain Tianhun."

Tianhun picked up his simple luggage next to him and said: "Okay, let's go first. The Yanhuang is prosperous, and the soul is floating in the nine states."

When a few people left the office building and returned to the streets of Sunland, Qi Yue couldn't help but smile: "It's so exciting. I didn't expect that I'd become addicted to being an agent."

Jide said: "Is it very enjoyable? Why don't I feel it? Master, do you have any other tricks? After all, I am also your only great disciple, why don't you teach it to me too!"

Looking at the flattering smile on Ji De's face, Qi Yue said angrily: "Won't I introduce all your masters to you?"

Ji De said: "But, I want to learn the method you just used to hide all your own aura. If I learn it, it will be much easier to perform tasks in the future."

Qi Yue was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help laughing, "So you want to learn invisibility! It's easy."

"Easy? Then teach me quickly." Upon hearing this, Jide suddenly became excited. Even the Heavenly Soul and Plant Soul on the side also cast their attention on Qi Yue.

Qi Yue chuckled and said: "Of course it's easy. From now on, if you recite the word "invisibility" ten thousand times a day for twenty years, you will probably have some success."

The smile on Jide's face froze, "Twenty years..., Master, may I ask what your age is this year?"

Qi Yue snorted and said: "I am a genius, can you compare with me?"

Jide looked at Qi Yue in confusion, and after a long time he said: "Master, I found out that you are the second most powerful person."

"Ri, you are only two." Qi Yue wanted to knock Jide on the head, but he immediately gave up the idea because of Jide's extraordinary height, and said angrily: "No one is big or small, but you still want to learn Invisibility?"

Jide smiled bitterly and said: "Master, please stop playing tricks on me. Do you want to teach me or not?"

Qi Yue said: "Teach, of course teach! Didn't I already tell you the method of cultivation?"

Ji De stared at Qi Yue and said: "Master, I, I..."

"What are you doing? Do you think anyone can learn invisibility! Do you know what it means to be a genius? Have you ever heard of what it means to be gifted? I am your master. Only people as handsome and tall as your master Only young talents who are mighty and graceful can learn it. You! You are still far behind."

Tianhun on the side had already laughed, the plant soul was making a vomiting gesture, and its big watery eyes were also full of smiles.

"My God, Master, you are so disgusting."

As if by magic, Qi Yue took out a plastic bag from his pocket and handed it to Jide, "Go and spit it out, everyone will stop you."

Jide looked up to the sky and sighed, "Oh my God! Let me find a piece of tofu and kill him."

Tianhun laughed and said: "Okay, don't make trouble. Brother Qi, to be honest, if you are really willing to spread the secret of invisibility, I think I can agree to all your requests within the normal range on behalf of the country. ." He naturally knew very well the value of invisibility, especially the invisibility technique that could completely hide one's own breath. Although he knew that the possibility of this secret skill being spread was very small, he couldn't help but express his thoughts.

Qi Yue knew that the joke should not be taken too far, and said seriously: "If it can really be passed on, I will not be stingy. You may not believe it, but I have always relied on state subsidies to survive.

If there is anything I can do to repay the country, I am naturally willing to do it. Unfortunately, this invisibility technique can only be practiced by myself. To put it simply, it is indeed a matter of talent. I think, as members of Yanhuang Soul, you should know that many of our Eastern Guardians’ abilities are innate. For example, I know an Eastern Guardian who has the spiritual power of Soul Storm, or her abilities are somewhat similar to those of Brother Tianhun. "

He had seen Tianhun use his abilities several times. Although Qi Yue could not accurately grasp what his abilities were, he could vaguely feel that the abilities he displayed should be closely related to his mental power. Of course, Chen Yun's psychic storm is obviously not comparable to Tianhun, but at least judging from the performance of his abilities, they should be from the same source.

Tianhun was stunned for a moment, sighed, and said: "I have also thought of such a possibility. Yes! Whether it is your ancient guardians of the East or us, the acquired superpowers, they all have an extremely important relationship with talent. . I have heard before that the inheritance of your Eastern Guardians is not only as simple as talent, but also blood inheritance is very important. What a pity! If the Eastern Guardians are as willing to help our country as Brother Qi, I think, Our Yanhuang Republic will definitely become stronger. Unfortunately, it is too difficult to inherit this bloodline. It is difficult to imagine what methods are needed to inherit your ability."

Qi Yue chuckled and said: "There is no way. If I can have a hundred beauties to be my wives, maybe one of my children will have my abilities in the future."