The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 10: From forty-nine years later...the murder weapon!


There was a soft "chi" sound, and the five black gun muzzles sprayed out long fiery red flames at the same time, but the sound that fell on people's ears was only one sound. It is conceivable that the elites of the Delta Special Forces are trained, but what they aimed at was a two-storey villa about a hundred meters behind Sheyan. Clothes were scattered and flying, and there were even remnants of flesh and blood, but this body was able to do a backflip in mid-air, and raised a uniquely shaped "Uzi" submachine gun in his hand, aiming at it from a distance. come over.

"Da da da! Da da da! Da da da!"

As the light flashed slightly, the large police vehicle was filled with smoke, and there was a row of neat bullet holes! After the guy was hit by the concentrated fire of the Delta Special Forces, he was able to adjust his balance in the air and counterattack! What's even more frightening is that the Uzi submachine gun can only be used in short-distance street fighting because of its extremely fast rate of fire, but this guy can actually shoot such a precise flat shooting effect from a distance of 100 meters. One can imagine the superb!

who is he

The black shadow immediately hid in the shooting blind spot after landing, making it impossible for the Delta Special Forces to pursue it. In the blink of an eye, another figure jumped out of the window of the two-storey villa in the distance, and ran towards the direction of the Delta Special Forces. Fang Sheyan has seen this person before, and it is the bearded man who passed by Fang Senyan when he just entered this world!

"By the way, I remember that when I approached this area, I got a reminder that I was the second contractor to activate the regional plot."

Fang Sheyan's eyes narrowed suddenly, flashing a cunning light, he saw that the police and the Delta Special Forces had no time to take care of him, instead he was not in a hurry to leave, and his thoughts flashed in an instant:

"So, this bearded man should be the first to activate the regional mission here? Is that black shadow that dared to resist the gunfire of the Delta Special Forces... the Terminator? It seems that this T-750 model sent by Skynet Obviously, the one I met was good at melee combat, but I have never seen it used in firearms, so it should be its weakness, so... the weakness of this Terminator who is good at shooting should be in melee combat ?”

After hesitating for a moment, the large police vehicle had no intention of stopping, and sped straight towards the direction where the Terminator T-750 landed. Fang Senyan was about to step on the accelerator of the motorcycle when he suddenly saw a little blood spilling on the ground, his heart skipped a beat again, as if he had grasped something crucial, but he didn't stop here, the motorcycle made a big bend and headed towards the road next to him. An alley turned into it.

Sheyan got off the car at the end of the alley, and pried open a door next to him. The owner of the house is not at home, which saves Sheyan a lot of effort. Fang Senyan came to the bathroom, washed the blood and dust from head to toe, then took off his clothes and looked in the mirror to heal his injuries, then began to examine the body after killing the melee-type Terminator T-750. , some related unfamiliar information from feedback.

The first thing to deal with is of course the summoning key. Sheyan held it in his hand and looked at it carefully. He found that it was similar to an ordinary key, but its color was blue-gray, and the surface had a clear luster like stainless steel. There are also dense patterns distributed on it, which seems to have both a sense of future technology and a precipitation that carries the historical years.

Sheyan tried to concentrate on it, and the key emitted a soft light, and a box with exactly the same color as the surface of the key appeared in front of him. The box was about the size of a suitcase. Sheyan inserted the key into the lock, and the box popped open automatically without turning the lid. Two items appeared inside:

Cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton (left hand part) (incomplete)

Place of Origin: The Ninth Assembly Line of Workshop No. 71, Tianwang, Michigan.

Equipment Rarity: White

Equipment Effect: Increase your unarmed attack power by 3~33 points.

Equipment requirements: strength value 10 points, stamina 8 points.

Equipment location: hand

Material: Cobalt steel alloy and hardened.

Additional Devices: Flesh Plastic Skin (function has been lost). Magnetic weapon detection attachment system (missing necessary components)

Weight: 4.8 kg.

Length: 352 mm

This type of weapon has a special effect: when attacking, there is a certain chance to ignore the enemy's defense.

Equipment can be repaired 0/1 times. (Equipment level can be upgraded after repair)

Verdict: It's actually not that hard to fix - if you can go to 2029 and get on good terms with Skynet.

Combat score of this equipment: 12

Main CPU chip (defective)

Origin: Assembly Department 7, Workshop 24, Skynet, Michigan.

Item Rarity: Light Blue

Equipment Location: Miscellaneous/Backpack

Weight: 3.77 grams.

Length: 32mm

Use: You will be given a side quest.

Sell: You will get 400 utility points.

Evaluation: In the eyes of some idiots, this thing is garbage, and in the eyes of some idiots, this thing is the whole world.

Fang Sheyan looked at these two things, and equipped the cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton without hesitation, but the appearance looked very strange, it seemed that the entire left hand had become an oversized skull metal palm of the Terminator generally. (Similar to the hand of a saint warrior after wearing the holy clothes) Fortunately, he later discovered that the nightmare mark can provide a camouflage ability. As long as he does not fight with others, he can disguise this piece of equipment as an ordinary glove, so You don't have to worry about going out on the street to shock the world at any time.

After coming into contact with the cobalt-steel alloy exoskeleton, the Mark of Nightmare also gave a prompt: Do you want to repair the equipment with the materials at hand? whether. It is found that you currently do not have any repair ability, and you only have extremely crude tools and materials. The probability of repairing this piece of equipment is 0.03%. Repair times 0/1.

Sheyan naturally clicked No immediately. Obviously, this piece of equipment only has one chance to repair, if it is wasted, it will be lost forever. And no matter how stupid I am, I can't bet on the 0.03% chance.

Then he waved his left fist a few times, feeling that the power of his fist had obviously improved greatly, and nodded in satisfaction. Then he picked up the broken chip, and immediately got a reminder from the Mark of Nightmare, asking him if he wanted to accept the related task, Sheyan hesitated for a moment, and then chose to accept.

Side Quest: Contact.

Difficulty factor: F

Task objective: Give this chip to Vincent engineer of Sebotine Computer Company for viewing.

Task hint: Engineer Vincent always likes to settle his three meals a day at Buster's Steakhouse on the right side of the company.

Mission suggestion: Vincent is a stubborn and paranoid guy, trying to convince him is a very futile act.

Mission Duration: None

"Sebotin Computer Company?" Fang Sheyan's memory is always very good, he immediately recalled, isn't this the company that created "Skynet"? This company has a very close cooperative relationship with the US military in many high-tech fields, so it has a very detached position in the entire United States. This task is actually to deal with the senior engineer of this company by yourself

Fang Senyan pondered for a while, then decided to temporarily put this task on hold. Before doing this task, you need to learn more about the information about Sebotine Computer Company and that Vincent engineer. The previous event that suddenly triggered the Terminator was beyond his expectation, so it is not wrong to be cautious. This way, many dangers may be avoided, and many additional benefits may be obtained.

At this time Sheyan got another reminder:

"You killed the Terminator T-750 by yourself, did you spend 100 utility points to obtain the detailed information of this type of Terminator? Yes/No"

Sheyan hesitated for a moment, after all, he already had a general understanding of the general capabilities of the Terminator T-750, but after thinking about it carefully, he still chose to obtain detailed information. After all, this should be helpful for understanding the final boss terminator T-800 in this world. Even if you can only get one valuable thing from this information, it is worth the money. After he confirmed it, a box popped up in front of him again, listing the relevant details.