The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 104: Historical script battlefield


At this time, Fang Sheyan still had a few pounds to spare, so he ran all over the bars in Tutuga Port, but he only drank three kinds of "Langlik Lime" and "Lemon Hartau" ( lemonhart) rum" and "Mulan Tan". But fortunately, I also got news about two other wines. Lambs potato rum can be obtained on the British warships moored in the port. Rum collection.

But because of these two news, Sheyan's wallet has shrunk significantly again. At this time, Sheyan once again felt the importance of having a high charisma value. This is not only a matter of saving money, but also can save a lot of time, and even get more and richer information at a lower cost... However, Sheyan looked helplessly at his single-digit charm value and shook his head. Although this value is not the lowest at this time, it is still far from enough for me!

The importance of the team is also highlighted at this time. I believe that if Kerry is in the team, they will naturally be able to select the most charismatic people to inquire about intelligence. Such a clear division of labor and internal cohesion will undoubtedly greatly reduce the difficulty of the task. Digging deeper and faster.

but! A team is important, but Sheyan wants a team that can be completely under his control! If his own status is in the embarrassing position of "others eat meat and I drink soup", the fate of becoming an abandoned child at any time is definitely not what he wants.

After shaking his head, Sheyan forced himself to put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind. He was continuing to collect information in the streets of the port, and when he checked the movement of the guards in Turtuga Port, the three legendary pirate ships moored at the port suddenly raised skull flags! And then the cannons were fired, the cannons were very regular, three long and two short, and before the smoke cleared, horns of various colors sounded on the ships, only the Flying Dutchman was blown out of a huge conch shell.

Sheyan was startled when he heard the sound of the cannon. He immediately thought that the pirates had reached a consensus to launch an attack on Tutuga Port directly, but he immediately rejected this proposal in his mind. Because no matter from all aspects, the time to attack and loot Tutuga Port is far from ripe! It is impossible for the pirates who are originally a mess to form an alliance to reach a consensus with such efficiency! So, speaking of it this way, it should be a contractor who triggered some large-scale emergency!

At this time, it can be seen from a distance: "The Bell and Wineglass" has also started to hoist the sails, and the sailor's one-eyed Calon is also raising his head on the watchtower, blowing the horn made of buffalo horn vigorously. What exactly does this mean, but it is always right to return to the ship immediately.

When Sheyan boarded the deck of the Bell and Wineglass, he immediately received a reminder from the nightmare mark:

"Authentication passed..."

"Contractor No. 1018 has been approved by Armand, and his current status is: crew member of the pirate ship Bell and Wineglass."

"Contractor No. 1018 has obtained the qualification to enter the battlefield of the historical script: The Destruction of the Armada (Prologue)."

"Contractor 1018, do you want to follow the pirate ship Bell and Goblet into the battlefield of the historical scenario: The Destruction of the Armada (Prologue)? Yes/No."

Historical plot explanation: With the advent of the age of great exploration, Spain relied on the navy to plunder a lot of wealth. By the end of the sixteenth century, 83% of the world's precious metal mining was obtained by Spain. These wealth undoubtedly greatly stimulated domestic prosperity. In order to protect its sea lines of communication and its overseas interests, Spain established a powerful naval force with nearly 100 warships, more than 3,000 cannons, and tens of thousands of soldiers. Fleet, which roams the Mediterranean and Atlantic Oceans, proudly calls itself the "Invincible Fleet".

When Britain rose, it seriously threatened Spain's monopoly on the colonies and aroused the hatred of King Philip II of Spain. At that time, Britain's maritime strength was not strong enough to match the Spanish fleet. It could only rely on pirate groups to attack and rob Spanish ships carrying gold and silver at sea to carry out piracy activities. The British Royal Fleet took the opportunity to grow slowly. The contradiction between the two cannot be reconciled after all.

In order to compete for maritime supremacy, Spain and Britain engaged in a fierce and spectacular naval battle that attracted worldwide attention. In this naval battle, Spain clearly had an absolute advantage. Unexpectedly, the outcome of this naval battle ended in a devastating defeat for Spain, and the "Invincible Fleet" was almost wiped out. Since then, Spain has declined sharply, and the status of "sea supremacy" has been replaced by Britain.

And the historical script battlefield that is about to be experienced at this time is the prologue of this magnificent sea battle!

Faced with such a huge opportunity, Sheyan naturally clicked Yes without thinking, and a series of reminders were given again:

"Historical Scenario Battlefield: The Fall of the Armada (Prologue)"

"Three merchant ships sailing from the New World are sailing a hundred nautical miles away. Their cabins are filled with gold, emeralds, and treasures looted from the New World. Because the draft is too deep, their speed is very slow. A slow pirate ship can easily overtake it."

"However, the owner of the merchant ship, Fernandez, is an extremely shrewd person. He realized the huge risks in the voyage process when he set sail, so he spent a lot of money to hire four warships in the Armada to escort him. After a long voyage Afterwards, most of the journey home passed. Unfortunately, at this time, they were spotted by a fast sailing ship of the Royal Navy. Aboard. The Endeavor quickly told the news to the pirates docked at the port of Turtuga. The two sides formed a temporary alliance and set sail to catch up with the Spaniards... "

Here I have to mention the delicate relationship between the Royal Navy and pirates at this time. Under normal circumstances, it is illegal for pirates to plunder merchant ships, which means that the relationship between them is destined to be like that between the police and the pirates. Thieves are generally opposites. However, some pirates are themselves the run-down nobles of the United Kingdom, and they usually have a "private certificate" issued by the Queen of England, which means that as long as they do not rob their own ships, they are legally protected by Great Britain—or rob their own ships. As long as the ship does not leak the news. Such pirates are usually allies of the British Navy. And even those pirates who did all kinds of evil, as long as they are willing to change their minds and show sincerity, and donate part of the plundered wealth to the Queen of England, they can still get a title!

If all these factors are entangled, it is very simple to say: the British navy and the pirates are internal contradictions among the people, and the two sides have something to talk about, but the Armada is the enemy of both sides, and it is an external contradiction between the enemy and ourselves. Therefore, after Endeavor found it difficult to deal with this fat and oily Spanish fleet, it was logical to leak this information to the pirates, and both sides knew everything about it! In the face of huge interests, it is natural to hit it off and form a temporary alliance to work hand in hand!

The sea wind was strong, and the sails of the Bell and Wineglass were full of wind and swelled up, pushing the ship forward at high speed through the wind and waves. The hull of this medium-sized North Sea three-masted square sailing ship looks slender, and with the ramming angle of the bow, it looks like a flying fish with wide gray and dark blue stripes gliding at high speed, crashing through the waves and leaping out of the water from time to time , and gliding flat against the sea from time to time, appearing light and elegant.

At this moment, the ship was full of tension. The gunners were constantly checking the loaded ammunition. They had to place the gunpowder barrels in a convenient and not easy to hit position. The one-eyed dragon Caron was yelling loudly at the sailors. Sharpen the edge of the sword. For the bells and goblets that focus on speed, it is obvious that hand-to-hand combat is the main offensive method of these pirates. A perverted ship like Endeavor, which is equipped with nearly two hundred cannons, naturally uses its firepower advantage to blast the enemy to collapse.

At this time, Fang Senyan became the object of everyone's attention. These pirates saw too many strong men on land shriveled into soft-legged shrimps and vomited a mess on the swaying ship. Most people are dissatisfied with his murderous behavior, so there are many people who are watching the jokes. Who would have thought that Fang Sheyan was walking on the swaying deck like a car, which was better than strolling in the garden, and he was tying sail ropes and reinforcing the sides for others everywhere. He looked like a familiar hand who had lived at sea for a long time.