The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 105: lure


After knowing this series of detailed information about the mountain monster, Fang Senyan had a solid foundation in his mind, and began to prepare for his own job, intending to lure this monster into a trap. Of course he wouldn't be so stupid as those idiots from the Symbiosis Society said, just take the bloody dead deer to the entrance of the cave and make fun of his own life. Instead, it lurked far away, cut the deer into bloody four parts from the space of the nightmare imprint, and then dropped the first piece of meat on the road three hundred meters away from the mountain monster's lair.

Fang Senyan observed the movement for a while, and confirmed that the mountain monster should not have noticed the lump of meat, and then continued to move forward, laying down the lump of meat on the road at a distance of 150 meters.

The mountain monster remained silent.

Fang Sheyan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, advanced to the 75 meters, and waited for a while, faintly heard the mountain monster humming in the lair, but fell asleep again. It seems that this place should be close to the critical point, so Sheyan placed the previously cut venison carcasses on the road at intervals of 50 meters. Place one piece at 100 meters, then Sheyan stood at the critical point of 75 meters, and threw the last piece of venison in his hand into the mountain monster's lair.

His strength at this time is at least 13 points, nearly three times that of ordinary people. This large piece of bloody venison was thrown nearly 30 meters away by him, and the fat nose of the mountain monster that was sleeping soundly flapped a few times He jumped up immediately, let out a low and greedy roar from the depths of his throat, then stood up crookedly and strode out.

It's normal, the mountain monster naturally found that piece of delicious flesh, and immediately grabbed it greedily, ignoring the dripping mud and water, chewing and swallowing. Blood and muddy water flowed down the corner of the monster's mouth, making it look extremely terrifying. The mountain monster's appetite is astonishing. This large piece of meat weighs more than ten catties, but to it, it seems to be just enough to fit between its teeth. After eating, the mountain monster is refreshed, sleepless, and fat Flapping his nostrils greedily again, he found another large lump of meat placed on the road fifty meters away, and immediately rushed towards it with rumbling strides.

When the mountain monster found the fourth piece of venison, Sheyan had bought himself a safe time of 200 meters. Of course, it's not that Sheyan didn't consider the possibility of cutting the deer into smaller pieces and leading it back to the trap, but in this case, if the deer's body was cut into too small pieces, then the mountain monster would simply ignore it, in vain This prey was wasted. Maybe it's also a good idea to kill more large prey to make more bait, unfortunately this is also the habitat of the centaurs, these wind-moving herd humanoids also have the habit of killing large animals, around the Forbidden Forest All large and medium-sized creatures have been hunted down, and even small animals such as hares are almost extinct, so Sheyan and his group of contractors have no way to catch prey nearby, and even the deer used as bait is from the Symbiosis Society The boss did his best to get it from afar.

When the last part of the poor deer disappeared into the mouth of the mountain monster, Fang Sheyan sighed and slapped the shoe. He inserted five needles into the side of the shoe. This insignificant injury was successful. Activated the attributes of the Obsidian Fossil Anchor, bringing him to his strongest state! He came out from behind the hidden tree, and finally he was going to face this powerful and stinking huge monster. Once faced with the moving mountain monster, Sheyan immediately felt an extremely strong sense of danger. Obviously, his 14-point perception was giving an early warning, but his eyes were focused directly, and he abandoned all distracting thoughts without distraction!

The mountain monster roared excitedly after seeing the fresh food! But Sheyan turned around and fled without hesitation. Although the crisis hit at this time, Fang Senyan felt an indescribable feeling all over his body, as if he had been injected with stimulants, and his thoughts were extraordinarily clear. This made him have a strong desire to conquer the upcoming danger! This has nothing to do with personal strength, but is determined by each person's innate personality and characteristics. Even in the real world, such people often appear: the stronger the opponent, the bigger the scene, and the heavier the pressure, the better the performance of this kind of people, they are born for big scenes!

The rain was still cold, but in the midst of the rain, Sheyan turned his head and threw a black, round object the size of an orange flying out, trailing a long string of smoke behind it. This is a grenade! An S-G3 fragment ceramic grenade called "Infantry Nightmare"!

After the grenade flew for a distance of twenty meters, it fell into the muddy water, right between the mountain monster's thick legs.

The huge monster was stunned, and curiously stretched out its hand to hold the thing, and then raised it to its eyes.

There was a loud "boom", and the mountain monster's mournful and painful roar shook the leaves of the whole forest, and the grenade exploded in front of its eyes, and thousands of fragments flew, hitting its head. A series of horrific wounds were drawn on the body, and light blue blood gushed out, causing the mountain monster to hold his head and shake it non-stop. After a while, he raised his head, and a pair of bloodshot triangular eyes were full of viciousness. With hatred, he aimed at Fang Sheyan, who had already started to flee in the distance, and chased frantically.

Sheyan ran with all his strength, but he soon discovered to his surprise that the distance between himself and the monster was still mercilessly shortening!

His movement speed at this time mainly comes from three points: one is the 10 points of agility he brings, which is the main source of his own speed, one is the 28% speed bonus of endless vodka, and one is the basic footstep LV4 Increase. In terms of conversion, Sheyan's movement speed at this time should be equivalent to the movement speed of a 15-point agility, almost twice that of a mountain monster with 8-point agility! Why can't it run away from the mountain monster

After careful observation, Fang Senyan realized that the road that the mountain monster stepped on was already muddy and slippery due to the torrential rain at this time. When Fang Senyan was running on it, he slipped and fell step by step, and his moving speed dropped in disguise. at least 1/3. After the mountain monster's naked and wide feet stepped on it, mud and water splashed everywhere, and it sank deeply at least a foot below. Yan took three steps! This is the main reason why the mountain monster can surpass him in speed.

To give a very simple example, if Sheyan runs 100 meters on this road, he needs to take 100 steps, and every step has a 1/10 chance of slipping and slowing down, so Sheyan will slip and fall during this 100 meters. 10 times while slowing down. And if the mountain monster runs the 100 meters, it only needs to take 30 steps.

And its wide soles lead to strong balance, and there is only a 1/20 chance of slipping with each step. Calculated, the mountain monster would only slip and fall once in the 100 meters. Under the ebb and flow, it is expected that it will naturally be caught up - of course, this time shows that when the basic footsteps of LV4 were extracted at that time, the additional feature: the deceleration effect received in harsh terrain (desert, swamp...) is reduced 33% of the importance.

The sound of "dong dong" coming from behind became louder and louder, and the ground trembled slightly. Although Fang Senyan did not turn his head back, the strong stench coming from his nose showed that the mountain monster chasing after him was close at hand . Fortunately, some small arrangements made by Sheyan when he came here were effective at this time, he turned suddenly, deviated from the road and fell into the nearby bushes!

The bushes by the roadside were not the kind of large shrubs with strong paralyzing toxicity, but they also grew very thick and lush. If people want to walk normally in the middle, then they have to carry a cutting knife to open the way. But for monsters like mountain monsters with terrifying power, rough skin and thick flesh, they can rampage unscrupulously during the period, and these shrubs have little effect. Therefore, Fang Senyan's behavior of leaving the main road directly was courting death under normal circumstances.

However, Sheyan has already made arrangements! After he plunged into the bushes next to him, he bent his legs slightly, and kicked hard! The mud with a radius of ten square meters under his feet suddenly sprayed and splashed in all directions, shooting seven or eight meters away. He also jumped high with the force of this kick, and with a cold light flashed in his hand, he used an ordinary dagger to cut off the wood that had been bound in advance. The vines in the middle of the tree flew more than ten meters between the trees like Tarzan the ape, and then returned to the previous road after several jumps and swings. But at this moment, Sheyan opened the distance between him and the mountain monster again, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After Sheyan repeated this behavior several times, the mountain monster let out an extremely angry roar, suddenly stopped and stopped chasing, but stretched its thick arms and grabbed a big tree next to it! It bared its yellow teeth, sticky saliva flowed continuously from the gaps between the teeth, the blood vessels on the thick arms protruded one by one, and then felt the ground began to tremble uneasy, the plant The big tree swayed and screamed from the roots, and then a huge pit appeared on the ground with a crash, and the mud splashed! This big tree was actually uprooted!

The mountain monster gnawed and gnawed off the canopy of the big tree, held it in his hand and waved it a few times, obviously very satisfied, then looked at Sheyan in the distance and let out a roar, dragged his weapon again and chased after him. Go, where this mountain monster passed by, the big feet trampled on the ground and the muddy water sprayed everywhere, even the trees on both sides of the road were covered with muddy water, almost like a giant sprinkler passing by , It is simply infinite power!