The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 106: Soul equipment


This is a metal wine jug, which has been blackened due to its age. It is also engraved with the story of David in the Bible. The surface is covered with a furry leather case, which looks a bit primitive and desolate. Another kind of simple elegance. Fang Sheyan has seen this kind of small box-like wine jug in the real world, and it is usually used by Russians to hold strong vodka. They believe that in cold weather, by the pleasant water, on the balcony shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun, it is definitely a kind of happiness to drink a sip of good wine that has been preserved for many years. Even if it is the same kind of wine, it has a better and different taste when placed in a small flagon. Perhaps, this taste has already added elements of leisure, enjoyment, delicacy, and warmth in life, and even added a kind of proud feeling of being proud of the cold.

"Huh?" Sheyan's hand touched the silver-white jug, and he found that it was made of metal, and even felt that the back was a little uneven. When he turned it over, he saw a red five-star printed on it. , embossed with the words Republic of the Soviets, Victory in Stalingrad. Suspicion suddenly arose in his heart. This is obviously the world of the Caribbean Sea, how could it be involved in the Battle of Stalingrad during World War II? But a series of prompts appeared immediately after the nightmare imprint:

"You are looking at Soul Gear: Endless Vodka."

"When the contractor dies in the nightmare world, the equipment/props on his body also have a probability (about 10%) to be obtained by the plot characters in this world. Among the equipment obtained by the plot characters, the contractor's death is often left A trace of obsession left over from before. After a period of time, it became soul equipment."

"Soul equipment has the following characteristics:"

"Usually, after obtaining the soul equipment, it cannot be used immediately. The owner will receive a task. This task is usually completed in the real world. It is the last wish of the owner of this equipment before death."

"Soul equipment can be carried out of the nightmare space and play a role in the real world."

"Because the soul equipment was once used as a container of obsession and soul, it was imprisoned forever and could not be strengthened in any way."

Looking at this series of explanations, Fang Sheyan felt a lot of emotions in his heart, and was at a loss. Because soul equipment is just like its name, it is something that carries the last wish of the dead. Even Fang Senyan, who had been trained to be very tenacious at this time, felt a faint sense of sadness when facing this piece of equipment. He even had a desolate thought uncontrollably:

That is, which piece of equipment will I entrust after I die

Fang Senyan's brief absence undoubtedly fell into the eyes of old Barry, who was immediately overjoyed, and did not make a sound to urge him. The longer Sheyan looked at it, the more he paid attention to it. It is more convenient for the old Barry to seek the maximum profit. With the further scanning of the nightmare imprint, the attributes of this soul equipment were revealed:

Endless Vodka (inactive)

Place of Origin: No. 2 Hardware Factory in Stalingrad, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Equipment rarity: dark blue

Equipment effect: excitement (active), after activation, your own running/walking speed will be increased by an additional 25%, and the duration will be 24 hours.

Tips: This effect disappears when you take damage, and the skill cooling time ends after five minutes.

Tip: This effect does not stack with other effects that increase movement speed. (Except for movement speed boosted by base footsteps)

Equipment Requirements: None

Equipment location: Backpack (carry it to take effect)

Material: Stainless steel mixed with silver

Weight: 34 grams.

This kind of props comes with special effects: after drinking a big gulp of vodka, you can get the effect of instantly recovering 20 points of life, and temporarily increasing the speed of life recovery by 20%.

Tip: A single drink of less than 100ml of vodka will not produce any lifting effect.

Tip: It takes 3 seconds to drink vodka each time. Once attacked, the endless vodka will burn, invalidate the recovery effect and deduct 40 points of health from the drinker.

This type of prop comes with special effects: every 24 hours, the vodka contained in it will be automatically refilled.

Evaluation: Although this thing is small, the vodka inside can make you drink at least three sips.

Combat score of this equipment: 15

Using this piece of soul equipment will give you a task, and you must complete this task before you can gain the right to use this equipment.

Sheyan had to admit that this piece of soul equipment was the most powerful item he had seen so far. It is the only piece of equipment that has the ability to instantly restore health. Sheyan also noticed that the soul equipment can be brought back to the real world, and in the real world, Sheyan may have to face such vicious gangsters as Hua Shanfei, so there is no doubt that this item is very important for him. It means a lot to him!

Sheyan put "Endless Vodka" in the palm of his hand and tossed it, then glanced at Barry, and said in surprise:

"anything else?"

Old Barry bounced up like a shot rabbit, and shouted:

"what else?"

Fang Senyan said in astonishment:

"Don't you think it's a naive idea that you can exchange the heart of a rotting soul corpse with just this broken flagon?"

Old Barry's facial muscles twisted for a while, his fists were clenched, and he said with a look that seemed to be eating people:

"Don't go too far."

Sheyan said leisurely:

"Maybe I should listen to Blackbeard's offer."

Old Barry laughed angrily and said:

"Okay, okay, okay, you go! I'll be right here waiting to see what happens when you get thrown overboard with your bare butt!"

Sheyan didn't say much, and threw the "Endless Vodka" back to him, and walked straight towards the Queen Anne's Revenge. However, he was also a bit uneasy, because the gaffe he saw in the soul equipment just now had already fallen into the eyes of Old Barry, if he didn't suppress his arrogance, he might be beaten severely by him. At this time, Sheyan's actions were also a bet of patience with Barry. Obviously, under such circumstances, whoever could not help but speak first would fall into the opponent's rhythm.

One step, two steps, ten steps, twenty steps! Fang Senyan frowned secretly, thinking to himself, did he really miscalculate the temptation of that heart to Old Barry? Can't even force this old guy's final bottom line? Just when he couldn't help turning around and turning around, Old Barry chased after him, sighed and said:

"alright, you win."

As he said that, he pulled Sheyan aside, removed "Endless Vodka", and took out a cross that didn't look very conspicuous. This cross looks very simple and unadorned, as if it has been used for many years. Fang Senyan was secretly happy in his heart, but on the surface he frowned impatiently and said:

"What's this?"

Old Barry said solemnly:

"In the port of Tutuga, there is actually a master alchemist hiding in seclusion. He can make your weapons sharper and your armor stronger. As far as I know, the one on your captain Armand's waist The silver rapier has been tempered by him. However, this master alchemist will not take it easily, and only those who hold the token issued by him will be received by him."

Sheyan said "Oh" and said:

"Is this cross his token?"

Old Barry nodded and said:


Sheyan pondered for a moment, then suddenly said:

"Take this thing, is it just to get his reception? It's not an opportunity for transformation? In other words, I have to pay the transformation fee out of my own pocket, right?"

Old Barry was speechless for a while, but he still said confidently:

"Do you know how rare this opportunity is? I paid a lot of money to get this thing. It can be said that I risked my life to survive!"

Sheyan said angrily:

"Hold on, half of what you say is pretty good. Okay, okay, you bring the wine jug and this cross, and add a hundred gold pounds, then the heart of this extremely rare carrion corpse belongs to you. is you."

"You beast! Your whole body is not worth a hundred gold pounds!"

"Ah, ah, old people are prone to have a stroke when they get angry... Oh no, it's a stroke. If that's the case, let's add ninety-nine gold pounds."

"Your damn greed is enough to fill the entire Caribbean Sea! Do you think I would be so stupid as to agree to such an outrageous request? Let me tell you, the preciousness of that cross is beyond your imagination. If you don't add something, I will I will never exchange these two things for you.”

Sheyan looked at Barry's angry face, which was flushed so red that even pimples were popping out, and knew that he had pushed him to the limit.

After a lot of verbal and verbal bargaining, Sheyan finally paid the price of "exquisite 7.62mm bullet + still beating heart" + "that cursed brass ring that was identified" + "an ancient gold pound" , in exchange for the "endless vodka" soul equipment, and of course the cross-like token. However, it was very logical: Under Sheyan's extreme pressure, Barry's favorability towards him plummeted, and after the deal was completed, he turned around and left, he was already unwilling to say a word.

After getting the soul equipment "Endless Vodka", Sheyan tried to activate the above task. However, she was told that she had to go back to the real world to pick it up. Fang Senyan breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the last wish of the original owner of this item should be relatively simple. Most likely it was to take care of relatives in the real world. . What he is most worried about is that this guy died at the hands of giants like Blackbeard and Davy Jones, and his last wish is to avenge him... OH, MY, GOD. Then Fang Sheyan is a very self-aware person, he will not hesitate to give up the mission and throw this thing into the nightmare space to sell.