The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 111: At sea... charge! !


Captain Armand originally had some doubts about Fang Sheyan's claim to be a sailor from the East—even in the real world, it is common for employees to exaggerate when applying for a job—now, after seeing his performance, he immediately dispelled his doubts. No matter how good one can pretend, in the face of the power of the sea, this kind of stability and composure that only old sailors can possess is definitely not going to be able to pretend!

On the contrary, Kerry's unlucky guy's leg injury wasn't fully healed in the first place, so after bumping on the boat, he vomited until he was in a daze, and almost didn't vomit out his jaundice. However, Kerry's previous strong emphasis on his close relationship with Sheyan also played a big role at this time. Ben Morgan, who suffered the most from Sheyan's hands, ran up and down to serve him. It is in the name of taking a curve to save the country, and I want this cousin/savior to say a few words in front of Sheyan to avoid the tragic fate of being kicked out of the cabin and sleeping overnight.

The wind on the sea is getting stronger, and the waves are also rising and falling layer by layer. Just looking at the momentum of the ups and downs, there is a majestic and irresistible force between heaven and earth. If you look down from above, the Bell and Cup, with a displacement of 600 tons and a capacity of 200 people, looks like a fallen leaf, floating and sinking in the vast ocean, as if it will be overturned at any time.

But at this moment, a huge light flashed suddenly in the distant sky! It was as if the dazzling lightning pierced the sky in an instant. At this moment, the skins of all those who watched the lightning were stained with a layer of luster, as if the lightning had come alive and floated on their skin. , Even the pupils became lonely. And the lookout on the mast, Boit, has already called out loudly:

"The Flying Dutchman sends the signal!"

"The enemy is in the west, eleven nautical miles away!"

Sheyan knew the origin of the ray of light just now, because he had heard people say in the bar that Blackbeard, the captain of the legendary pirate battleship Queen Anne's Revenge, was proficient in black magic. But it has no attack power at all. It can be regarded as a large-scale fireworks version of Pirates of the Caribbean. By the time of Pirates of the Caribbean 4, Blackbeard was even able to pack legendary pirate ships such as the Black Pearl into a rum bottle as a collection, which shows his superb black magic ability.

After seeing the fireworks, Ammand's body was as straight as a gun, and he had put on a dark black commander's cap at some point on his head. With a "clang", he pulled out the rapier at his waist and shouted:

"Full left rudder! Raise the spinnaker and head west at full speed!"

At this moment, dazzling white light flashed all over Ammand's body, and under the point of his sword, the entire ship was shrouded in a layer of faint white light. Apparently, the ship's special ability: wind skidding has started to take effect, and the speed is greatly increased when sailing against the wind! The speed of the pirate ship increased again and accelerated to the west. According to Sheyan's visual estimation, at least its movement speed has increased by more than 30%!

Although the ship speeded up, when it entered the battlefield, it was already in full swing! There is no doubt that the Black Pearl, the king of speed in the Caribbean, will always be the first to arrive at the battlefield to launch an attack, followed by the Endeavor, which also has the ability to accelerate. Two warships of the Armada were forced to show up to meet them. Then the Flying Dutchman arrived and gave the signal. When the Bell and Wineglass crashed through a huge wave and rushed into the battlefield, the three merchant ships were already naked in front of them like undefended lambs!

"Get ready~~~~ let go!" Armand raised his silver rapier again! With that forceful downward swing, the whole body of the bell and the wine glass leaned to the right, and at the same time ten tongues of fire spit out from the left! White mist filled the air, and it was the ten cannons mounted on the port side that started firing. But the Spanish businessman Fernandez was notorious for selling black slaves in the early days, so what kind of fuel-efficient lamp? His three ships are not inferior to warships in terms of draft or tonnage, and they are veritable armed merchant ships. The ten cannons of the Bell and Shell fired out and successfully hit at most two or three cannons, completely against the rough skin Thick armed merchant ships pose no great threat!

However, Armand didn't seem to have much hope for the bombardment of his own ship. After a few rounds of symbolic bombardment, he directly ordered to speed up and approach, preparing for a boarding battle! For the captains of pirate ships, this is also their favorite method, because once they are successful, not only can they plunder as much wealth as possible, but they will also capture the entire merchant ship. Of course, the risk of boarding battles and the sailor's battle damage ratio are also quite amazing.

Despite the huge waves and rolling white waves, the Bell and Wineglass quickly sailed parallel to the heavy merchant ship on the left by relying on its own amazing speed, and the distance between the two quickly shortened! It was about to be successfully connected, but at this moment, Sheyan only felt a huge pressure coming from the left. It's the feeling that if you get infected, you will be smashed to pieces immediately!

Fang Senyan immediately rushed out, and lay down on the deck. He took advantage of the situation and pulled Kerry who was at a loss beside him. This guy had just recovered and wanted to get out of the bilge to get some air, but was caught by Fang Sheyan. Grabbing his ankles and dragging him down, he fell on his face like a dog eating shit, blood gushed out of his nose, and almost knocked out two front teeth. This guy was sobbing and reluctantly raised his head to curse, but at that moment he was horrified to see: the deck of the merchant ship on the left facing this side suddenly crackled open, revealing a row of extremely neat black muzzles, densely packed with directing guns. When everyone came over, when everyone was still a little bit at a loss, a total of thirty-seven brand-new heavy cannons produced by the Seska-Polyovka Arsenal spewed out terrifying flames at the same time!

At this moment, the high-speed Bell and Wine Cup suddenly trembled, and moved seven or eight meters abruptly, as if being pushed hard from the left by an invisible giant hand, at least twenty A heavy solid shell successfully bombarded its hull. It can be clearly seen that a large cloud of dust and smoke erupted on the right side of the Bell and Wineglass. It was a tragic scene composed of a large number of crushed wood fragments and even flesh and blood! The owner of this merchant ship, Fernandez, was so good at forbearance that he didn't reveal his cards until this time!

After this round of volley, the Bell and Wine Cup really suffered a heavy loss. Because of the imminent boarding, at least 70% of the pirates gathered on the deck with great excitement. This painstaking round of salvo killed at least one-third of the crew, and some of the pirates It was even pushed into the sea by the air waves set off by the shells. Among those who fell down was the first mate, Scar Henry. This burly and bold man was hit on the head by a piece of debris the size of a washbasin at high speed because he wanted to rescue his companion. Everyone fell into a coma, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

Fortunately, the cannons of this era are still in a relatively backward state. After firing once, they have to go through complicated and cumbersome procedures such as scrubbing the barrel and refilling the buried ammunition. Moreover, for Fernandez, his job is still a businessman, not a soldier, but a hired sailor. It is not the kind of skilled professional gunner, and the firing interval during this period has been delayed for a relatively long time. This undoubtedly gave Armand, who has experienced many battles, enough time to counterattack!

"Turn the rudder seventy degrees!"

At this time, Armand's body was still standing upright, only his falcon-like eyes were particularly sharp and cruel, and his voice was like a whip, slapping the pirate next to him hard! They immediately jumped up instinctively and carried out the order.

"Three sails! Wind to starboard!"

"Four sails down!"

Following the issuance of this series of orders, Ammand strode to the front of the mainmast, raised the rapier in his hand and flicked it, and the huge mainsail slipped down in an instant, roaring loudly, and The silver rapier in Armand's hand emitted a dazzling white light, covering the entire ship, echoing the ramming horn at the tip of the bow. The whole Bell and Wine Cup actually started to go sideways in an instant. When it was shot, it was parallel to the merchant ship, so the current rapid change of direction formed a T-shaped state with the merchant ship!

At this moment, the waves came rushing towards us like a wall, but the Bell and the Cup broke through the huge waves abruptly at this moment, splashing water all over the sky, relying on the high-speed inertia that has not yet been eliminated, it crazily bumped into Enemy ship!

If the Bell and Wineglass was like a long and thin willow leaf drifting in the vast ocean before, then at this moment, when its captain completely dominates it! The pirate ship turned into the sharp edge of the silver rapier in his hand! Slender, elegant, cruel, invincible! Aim at the enemy's abdomen with a kind of madness without hesitation!