The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 112: face to face


At this time, the distance to the trap is less than two hundred meters. If Fang Sheyan runs away with all his strength while the mountain monster pulls up the tree, it will not be difficult to escape to the back of the trap without any surprise or danger. But for Sheyan, this is not in his plan, and it may lead to falling out of the range of the mountain monster's attack and fall short of success. If you don't get hit by the mountain monster, you won't be able to obtain first-hand information about the mountain monster, and its specific attack power and lethality cannot be reliably determined. Besides, what is more important is that if he runs back unscathed, it will undoubtedly attract the attention of the fellows from the Symbiosis Society and even Darth. Such a result is absolutely not what Sheyan wants to achieve.

Therefore, he can only solve all these problems by shaking the monster head-on!

Thinking of this, Fang Senyan took a deep breath, then screamed deliberately, pretending to stagger and fell face down! With a "crack" sound, mud and water splashed in an extremely embarrassing fall, and the fall seemed to be so heavy that Sheyan took two or three seconds to get up again. The mountain monster who witnessed all this was even more excited when he saw this, he roared loudly and chased after him, Fang Sheyan hurriedly got up and rushed forward, but it seemed that his psychological bottom line had collapsed at this time, and he kept looking back nervously , but caused the running speed to further slow down.

The "crowbar" hiding next to him was of course delighted when he first saw Sheyan, but then he felt a deep sense of vigilance and precaution! Because he asked himself, he also felt that he might not be able to lure this monster here, so the only explanation was that Sheyan was hiding his strength. However, after seeing Fang Sheyan's performance at this time, Crowbar felt that he seemed to be a little overwhelmed. He even began to anxiously hope that this guy named "Sailor" would be stronger, at least he must persist until the mountain monster fell into a trap!

However, the cruel reality is often not based on human will. After Sheyan continued to run for nearly 20 meters, he was less than 50 meters away from the trap, and the contractors who were in ambush could almost hear his heavy breathing. , obviously physical strength is about to be exhausted. But at this moment, the mountain monster approached within five meters behind him, raised the huge stick with branches and leaves in his hand with a ferocious face, and then smashed it down violently.

Fang Sheyan leaped suddenly, the huge weapon fell less than one meter away from him, the ground shook slightly, and muddy water poured out to both sides like a waterfall, drenching Fang Sheyan's head and face, and even more It made him look even more embarrassed. And even though he wasn't hit head-on by the tree trunk, he was also injured by the aftermath.

Sheyan rolled over in the muddy water, then spat out the muddy water that was soaked in his mouth, shook his head and continued to run wildly like a mud monkey. The mountain monster yelled angrily, grabbed the tree trunk and continued to chase after it. However, when Sheyan was still more than ten meters away from the trap, the mountain monster suddenly let out a strange cry like thunder, and its blue-gray belly was obviously swollen, and then it used its mouth as a In the center, a layer of invisible shock ripples appeared, and even the rain falling from the sky was stirred by the ripples and flew straight out. The invisible shock wave swept past Sheyan in front of him in an instant, Fang Sheyan was shocked all over, He was stunned for a moment, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly became struggling!

The special ability of the mountain monster: heart-piercing! In addition to inflicting damage on the enemy, it can also cause a 70% deceleration!

Seeing that Fang Sheyan is very close to the trap, but his feet seem to be stuck with glue, and he can't lift his feet at all. No one noticed that Fang Senyan was obviously hit by heart-piercing lungs, but his movement speed was delayed for at least a second before slowing down, but his eyes at this time were still calm and panic-free! The mountain monster's stench-filled warm aura has already filled its body, and its cruel eyes have begun to shine with incomparable excitement.

Sheyan is only less than three meters away from the trap!

Could it be that these three meters are so close to the end of the world

With a muffled sound of "Hulong", the stick made of a thick tree trunk was already smashed down. Fang Sheyan's eyes were full of panic and panic, and he could only jump sideways again, but when he was in midair, he suddenly felt that his body There was an explosion-like elastic force coming from below, but if he went all out, he could forcefully suppress this force. But at this moment, his heart moved, he took a deep breath, and put his hands in front of his body, but let the explosive force push himself up.

This should be the mountain monster? ? ? ability!

At this moment, the situation of these few seconds fell into the eyes of the people around, that is, the mountain monster released a special ability.

Sheyan was slowed down, the mountain monster smirked and smashed down with a stick, Sheyan tried his best to dodge, the stick fell to the ground, Sheyan was suddenly bounced up, as if he was stepping on a seesaw, the stick hit the high end of the seesaw, Bounce him directly into the air.

The mountain monster grinned, showing a cruel expression. Of course, one could see the yellow and messy teeth, as well as the dripping sticky saliva.

It suddenly spun its bulky body at an indescribably astonishingly high speed, then swung the giant bat in its hand in the standard home run posture in baseball, and slammed Sheyan in mid-air! And after the mountain monster hit this blow, probably because of too much force, it couldn't stop at all, couldn't stabilize its center of gravity, and staggered forward.

Mountain Monster Special Ability: Raw Home Run!

At this moment, everyone in ambush seemed to hear the sound of bones breaking under the impact of huge force. No one noticed that there was a black one-handed ax in Fang Senyan's hands at this time. He held the handle of the ax with his right hand, and held the back of the ax with his left hand, and put it on the giant tree that swept across. Then he flew out very simply, sprayed out a blood arrow and slammed into the pitch-black dense forest, with a series of shattering sounds from his back, and then... as if dissolved in the darkness, there was no sound.

At the same time, the crowbar was pleasantly surprised to see that the left foot of the mountain monster staggering forward suddenly stepped on the trap. In the mud flying, its huge body immediately fell forward and fell into the trap!

No one noticed that Fang Senyan's expression was distorted and painful at the moment he was hit, but it definitely didn't look like the expression of a person who was beaten to death. His body even responded instinctively to protect him. But now that everyone's attention is on the body of the mountain monster, where will they notice this small detail

At the moment of being sent flying, Fang Sheyan's mind buzzed, and suddenly fell into a blank, as if all five senses in his body disappeared, and his eyes were even darker. It took him a long time to open his eyes after landing. Eyes, but find that the world around is also swaying and unreal as if in the shadow of water. The tiger's mouth of the left hand and the right hand were torn open in two big openings, and the red meat was turned out miserably. Drops fell on the muddy ground.

"Damn it..." Sheyan covered his mouth and coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood forcefully: "I still underestimated this monster."

Then he called up the battle record and got a reminder from the nightmare mark:

"This world is a free world, you cannot get the battle information of the other contractors, you can only get the battle information related to yourself: Do you want to continue? Yes/No?"

Fang Senyan knew about this rule long ago, so he chose "Yes", and then a series of prompts popped up:

"You are hit by the attack technique of the low-level legendary creature mountain monster: mud spray, after deducting the defense coefficient to reduce the damage, you will suffer 26 points of earth damage."

"You were hit by the attack technique of the first-level legendary creature mountain monster: mud spray, and after deducting the defense coefficient to reduce the damage, you suffered the abnormal state 'floating'."

"You were hit by the combat technique of the low-level legendary creature mountain monster: sweeping attack."

"Judgement... The enemy's strength value is 35 points, your strength value is 13 points, and the enemy's strength value is 2.68 times yours."

"Determining... The enemy's strength is more than twice yours, even if the damage fails to cause a critical strike, it will still cause additional crushing damage to you."

"The crushing damage is 40%~50% of the damage."

"Crushing damage will be regarded as an additional attack by default, and will ignore your defense and any damage reduction effects. This attack effect has a strong priority when it conflicts with other effects."

"Data conflict, priority determination..."


"Your hidden talent: the priority of toughness determination is higher than that of crushing damage, and it can still take effect on crushing damage."

"Theoretically, this sweeping attack will cause 240 points + 100 points of additional damage (crushing)."

"Your weapon's passive ability: parry takes effect. The enemy's weapon type is a super-heavy blunt weapon, and the parry weapon is a one-handed medium weapon, so it can only reduce the damage from the enemy by 11%. After the parry reduces damage, you get The actual damage is 213 points."

"After deducting the defense damage reduction, the actual damage you receive is: 135 points."

"Your talent tenacity (passive) takes effect, and the actual damage you suffer is 135-25=110 points."

"You will also get 100-25=75 crush damage."

"You were hit by your first-level legendary creature mountain monster's combat technique: sweeping attack, and the actual damage you received was 110+75=185 points."

"You will be in a concussion state for the next five seconds, and your movement speed will be reduced by 70%."

Looking at his remaining 65 points of health, Fang Sheyan smiled wryly and shook his head. Although he has a full 300 points of health, when the mountain monster hit the first blow, the aftermath still injured him, plus the damage from the mud spray , sprinting to the back for the sake of reality, the slight injury he suffered from the fall, when he was hit by the mountain monster's home run, his health was less than 240 points...