The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 114: Language bayonet!


Fang Sheyan glanced at these angry pirates with cold and contemptuous eyes. Although he hadn't spoken yet, the contempt and sarcasm he showed were clearly revealed. Sheyan didn't speak coldly until the pirates stopped shouting and cursing. road:

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, what do you think of this place? Oxford Street in London? The Anchor and Sails Bar? Or on a merchant ship where you have lost sailors?"

Fang Senyan's barrage of questions killed all the pirates' passion and anger in the organ that is the neighbor of the tonsils! ! !

"This is Turtuga Castle! We were able to sneak in with knives, torches, and dry money bags because we seized a great opportunity that didn't come up for seventy years! If it's as you imagined, A whole hundred of people gathered to slowly search the damned place... ok, I admit the security is greatly improved by this wonderful plan. But please tell me, how long are you going to do this? One day , two days, or a week? Every room in this cursed castle is as big as a world!"

Speaking of this, Fang Senyan slowed down his tone, and said in a certain ironic tone:

"Two hours, yes, two hours, and that includes the time we spent on the journey from the old fellow (referring to the Bell and Goblet) and back. This is what we can do in Turtuga Castle The limit of our stay! Once we stay here beyond this limit, then I firmly believe that the person blocking us at the gate of the castle is either the honorable lord riding that monster horse, or Jack, the first mate of the Black Pearl. Sparrow—they might let us go, but only if we put down our weapons and everything of value—now, who else thinks I'm doing something wrong? Who else! Fucking dare to stand up?"

When Fang Senyan said this, an indescribable violent flame was burning in his eyes. His roar echoed in the empty castle corridor, and the menacing pirates looked at each other for a while, but they couldn't find a word. He retorted, and turned away from Sheyan's eyes as soon as he touched them, and he didn't dare to look at him. What's even worse is that Sheyan threw out the psychological bayonet he had prepared for a long time at this moment:

"Wake up, idiots! Do you think that coming here is equivalent to filling out a few forms in the Bank of Great Britain and patting the ass of a female employee to get the money? Every gold pound from here is stamped The splashing blood and the screaming ghosts! If this is a paradise where you can easily get a lot of money, why doesn't Armand lead you to do it yourself? You, me, everyone knows it clearly , as long as we go back with a huge amount of wealth, even the great son of the Black Sea will be very happy even if we die only one person, but if we maintain a full-staffed level that has not even touched our hair and return empty-handed, then I think There are many people who will be hanged from the mast by him-who else thinks I am wrong? Stand up! Stand up!"

"Enough! Shut your damn mouth!" Scar Henry's roar stopped Sheyan's words abruptly, but Sheyan still had a resentful expression on his face. The eyes of this Viking giant were bloodshot, and his face The muscles on his chest were trembling non-stop, obviously angry to the extreme, if he hadn't been tortured by that damned severe headache, I believe Scar Henry could still have a strong rebuttal to Fang Senyan's sharp words, but now the only thing he can do is The only thing to do is to make this yellow-skinned monkey from the East shut that damn mouth!

However, Sheyan's last few words have already taken root in everyone's hearts, and a dangerous emotion has begun to spread in this small group. Fang Senyan's words may be exaggerated, but it is undeniable that there are seven or eight layers of truth in his words, which undoubtedly adds a kind of fanatical incitement to his words. This has nothing to do with charm, but because he is too good at capturing The dark side of people's heart - but the dark side of the pirates' heart will never be lacking.

The situation was dead silent, but the pirates' anger and hostility to Fang Sheyan had been reduced by at least 50% to 60%. Of course, these angers did not disappear out of thin air, but were successfully passed on to Ammand by Sheyan. There was embarrassing embarrassment and silence for a while, and finally Sheyan slapped his palm vigorously to make the pirates move:

"Gentlemen! It seems that you have successfully found and looted the treasure house of this devil's palace, but this is only secondary. The important thing is that we can bring these things to a safe place alive. Now raise your knees, Let's get out of this damn place as fast as we can!"

Obviously, Sheyan once again robbed Scar Henry who was suffering from a severe headache, and his orders were naturally followed silently by the pirates—while Scar Henry frowned. A very dangerous feeling. If Sheyan on the boat was as sharp and restrained as a knife in a sheath before, then Sheyan now is like a volcano that has erupted, spewing pungent thick smoke into the sky wantonly. Smoke and fiery magma!

"I'll take care of you when I get back to the boat." Scar Henry said with a blank expression on his face, after suppressing his killing intent. In any case, now is not a good time to deal with Sheyan. Personal safety and grievances should be put aside, the current top priority is to send these expensive wealth to Ammand's hands!

At this time, he saw his confidant Charlie, this guy who had been missing in his memory was standing beside him, grinning and looking at him with a smirk. Scar Henry's heart felt hot, and of course he could feel the damned and greedy people around him. The pirate has already had rifts and differences with himself, and at this time, almost all his confidantes have suffered heavy casualties. In this precarious time, there is nothing better than having one more guy who can be trusted.

This good news made Scar Henry's head less painful. He pulled the pirate Charlie over, patted his ass, and laughed in a customary rude tone:

"You damn bastard, it looks like hell doesn't welcome you either!"

The pirate Charlie smiled, and habitually took over the weapon that Scar Henry was holding in his hand. He has always been doing this kind of chores by Scar Henry's side. But Scar Henry's next sentence choked him up:

"By the way, they all said that you were caught by those black rats and dragged into the secret passage. How did you kick their ass and escape?"

Scar Henry asked this question to show the bravery and ability of his people, and secondly, he wanted to use success to boost the morale that was suppressed by Sheyan's few words. It's a pity that he overlooked a detail—even though the pirate Charlie and Sheyan appeared one after the other with a time difference, they came out of the same passage!

"Unfortunately, sir." The pirate Charlie murmured rather timidly, "Yes... yes..."

Scar Henry became a little irritable, so he didn't notice the strangeness of this subordinate, so he slapped him on the head and shouted:

"I remind you for the thousand and one time, amplify your voice when talking to me!"

"Yes sir!" The pirate Charlie instinctively stood at attention and shouted: "After Stephen and I were captured by those damn heretics, poor Stephen's small intestine was dragged out seven or eight meters alive by them, and finally he died screaming. .Just as I was about to meet that tragic and terrible fate, the boatswain...'

As soon as the boatswain uttered the words, the pirate Charlie saw Sheyan, who was walking in front of him, look back unintentionally, and that glance immediately reminded him of his new identity, so he had no choice but to change his words immediately:

"It was the master who saved me from that nightmare."

The word master immediately attracted everyone's ears, but some people were surprised, some people were surprised, and some people were... angry! Then the pirate Charlie told the story that happened before at his usual stuttering speed, and finally he shrugged and said in a slightly helpless tone:

"I am very fortunate to have survived such a terrible situation, so I have to keep my oath and give up my freedom for the rest of my life to be a servant of the savior. This may be my fate, who knows."

At this time, the rest of the pirates also began to look at Sheyan with a very special look. Everyone would hope that someone would desperately save themselves when they were on the verge of extinction. And Sheyan did just that, and what he saved was Scar Henry's cronies who had never been quite right. This undoubtedly gave these pirates a feeling of being broad-minded and eager for justice. However, for Scar Henry, the mood that was a little excited just now fell to the bottom of the valley. The feeling of punching into the air or even coming back from the shock was so depressing that he almost wanted to vomit blood.

A group of people continued to move forward, Fang Sheyan walked in the front row of the team. At this time, he had already understood what had happened before. The pirates divided into six groups quickly dispersed to every corner of the castle like a group of greedy mice, and suffered heavy losses due to various mechanisms and magic. At this time, Scar Henry stood up. This Viking, as strong as a polar bear, showed terrifying strength. He first led a group of cronies to rescue the remaining two groups of pirates, and then deliberately let them go during the battle. A black guard followed his footsteps to the castle's treasure house.