The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 116: Superiority


Of course, these hunters will not regard you as the kind of vicious criminal who will throw you into Azkaban after they are caught. They believe that the offender was actually a tourist who, by some coincidence, discovered the Bowtruckle and enthusiastically handed it over to the British Museum. So even if you are caught, you will only be flashed to force the memory to be deleted.

But this seemingly easy punishment is actually serious enough. The chaser's flashing light actually deletes all your adventures in this world for the contractor. In other words, if Sheyan hits this one, Hagrid won't know him anymore. It's strange that the things obtained there will also be deleted... The low evaluation of passing the level at that time must be comparable to the depth of Liu Yan's career line.

At this time, the boss of the Magical Menagerie was about to come back. If his old man hadn't gone out to do errands, Phil, a worker, would not have dared to bring outsiders in. So Sheyan and Gree left in a hurry. When walking on the streets of Diagon Alley, Fang Sheyan was very curious about why Gree acted superior in front of Phil, and Phil could only swallow his anger. Gree seemed to be very interested in this topic, so he started from the beginning .

It turns out that among all the contractors who were drawn, the number of melee contractors was at least about 3/5. However, about one-third of the contractors who took the agile melee route had to be removed from this half of the contractors. It's the kind of personal attribute that focuses on strength and physical strength. Under normal circumstances, only this kind of contractor's resistance will be stronger, suitable for charging on the front line.

Calculated in this way, the number of melee contractors who are suitable for charging on the front line is still very considerable, probably accounting for 2/5 of the total number of contractors.

However, everyone knows the cruelty of the nightmare world, especially in the first few worlds, the survival rate of long-range attack contractors is much higher than that of melee contractors, so this personal attribute focuses on strength and In terms of physical strength, the contractor's battle loss rate is quite astonishing. Compared with the contractor of the long-range attack category, it is at least 2:1! So after experiencing two or three worlds in a row, this created a very embarrassing scene, that is, there are quite a few melee contractors who can go up and fight with the enemy.

According to Gree, some teams have insufficient manpower reserves in this area, so even many tasks cannot be challenged and completed. Of course, among the contractors who have just entered the nightmare world, there is also a view that long-range attacks have reached a certain degree of saturation, so there is almost no such thing as melee attacks. However, this point of view is only for wars in the real world, and cannot be applied to the world of nightmares. Especially as the world becomes more and more difficult and the creatures to challenge become stronger and stronger.

To give a very simple example, the six-person team formed by Crowbar successfully killed the mountain monster, but can the six Darths succeed in killing the mountain monster? The answer is absolutely impossible. First of all, when the shooter shoots a moving object, the accuracy will inevitably drop a lot, and it is absolutely impossible to have a chance to calmly aim at the vital point. There is absolutely no possibility of being disabled as soon as you come up.

Secondly, when there is no one to restrain him, the mountain monster will definitely kill a gunman with a throw of wood! Under the threat of death that will come at any time, who can attack calmly? Moreover, the mountain monster is a creature that can run away. Once its health drops to a certain level, it will turn around and run away. Will the gunman chase it? The mountain monster hid in a blind spot where it couldn't be shot, who was going to lure it out

What's more, from a psychological point of view, this kind of team cannot be formed from the beginning. When life is threatened, of course everyone is willing to fight for their lives, but when everyone's life is not directly threatened, there are absolutely not many people who are still willing to fight for their lives.

It’s like a long-range attacker lobbying other long-range attackers: Dude, let’s form a team to kill the mountain monster. Although a few people will definitely die, it may not be you, we can definitely kill that monster to get Good thing, the outcome of this matter must end in failure—no one would take the risk of death to join such a team when there are other ways to gain benefits.

Therefore, under the circumstances that such melee contractors—especially contractors capable of procrastinating fights—are increasingly scarce. The status and voice of such contractors in the team will inevitably increase, because the risks they take are undoubtedly several times higher than those of contractors who hide behind and conduct long-range attacks. For those ordinary team members, there is an implicit superiority.

Therefore, in the previous team, although the strength of the crowbar was far inferior to that of the metal mentor, he could still become a core member of the team, and he also dared to conspire to steal the loot of the mountain monster at the expense of the metal mentor's interests. That's it. If he followed his plan, he would be the only melee contractor left in the entire symbiosis society, so the metal mentor who couldn't get any real evidence really couldn't do anything to him.

If you think about it carefully at this moment, there is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hatred for no reason. Gree is so friendly to Fang Sheyan, and his purpose is also ready to come out. People are here to serve as the backbone, and Sheyan's current strength is also very good. If Gree wants to take the position of the crowbar, then Sheyan's support is absolutely indispensable.

"So that's how it is..." Fang Sheyan heard the series of information introduced by Gree, a light flashed in his eyes, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. At this time, after he personally joined the team, he already felt a lot of convenience. The news from Gree further strengthened Sheyan's confidence in forming a team.

"Let's go, according to the team's regulations, we have to go to the hiding place to gather and communicate every afternoon, except for those who can't come under special circumstances. The instructor said, let me let you take you there to integrate into the team The prefix task of human achievement has been done."

At this time, Gree had already brought Sheyan to the end of Diagon Alley. After checking the time, he tapped a few times on the brick wall and returned to the backyard of the Leaky Cauldron in London. At this time, there were already more drinkers inside. Old Nick was very busy at the counter, but he still stared at Sheyan immediately when he saw Sheyan, and Sheyan tossed a five-pound coin in the past. , coming in and out here should be quite frequent, there is no need to fight this old man over a bottle of beer.

Old Nick gestured to Fang Senyan "I want you to look better next time", but he didn't bother to talk to him. When Gree passed by the drinkers in the bar, he deliberately slowed down his steps, smiled at every character in the plot, and then whispered to Senyan:

"Try to stay here for as long as possible. I heard that when Metal Mentor entered this world for the first time, he met a wizard in this tavern. His charm is not low, and his compatibility with this wizard is also consistent, so he got it. There are a lot of opportunities, and Metal Mentor's ability to have today is inseparable from that opportunity. Although danger is everywhere in this damn world, as long as you seize the opportunity, you can do a lot!"

Fang Senyan noticed that Gree's evaluation of the metal tutor in the words "got a lot of opportunities" instead of "got a lot of benefits", which shows that in the space, there is definitely no pie that falls from the sky for nothing. Will work hard to grasp, that is also a bubble. What's even more sad is that many people don't even get the chance! For example, crowbar can be regarded as a person with both ambition and city power, but he has never had any good opportunities, and in the end he even gambled everything to create opportunities for himself... However, Fang Sheyan took advantage of this opportunity.

Obviously, the two of them didn't get any adventures in the tavern, especially for Fang Sheyan, who didn't have too much hope for his mere charm. After arriving in normal London, Gree took Sheyan directly to the outside of a rather old-fashioned building. When entering the building, Sheyan even felt a faint threat aiming at the center of his eyebrows. Obviously, he should A guy like a sniper.

Sheyan remained calm and entered the building. When he reached the third floor, he found that it was a very luxurious hall. There were fifteen or six people sitting here and there, but according to the distribution of their seats, it could be roughly seen that there position in the team. According to the information given by Gree, the entire Symbiosis Society should have been assembled using the rare item "Assembly Stone", which should be most of the members of the Symbiosis Society.

From this, it can be seen that what Gree said at the beginning was not fictional. The total number of the symbiosis association is about twenty people, but there are only five contractors who are relatively outstanding in strength, and recalling the performance in the previous battle, these five Among the contractors, two of them were of average quality. Thinking about it at this moment, there really is something rather than lacking.

Fang Senyan's unfamiliar face undoubtedly attracted a lot of suspicious eyes, but Gree smiled and sat down in the middle of the stools at the front of the row. Obviously, the eyes of several people below showed a look of surprise, and one of them, who seemed to have a good relationship with Gree, laughed directly:

"Gree, you can only sit and sit now, and you have to give up your seat when the crowbar comes."