The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 117: Rampage


Although the door of the room is strong, how can it withstand Sheyan's full force? Immediately, the whole piece took the lime concrete nails pulled from the wall, and flew out after a splash. You can clearly see a clear cracked depression in the middle of the wooden door, and it hit the opposite wall with a crash. When he got down, Fang Sheyan slipped, and dragged Li Xianhai into the middle of this room, and then turned into the inner bedroom. A string of extremely hot bullets arrived late, but they could only hit the carpet and the wall. There were several scorching bullet holes.

There was no balcony or anything like that in the room the two escaped into, only a large bed and furniture. At this time, Fang Sheyan also suffered several minor injuries all over his body, and lost nearly thirty points of health. However, he didn't care, and took out the "Endless Vodka" metal jug, and when he raised his head, he took a sip and let out a mouthful of wine in satisfaction, which not only replenished the consumed life points, but also He also activated his title "Drunkard", and his critical strike rate suddenly increased.

At this time, Li Xianhai also realized that he was brought into the Jedi, his expression was of course very ugly. Sheyan looked at him and smiled slightly:

"Mr. Li?"

At this time, Li Xianhai still did not lose his demeanor, although he was desperate, he managed to force a smile.

At this time, the robbers had already rushed to the door, and they were afraid of being ambushed, so they pushed forward carefully. Sheyan took advantage of this opportunity to say:

"You should be able to see by now that I have no malicious intentions? Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to live without me at all."

"Thank you." Although Li Xianhai was already desperate at this time, he was still demeanor and seemed extremely educated.

Fang Senyan thought carefully, so he could see what was going on in his heart, shrugged his shoulders and said relaxedly, "I'm only 22 years old this year, do you think I'm someone who wants to kill himself?"

Li Xianhai was stunned, but a smoking object was thrown into the air, which was another grenade. And the robbers witnessed Fang Senyan's ability to kick the grenade with his feet. Before throwing it, he deliberately held it in his hand for three seconds before throwing it. The purpose was to make the grenade explode when it fell to the height of one person. Lying, squatting and standing are all fatal.

These robbers didn't know that Fang Senyan's perception was several times that of ordinary people, and this grenade could naturally threaten his life, so he had sensed it early, jumped up and made a volleyball interception movement, the grenade It was as if it was sent to the front of his hands, and before it even landed, he punched it back with a fist.

Before Sheyan fell from the sky, there was a loud explosion from the room outside, and the screams were endless. Fang Senyan smiled at Li Xianhai, showing his white teeth and said:

"Stay here well."

For some reason, after seeing Fang Senyan's smile, Li Xianhai, a big man who can see through life and death, felt an indescribable chill in his heart. Then Fang Sheyan kicked his legs, and suddenly jumped out. When he went out, the screams outside disappeared, and they disappeared in just a few tens of seconds. There is an indescribably mysterious silence.

Not long after, Sheyan, who was covered in blood, led a blond foreign bodyguard in. The bodyguard suffered a serious injury to his left arm. He hastily tore off a piece of clothing and tied it into a bandage, and tied it forcefully on his body. When he saw Li Xianhai, he was surprised and said:

"Boss, you are still alive!"

Li Xianhai saw a familiar face, and his heart was relieved, he smiled and said:

"Well done, Dick. Where are the others?"

Li Xianhai usually pays attention to his bearing, calm demeanor, and other idlers will never get half a word of praise from him. Dick is also quite happy to be praised by him, but he also said sadly when he heard the last sentence:

"They're all dead, if not..."

He looked up at Sheyan who looked calm. I didn't know how to call it for a while, I just regarded it as Li Xianhai's hole card secretly kept, and it was also the last trump card! He respectfully said:

"This gentleman rushes in to help, and I, too, will die."

Sheyan smiled, and threw over two bottles of pure water:

"The robbers are now chasing the other two groups of people who fled. Mr. Li can take a break and drink a few sips of water. Dick, bandage the wound again. I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle if we wait."

Dick said in astonishment:

"Since there is a emptiness on the side of the robbers, why don't we take the opportunity to escape?"

Sheyan sighed and said:

"These guys are not robbers. They are not asking for money at all. Their real purpose is probably to kill them! And judging from the scale and organization of this attack, it is obviously a well-planned operation!"

At this time, there were still several corpses lying on the ground. Dick turned over the corpses of these people one by one to identify them, and by the way, he wanted to find if there was a first aid kit or something like that. But after rummaging through a few of them, he raised his head and said with a heavy face:

"Boss, these guys are all Malays in the army!"

"So it's like this..." Fang Senyan suddenly understood. Everyone usually says that the racial conflicts in the United States are serious. In fact, the ethnic and racial conflicts in Southeast Asia are even worse. The trend of anti-Chinese in Southeast Asia has never stopped, the difference is only big and small. The various reasons for this are intertwined, needless to say, the bloody anti-Chinese event with extremely huge impact is naturally represented by Tu Hua in Indonesia in 1998. In addition, there are conflicts in Shah Alam, Black March Festival, etc. As for small-scale Riots and turmoil are frequent occurrences.

At the same time, the domestic political situation in Singapore seems to be in turmoil, so this time the attack seems to be a robbery. Maybe it is a political strife in Singapore, and the loser is unwilling to let go and becomes angry due to embarrassment!

Sheyan suddenly said:

"So, it seems that Mr. Li should be their important target?"

Dick nodded and said:

"The new Prime Minister He Jiren is the boss's cousin. If the boss has an accident here and fails to leave any last words, then the family will inevitably fall into disintegration. Prime Minister He loses the family's financial support, so if he can't last a term, he will have to step down. .”

At this time, there was a sound at the door, and suddenly another Malay soldier who was inspecting the room broke in. He was about to raise his gun and shoot. Fang Sheyan's feet staggered, and he was approaching him with a slippery step. After all, this man was well-trained. The soldier, knowing that it would be extremely dangerous for the enemy to reach out and pull the barrel of the gun at this time, immediately dropped his gun and pulled out a military dagger, stabbing him fiercely.

After all, Fang Senyan's agility is not high, so it is difficult to dodge and move in this kind of close combat, but he has practiced grappling to LV2 at this time, and he can grab the stabbing military dagger alive with a flick of his wrist. The dagger was cut into the palm, but it couldn't be pulled on the bone! The Malay soldier was terrified, he suddenly felt a strong force coming from the right hand holding the dagger, he couldn't hold the dagger, and was snatched away, Fang Senyan bent his knees at the same time, knocking him up It was half a meter high, and the left hand holding the captured military dagger flashed horizontally like lightning, and the Malay soldier flew out without making a sound. The blood directly splashed out on the wall in an incomparably stern arc!

At this time, another soldier rushed in, raised his gun, and aimed!

Fang Sheyan grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled it, the man staggered and fell in, the muzzle of the gun had sprayed out flames indiscriminately, the carpet made a "chi chi" sound when it was hit, debris and wool flew around, Fang Sheyan lightly tapped on his back Damn, this person immediately fell forward and fell to the ground, and he was lying still, only his eyes were wide open, looking extremely unwilling. Dick pounced on him for a while, then turned his head and said to Li Xianhai in a deep voice:

"He was stabbed in the heart from behind with a knife and died on the spot."

Li Xianhai said calmly:

"What do you think of his skill?"

Dick said with admiration in his eyes:

"Very powerful. Among the people I have met in my life, only the special training instructors in the Delta can compare with him."

At this moment, Sheyan turned around and beckoned them to follow. Although Dick had one arm broken, he still displayed extremely high military qualities. He quickly collected the rifle ammunition from the dead man, and then threw a rifle over to Sheyan. But Sheyan caught it with his backhand and threw it back to him. Dick was stunned but saw Sheyan say indifferently:

"This thing is useless to me, you take Mr. Li to follow!"

As he said that, his waist sank and he leaned over and rushed out. Looking at the direction he was going, he actually rushed into the auction hall that he had just killed earlier! Dick was confused, but he could only follow and rush forward, but there were only a few gunmen left in the auction hall. Their greedy appearance was probably to plunder the corpses. Sheyan rushed straight past, like a head Crazed like a bull, the enemies hit by him flew up one or two meters high, rolled and bounced, and then fell to the ground moaning loudly. It seemed that even if they were not dead, they were half disabled.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the hall, Dick used a single-handed gun to kill those panicked and injured guys one by one. It was really as easy and enjoyable as shooting fixed targets during training. Fang Senyan smashed a keeper's pole and used it as a shield to open the way in front, he really felt invincible. He didn't rush towards the elevator, but ran straight towards the stairs along the fire exit. Dick gave a secret praise in his heart and helped Mr. Li to flee downstairs, but was stopped by Fang Senyan and said calmly:

"Let's go up."

Dick was stunned, but Li Xianhai showed admiration in his eyes, and said with a final word:

"Yes, let's go up!"