The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 126: endgame


When the light first appeared, it was soundless, but as it accelerated, it made an incomparably shrill whistling sound in the air, and then diffracted in an oval trajectory in a curved shape in the air. The target was the pirate Sigma. Wherever it passed, the dust in the air was rolled out into a cavity. Sigma slashed out, but it had no effect. In the end, a big hole was pierced through his throat by the light. !

- At the moment when the light burst out of his throat, Fang Senyan could even see through the hole made by the arrow, and before the blood surged up, he could clearly see the scene behind him!

Although a person's life has been plundered, the momentum of this throat-shattering blow is not only unabated, it can be regarded as positive. When Sigma's eyes are unbelievably protruding, and blood is gushing from the wound on his throat, another wave With a bang, it shot through the chest of the pirate at the back, knocking him half into the air, and hit the stone wall of the castle behind with a bang, and the blood-stained corpse slowly slid down. It was as if ink had been splashed on the walls of this ancient castle to form a mass of mournful ocher!

Probably because of the exacerbated severe pain in the head, Scar Henry's reaction has always been quite slow, and his burly body also increased the chance of being shot by a sharp arrow. But these sharp arrows are a fatal attack for the rest of the pirates, but for Scar Henry, a monster with at least 1300 health points and at least 15 defense points, the sharp arrows piercing the flesh can only hurt him. The injury was serious, but it was not fatal. He was pierced with five or six arrows all over his body. The body of the arrow sank more than a foot into his body, and the exposed tail of the arrow was trembling horribly!

At this time, Scar Henry seemed to wake up from a dream. He raised his head panting heavily, and the blood spurting from Sigma's throat just splashed on the face of the big Viking.

warm blood...

Biting blood!

Why is there blood, why doesn't that damn headache let me go...

Why is this person's face so familiar

Wait, damn, why is there a big hole in Sigma's throat

Another old buddy fell in front of him, and the last old buddy also fell in front of him!

At this moment, Scar Henry's eyes were reddened violently like bloodshot eyes. The linen clothes on his upper body were directly burst by the bulging muscles in an instant, and shattered into pieces of butterflies, and even the long arrow that shot into the body was squeezed out in length. And Sheyan, who was hiding in a safe area in the distance, had the cold hairs on his arms standing on end. At this moment, he felt as if a huge black hole had formed centered on Scar Henry, and all the air was being sucked towards the central area. Go in!

Fang Senyan's pupils also contracted at this moment, and he was already sensitively aware of one thing: he missed a good show in half an hour, but now the lead actor, Mr. Henry, seems to have the desire to perform a sequel—although he seems to be unable to do so because of this. Pay a pretty hefty price!

Scar Henry took a deep breath. This action caused the veins on his neck and head to swell like blue snakes, and his bloodshot eyes protruded from their sockets by nearly two centimeters! And as he inhaled, at first his mouth and then his throat swelled up horribly, as if a basketball was forcibly stuffed into his mouth! This kind of feeling made Sheyan next to him think of a creature like a toad for no reason. And the swollen part began to move down rapidly, and after wandering up and down all over Scar Henry's body, it came to his right hand—this made Scar Henry's right hand swell into a kind that was out of proportion to the body. deformity.

Then Scar Henry raised his right fist heavily and hit the floor in front of him!

At the same time, the clusters of arrows that were shot all over his body flew out in the opposite direction, and fell to the ground with blood and flesh scattered.

Only the faint silver light on the surface of his body still exists.

At the moment when his fist touched the hard floor, it could be clearly seen that his huge right arm instantly returned to normal, and a large piece of the ground in front of him protruded strangely, and quickly extended towards the darkness in the distance. past! It looked as if the deep breath that Scar Henry took was circling in his body, and was injected into the earth with great force!

Muscle explosion!

The entire castle was shaken violently again. It can be clearly felt that its fundamental subject is trembling indescribably. At the same time, several streams of blood sprayed from the hole where the sharp arrow was shot from the right stone wall. The blood sprayed out as if it had been squeezed hard. organization and stuff like that. Apparently, those few enemies who were controlling the mechanism in the dark had been squeezed to death by the huge fist force.

But at the same time, Scar Henry also made a strange sound all over his body, which sounded like the sound of a wet sheet being twisted vigorously, and then being overwhelmed and completely torn. Then he just fell face down with a bang, as if a mountain had completely collapsed. Scar Henry's body lying on the ground is still twitching irregularly, and there are large groups of bruises on his body. If Sheyan has a certain medical knowledge, then he can draw the following accurate diagnosis result:

Condition: severe muscle tear all over the body.

Cause: Fatigue leads to decreased muscle elasticity.

Although Scar Henry once again displayed his powerful ability and killed the enemy who was secretly manipulating the mechanism in one fell swoop, the pirates were already dead and wounded before that, and there were only about twenty of them left. In front of the terrifying shot, half of the people died immediately, and the rest were all wounded. It is worth mentioning that although the pirate Charlie also rushed forward with Scar Henry, he was very lucky to be shot in the arm. It's just an arrow, probably because his strength is too weak and no one wants to deliberately deal with him.

Under such circumstances, Sheyan, the only one who was still in good health, did not jump out to laugh at them and say something like "It's your fault that you didn't listen to my advice", but walked out of the safe place silently, wrapping up everyone's wounds , to stop the bleeding, and by the way, groom the dead.

Undoubtedly, after Sheyan finished these things, he won the unanimous support of the remaining seven or eight pirates even though he didn't say anything - of course, this should also have something to do with Scar Henry's silence. Although they were only tens of meters away from the gate of the castle at this time, the eyes of everyone looking at the gate were full of fear. Until Sheyan took the lead in carrying a box and walked towards the exit.

"It should be safe now." Fang Senyan said with affirmative tone: "The guys who were killed at the beginning are the last guard force in this castle - if there are a few more people who control the mechanism, then all of you will live." not come down."

Under Fang Senyan's leadership, the remaining pirates finally escaped with five boxes of heavy treasures. Scar Henry was still supported by two people, and staggered away from Tutujia Castle. He looked at Sheyan with complicated eyes, and finally followed behind Sheyan with a sigh. Less than ten minutes after they left, another team of pirates rushed into the castle frantically and began to loot it. If Sheyan and the others were half a step late, there would undoubtedly be an extremely tragic conflict between the two sides.

At this time, the sea was also in chaos, and the raging flames of war dyed the entire night sky red. Obviously, with the richness of Turtuga Port as the fuse, a large number of pirates fought in a scuffle during the robbery. Perhaps it was the loot of a certain pirate who was robbed, or perhaps it was an ordinary quarrel that could not be more ordinary, which triggered a series of quarrels. There was a lot of melee and riots. When the group of pirates finally got exhausted and out of breath, they arrived at the pre-arranged pick-up location, only to find that a fire had already ignited in the well-located harbor, and the barge that picked them up was used by those out-of-control pirates as a tool to vent their anger , and although there were three pirates in the team carrying the firework contact signal, none of them survived.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and relying on their familiarity with geography, the group of pirates searched for a nearby harbor where ships could berth, and were pleasantly surprised to find a small clipper ship moored here. And the ones staying above are obviously pirates, there are only a dozen or so people, and they are all old, weak, sick and disabled. It seems that they are also used to meet their accomplices on the shore. These guys on the Bell and Wine Cup are all selected elite and vicious gangsters. Although everyone is wounded, at least they have recovered some energy at this time, and immediately under the leadership of Fang Sheyan, the arrow figure, they rushed forward The pirates stomped around with their knives and successfully seized the nearly fifteen-meter-long sloop.

Although Sheyan and the others are temporarily safe, the problems that follow are imminent. The pirates who are still alive can barely start the sailboat, but if they want to fight and defend themselves, don't think about it. In other words, once they encounter an enemy ship at sea, they are almost waiting to die. Looking at the chaotic sea at this time, even though everyone knew that the Bell and Wine Glass was about ten nautical miles to the west, no one had the guts to say sailing in a straight line.

Someone proposed to send someone out to notify Armand to pick up his group, but when it came to the person who reported the letter, they all became gourds, and no one knew that at this time, they would walk through the chaotic soil with an injured body. What happened to the port of Tuga.

After some discussion, Sheyan proposed a detour route from the north side of the island. The consequence of this is that the return time has been extended to more than half an hour, but the safety has been increased by at least 80%. Because of the tragic experience of the castle exit, there are very few voices against Sheyan's proposal, and very few Almost subsided.