The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 13: Greedy snakes want to swallow elephants!


Terminator T-750 (basic type)

Basic parameters

Height: 184 cm

Weight: 200 kg

Strength: 20 points

Dexterity 10 points

Wisdom 5 points

Spirit 0 points

Charm 3 points

Physical strength 10 points

Perception 0 points.

Energy support system: Manganese-silicon ion fission battery

Standby time: ten years

Sustainable combat time: one year (regular combat)

Sustainable fighting time: 40 days (fierce fighting)

Maximum running speed (land): 60 km/h.

Maximum travel speed (underwater): 28 km/h.

Explosive jumping distance: 7 meters (with run-up)

Explosive jumping distance: 4 meters (without run-up)

Power: 520 horsepower

Base HP: 1200 points

Natural Ability: Steel, 10% resistance to any damage.

Natural Ability: Armor, increases health by an additional 400 points.

Weapon parameters (T-750CPU has limited instantaneous computing power support, only one of the following weapon systems can be selected for loading)

Weapon: Cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton (loaded)

Weapon: Cobalt Steel Alloy Defensive Shield (unable to pass through time and space tides, not loaded)

Weapons: Plasma Nichrome Rifle (cannot pass through time and space tides, not loaded)

Weapon: Jump Laser Pistol (cannot pass through time and space tides, not loaded)

Weapon: High-voltage pulse xenon lamp burst submachine gun (cannot pass through time and space tides, not loaded)

Weapon: 105MM rifled energy cannon (cannot pass through time and space tides, not loaded)

Weapon: M16 Bouncing Mine (unable to pass the tide of time and space, not loaded)

Weapon: 442-RT type magnetic adsorption system (cannot be loaded beyond the limit of computing power)

Protection ability: (T-750 energy system has limited instantaneous output support, only one of the following armor can be selected for installation)

Armor: Heavy cobalt steel alloy full body armor (cannot pass through time and space tides, not loaded)

Effect: Reduce movement speed by 33%, increase energy consumption by 300%, and absorb 45% of all types of damage

Armor: Ammoxy thickened dermis (loaded)

Effect: It can absorb 15% of all damage. After loading this armor, other types of armor cannot be loaded. After loading, it can only support combat. Procedure: Mastering close combat combat techniques

Armor: Point-to-point "Defender" artificial skin (not loaded, energy support quota overflows)

Effect: It can absorb 50% of long-range damage, and has no ability to absorb melee damage. After loading this armor, other armor cannot be loaded. After loading, it can only support combat procedures: proficiency in light gunpowder weapons.

Accessory equipment:

Simple thermal imager (loaded, with darkvision)

Satellite positioning and navigation system (loaded, cannot be used without relevant support)

Light weapon search beacon (loaded, can search for light weapon ammunition within 200 meters around)

Automated Overhaul Data Equipment Pack (can't pass Time Tides, not loaded)

Combat program: (T-750 core chip calculation capacity is limited, only one of the following combat programs can be selected to load)

Close Combat Mastery (loaded)

Energy weapon mastering (not loaded, the chip can support insufficient capacity)

Light gunpowder weapons (pistols/submachine guns) proficiency (not loaded, the chip can support insufficient capacity)

Battlefield landmine mastering (not loaded, the chip can support insufficient capacity)

Mastery of mechanical maintenance technology (not loaded, the chip can support insufficient capacity)

Simulated throat vibration onomatopoeia (not loaded, this model of Terminator cannot support this function)

Looking at the detailed information of the T-750 model, Sheyan realized that the so-called T-750 Terminator is actually just a general term for the model, just like Dongfeng/Mercedes-Benz/BMW in the car. , ancillary equipment, and combat procedures. It can be divided into four categories: close combat, long-range combat, blasting, and maintenance. And what Sheyan encountered was obviously a melee type T-750 Terminator, and the combat program loaded was melee combat. This can also logically explain why this guy didn't use firearms to deal with Sheyan - because it didn't load the mastering program for using gunpowder weapons, even if it was used, the effect would be extremely poor.

"Then..." Fang Sheyan raised his thick black eyebrows as if they were unsheathed. He suddenly thought of one thing. That was the other Terminator T-750 I saw earlier. Its marksmanship is so superb, it is logical to infer that the combat program it has installed is proficient in light gunpowder weapons. And the T-750 Terminator before withstood the volley of the Delta Special Forces and seemed to be fine, so most of the armor he was wearing was point-to-point "Defender" artificial skin! This also means that its threat to the opponent Sheyan is greatly reduced, and once Sheyan gets close, he can eat it to death without loading the melee ability!

Fang Senyan is also a decisive person, as the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be in danger in a hundred battles, if such a good thing happens, even if you push him out, you won't be able to drive him away. Throwing aside the idea of leaving completely, he started planning wholeheartedly. At this time, his only concern is: this Terminator T-750 may also be equipped with a light weapon search beacon, which can search for light weapon ammunition within 200 meters around. Once this guy finds the Sand Eagle/M500 If this kind of powerful pistol is equipped and used, it is also very tricky.

However, there is still a question of probability in everything. This neighborhood is the North District of Los Angeles, also known as the wealthy district. Both the law and order and the living environment are well-organized, and the crime rate is at least lower than that of the black settlements in the South District. 20 percent lower. The United States allows private ownership of guns. It is impossible for people living here to say that they do not have guns. However, under the perfect law and the overall environment, there are only a few residents who own such powerful light weapons and ammunition. . What's more, there are those policemen and Delta Special Forces in the front as cannon fodder to consume the Terminator's ammunition? This is also the main reason why Sheyan made up his mind to take this muddy water!

After such a short period of rest and simple treatment, Sheyan's condition has also returned to about 80% of its heyday. The ability to have such a good recovery effect is due to Sheyan's own good physique, and secondly, all the injuries he suffered were skin and flesh abrasions. If the personal injury is serious, it will also affect the recovery of his own body in turn. ability. To give a very simple example, if Sheyan suffered injuries such as fractures in the previous battle, at least the recovery time would be more than an hour.

Sheyan heard gunshots and explosions in the distance just a few minutes ago, which fully shows that the battle to encircle and suppress that Terminator T-750 is not over yet. He casually found two pieces of clothes in the closet next to him and put them on, then went out and rode his motorcycle and galloped towards the place where the gunshots came.

Two or three kilometers away, Fang Sheyan saw a group of terrified citizens fleeing, crying and screaming, some of them were wearing vests, bras and shorts, and of course there was an interception barrier set up by the Los Angeles police. The effect of this kind of checkpoint is mainly to intercept the outside, to prevent people from entering by mistake. Simply put, it is allowed to leave and not allowed to enter. It is not a problem if Sheyan rushes forward, but it will inevitably conflict with the police. This situation has already been dealt with, he got out of the car far away, then put on sunglasses and ran towards the checkpoint in a hurry, waving his hands violently in the air, while yelling:

"Oh, no, you sons of a bitch, let me go, my poor Billy is still in the house and can't escape, those goddamn lunatics will kill him!"

The policemen looked at Sheyan with frowning eyebrows, it was difficult to deal with such an emotional guy. Especially in such a situation where it is easy to cause widespread panic, an improper handling may trigger a large-scale mass incident. And the United States is a country that attaches great importance to human rights, so two policemen immediately stepped forward to try to calm Sheyan down, but they were obviously at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength, Sheyan yelled and cursed, and at the same time relaxed Squeeze them away, pass the blockade and run inside.

Faced with such a situation, the policemen also looked at each other in blank dismay. After all, this person just wanted to go home. Did they really dare to shoot in the back? Of course, it is also a good idea to catch up with him and subdue him, but this guy ran like a rabbit, and he reached a long distance in the blink of an eye... Several policemen looked at each other, and then turned their eyes away in unison. No intention of chasing after him.

After Fang Sheyan turned around a building, he began to slow down his pace. Because there is already thick smoke rising ahead, it seems that there was a fierce exchange of fire here not long ago. From the sparse gaps in the fence, one can see a 1981 version of a round-headed Ford sedan slanting on the road and burning, billowing thick black smoke. There are dripping blood and dense shell casings on the ground and building walls beside it. , apparently been shooting here for a while.

From the bullet casings on the ground, it was easy to see that both sides of the exchange of fire fired 9mm bullets. Sheyan was naturally very pleased with this point. With the support of the talent of tenacity, this level of firepower could not pose any threat to him. At this moment, a muffled hum suddenly came from a house not far away, followed by a soft sound of "crack!"

The sound was originally very soft and short, and others would not have paid much attention to it, but Fang Sheyan acted extremely vigilantly at this time, as if walking on thin ice, his heart moved, and he immediately strode into the next house on guard went in.

As soon as he approached this house, Sheyan smelled a strong smell of blood, and he was even more vigilant. But because his own high perception can often detect danger a few seconds in advance, he didn't appear to be flustered, but walked gently to the concealed door, and then pushed the door open without a trace.