The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 132: Howl of the Banshee!


"Your attack caused 32 damage to the contract ghost."

"The contract ghost's health is below 30%."

"The ghost of the contract gradually collapsed in pain, and released the banshee's howl (false), causing 90 points of damage to all enemies within four meters around, and with 5 seconds of shock and stun special effects."

"After deducting the resistance brought by physical strength, the actual damage you receive is 90-21=69 points."

"You are caught in the shock and dizziness effect."

"You recover from the stunning stun effect."

"The distance between the curse releaser and you is more than a hundred meters, and the curse of the contract ghost on your body has been lifted."

"It turned out to be the Banshee's Howl?" Fang Senyan is no stranger to this famous skill, and his heart suddenly became excited. Now it seems that it is just a fake version of the Banshee's Howl, which is a very powerful crowd control plus damage Skill. Now Fang Senyan discovered after personal experience: If it is explained by the scientific theory of the real world, the Banshee's Howl should be a ranged infrasonic attack that erupts instantly.

When she was a seaman on a ship, Sheyan often heard some strange stories full of horror, and it was even more specific to the date. For example, in 1990, a Panamanian giant ship named "Marco Polo" sailed from New Zealand. On the way to England, the news was suddenly lost in the storm. Three days later, all the sailors on the ship were found to be inexplicably dead; at the entrance of the Boradelli Cave in Hungary in 2003, three tourists suddenly fell to the ground and stopped. Breathe... After investigation, the culprit of these strange times is infrasound.

The frequency that human ears can capture is from 20HZ to 80HZ, and sound waves with a frequency less than 20Hz (Hertz) are called infrasound waves. Anything above 80HZ is called ultrasound. The oscillation frequency of infrasound is close to the rhythm of people's brain, and it is easy to cause resonance, which can strongly stimulate people's brain, and the light ones are frightened. Mania and restlessness, severe cases of sudden fainting or complete loss of self-control, and even death.

When the infrasound oscillation frequency is equivalent to the oscillation rhythm of the internal organs of the human body, and the person is in a high-intensity infrasound environment, the internal organs will resonate strongly. In an instant, all blood vessels, large and small, would rupture together, leading to death. The tragedies mentioned above were all caused by the infrasound waves produced by the storm passing over the sea, and people usually feel that the roar of tigers is breathtaking, and it seems that even the internal organs are trembling, because the tigers are hunting. The roar contains infrasound waves.

"You escaped quickly." Fang Sheyan took a deep breath, then wiped away the two streams of nosebleeds flowing from his nose, and said coldly. He cast his eyes on the floor. Among the fragments of the broken wine bottle, there is a circle of slightly blackened parchment, and the middle end is tied with a rope, which looks quite old. And around this roll of parchment, there is still white frost. It is estimated that this is the reason why it can be preserved for so many years. And the ghost sealed in the bottle probably also played the role of a supernatural version of the refrigerator.

Fang Senyan picked up the roll of parchment, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. As expected, the unlucky pickpocket of Kerry's team was reminded that the mission failed, not because he broke the bottle, but because he failed to pass the bottle. It's just a test of the head ghost!

There are branch routes for this task. Obviously, one branch route will lead the contractor to Tutujia Castle, but the other branch route is the reward for the route Sheyan currently chooses, which is this curly hair. of parchment!

The cold parchment was opened and spread out on the table, a cold air mixed with a strong musty smell hit the face, making people sneeze uncontrollably. There are patterns painted on the parchment. It is obvious that the person who used this paper is not low-status. It should be a nobleman and a fairly high-ranking nobleman. The first thing that caught Sheyan's eyes was this line of words:

"He humiliated me, hampered me a thousand times, mocked my losses, mocked my gains, despised my nation, thwarted my bargains, mocked my friends, warmed my enemies; why? Just because I'm a Jew..."

A large section of text in the middle has been blurred, and only the handwriting of the last paragraph is still legible.

"In the name of my soul and blood, I swear here that we will create a future together, and even our descendants will live in peace from generation to generation. Violators' blood will boil, breathing will stop, and the sun will The light will fester their skin, and the breath of the land will bind their steps."

It was signed with two signatures: Bernard Falk and Guber Jones.

Fang Senyan carefully looked at the words written on this roll of parchment, as if he wanted to embed every word on it into his mind intently. At the same time, he got a tip of 500 utility points + 300 pirate reputation. After only a few minutes, the roll of parchment slowly melted on the table like ice cubes exposed to the scorching sun, and finally evaporated into the air, and the mission ended. Obviously, if you choose this branch route, the mission will end here, and the final main reward will probably be this parchment—or to be more precise, the content on this parchment!

In all fairness, the branch route chosen by Sheyan is more difficult than the branch route chosen by Kerry and the others. According to the principle that the more difficult the space, the better the reward, it undoubtedly means that the content carried on this roll of parchment is in the definition of the nightmare space, and the value is at least more than twenty pounds + Russell's friendship + a series of possible occurrences Branch small tasks.

And Sheyan sat in the middle of the room, thinking for a long time. After a long time, he found a broom. First, he carefully collected the mouths of the broken drift bottles on the ground, and then he blew out the candles to rest.

The next morning, Fang Sheyan went back to the Bell and Wineglass to take a look. After fulfilling his duties as bosun, he stood on the bow of the ship and realized that although the hurricane's power had passed most of the time, the remaining power was still there. The sea is still rough.

According to Fang Senyan's visual inspection, the waves outside the harbor are at least five meters above. If you look at them, you can see the huge waves in the distance seem to have layers of deep black hills surging over, full of irresistible power. In this case, even if the draft in the real world is less than a thousand tons, they dare not leave the port, let alone the sailing ships in the Pirates of the Caribbean world

Seeing this situation, Fang Senyan became more and more sure that the lady's death would not be discovered for at least two or three days. He went to see Kerry by the way, and reminded him that the guards in the port had relaxed at this time. If you want to return to the team, it is the best time. But Kerry categorically rejected this proposal that seemed to be a matter of course. Fang Sheyan soon discovered that this guy had already connected with Shire at some point, and seemed to be still passing through after paying a certain price. Learn from Charr to improve your basic abilities!

Under the coercion and lure of Fang Sheyan's bosun's air, Kerry still reluctantly revealed the news he had obtained. Generally speaking, it is still related to charm. After paying some price, try to learn basic abilities from plot characters who are stronger than yourself. This also involves a hidden data "compatibility".

The compatibility value is usually only visible to the contractor who has reached a certain level of charm. In layman's terms, it depends on whether the two parties are compatible. For example, people with fierce faces and eccentric personalities may have life-and-death friends, while handsome and decent people will also have mortal enemies. This is the reason for compatibility.

Those contractors with high charisma often have the ability to enslave creatures. At this time, they usually gain the ability to observe the compatibility value. If they are creatures with high compatibility with themselves, then enslaving them will naturally be a matter of course. Of course, it is better to die than surrender when enslaved.

Obviously, the hidden compatibility value between Kerry and Shire is quite high, that's why Shire taught him the ability in this way, but Sheyan wouldn't believe that Kerry hadn't been ruthlessly slaughtered for a fortune. Looking at the green and white complexion on this guy's fat face, like those opium addicts, one knows that he must have paid a very painful price.

After getting the news from Kerry, Fang Senyan began to try to find those pirate subordinates, but at this time he did not dare to use the ability of "insight" which requires payment. After all, if counted now, he already owes the Nightmare Space a full 900 utility points, and the utility points he got now are only 1340 points. So Fang Senyan could only ask the pirates on the ship one by one, and try to see if there is a possibility of getting it done.

It's a pity that Fang Sheyan's charm is not very high, and in the early stage, the chance of encountering this kind of learning opportunity is extremely small. For example, Kerry's charm value is probably higher than Sheyan's. He knows that the news has spread to three whole worlds. He has met at least a hundred characters in the plot during the period, but he only met one Shire who is compatible. And paid a considerable price for it. It is conceivable that this probability is small. If it wasn't for Sheyan being quite famous among the pirates at this time, then some pirates on the ship would not even pay attention to him, even at this time they would be perfunctory.

Fortunately, Sheyan's hard work finally paid off. It was the blind Matt, assigned to him by Armand. Public training. His purpose was very simple, to take advantage of Sheyan's inadequacy in this area to show off his ability, so as to increase his prestige and prepare himself for the top position.