The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 133: incite


Fang Senyan was the least injured person at this time, so he took the lead in inspecting the ship once, and then distributed his personnel to various parts of the ship. Someone helped Scar Henry into the cabin below. Even though there was only one candle lit in the cabin, and the light was quite weak and dim, it was still enough for lighting. Fang Sheyan lit the candle himself. of.

As for Scar Henry, who suffered a huge head trauma, the weak light made him more comfortable, and he lay down on the bed next to him without thinking much. However, after lying down, he still insisted on moving the most precious box of the remaining four people to the side, and by the way put his thick right leg on it. Obviously, he was not at ease with everyone. The hatch slammed shut with a bang.

The ship sailed silently along the coastline amidst the sound of waves. For this era, such an overnight voyage is actually quite dangerous. If you are not careful, you will hit the reefs on the shore and cause the tragedy of ship destruction and death. Fang Sheyan stood at the bow of the ship, looking silently at the darkness in the distance. The pirates beside him looked at him with awe and admiration. After the previous series of events, no one dared to ignore Fang Senyan anymore. Half a sentence—because those who dared to question him are almost dead.

Suddenly, Fang Senyan turned his head and glanced at the pirates around him. There was an indescribably sharp feeling in his eyes, and wherever he touched the exposed skin of the pirates, there was a slight tingling pain, as if the tip of a sharp knife was lightly touching the skin.

"I just saw that there is a lifeboat on board, so I decided to leave."

Sheyan suddenly said. His voice was not loud, but there was an unquestionable determination in his solemnity: "I wish you all good luck."

The pirates next to him were stunned, and Charlie reacted even more violently, dumbfounded:

"Why? Master, we are already safe! That damned castle is already six nautical miles away, and we will be back on the Bell and Wineglass in at most fifteen minutes. And Lord Armand has always been very clear about rewards and punishments." People, we are waiting for cheers, rewards, wine and golden capon! Why do you have such a ridiculous idea?"

Sheyan said coldly:

"Charlie, no matter how loud you yell, Scar Henry won't be able to hear you. The soundproofing effect of the cabin is very good, and the sound of the wind and waves is not small—before boarding the Bell and Wineglass, there will indeed be cheers waiting for us, but Knives, buckshot and shrouds should follow."

He looked around the audience and saw disbelief on all the pirates' faces, and a few people opened their mouths to speak, but Sheyan shook his head and smiled wryly:

"I know you don't believe my judgment, but it's okay, this is not the first time this has happened."

Fang Senyan's words contained a strong psychological hint. As soon as he said it, the group of pirates immediately thought of the terrifying arrow rain at the gate of the castle, and they couldn't help shivering. I couldn't help touching the wound on my body that was still oozing blood despite being bandaged, and there was a gap in the firm belief in my heart. Only Charlie shook his head repeatedly and said:

"Impossible, impossible! The captain is definitely not that kind of person."

Sheyan showed a contemptuous smile on his face and said:

"Mr. Charlie, I just want to ask you a question."

Charlie said in astonishment:

"Master, what do you want to say?"

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"What is your ultimate goal as a pirate?"

Charlie was at a loss for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he replied:

"Of course it is to grab more money."

Fang Sheyan's mouth showed a sneer and said:

"What are you doing with so much money? Drinking, gambling? And then?"

"Then..." Charlie hesitated and said, "I should find a woman to marry."

"GOOD" Sheyan stretched out his index finger and said:

"You've touched on the main point of the matter. In the end, you still want to find a woman to marry and carry on the family line. However, you can be a pirate, and your future wife will also accompany you to be a pirate. What about your son and daughter? I also plan to let them be a pirate at any time. Pirates who will be hanged or buried in the sea? Do you hope that your descendants will be drunk with rum every day and use up the last penny in the casino like you, or become a thief who will be chopped off at any time or become a A prostitute who rides thousands of people? Tell me, is this the life you want? Tell me loudly! Mr. Charlie!"

Facing Fang Senyan's questioning, Charlie stayed where he was, while the eyes of the rest of the pirates showed a look of bewilderment. Sheyan snorted contemptuously:

"Let me tell you the ultimate goal hidden in my heart. Every pirate hopes to get enough money and then quit, buy some land in the countryside, marry a wife, and live a peaceful and prosperous life—on weekends and Sundays Some red wine and steak, the life that even you bloody idiots are looking forward to. Doesn’t this guy Armand look forward to it? Or do you think he is willing to be a damn pirate captain for the rest of his life?”

A group of pirates looked at each other, their eyes gradually showing panic, they already guessed what Sheyan would say next.

"Now! Now! If we deliver to the great Son of the Black Sea this treasure, which would make the devil's eyeballs fall out with envy, then everything will be ripe for him to have enough wealth to pay the queen The ransom money that old bitch demanded, even with the rest of the wealth he could have bought a small castle and nearby land! In this case, folks! Please think with your assholes! Do you think Is he willing to be called the great pirate captain Armand, or the honorable Viscount Armand? Why does he still want to share the wealth with you? Under such circumstances, the only value of your existence is to enrich the sharks in the Caribbean Sea The menu! Look at the sad faces of you idiots, I really want to trample on them with the soles of my shoes! Don’t look at me with such innocent eyes, such a simple truth will make me waste my saliva and precious money time!"

When Fang Sheyan said the next few sentences, he had already changed into a tone of gnashing his teeth and hating iron for not being able to make steel! He looked around again at the faces of the earth-colored pirates in front of him, sighed and lowered his eyes and said:

"Who else is going to stop me?"

There was no sound in the surrounding area, only the sound of the waves could be heard clearly. Sheyan shrugged and said:

"Very well, then I'll go first."

As he spoke, he went to untie the cable that tied the lifeboat next to him. Suddenly, a pirate named Watt stood up and said anxiously:

"My lord! What shall we do when you leave?"

Sheyan said angrily:

"If my guess is correct, Henry should be Armand's default castle steward—so you can lick Mr. Henry's sexy toes and plump hemorrhoids like Mr. Charlie, and voluntarily give up the wealth you deserve, then there should be Fifty percent chance of surviving."

Charlie was turned green and pale by Sheyan's words, but he didn't dare to refute, and Watt obviously had a certain prestige among the remaining pirates. He glanced at the surrounding pirates, and suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously:

"My lord! Why don't we get rid of this guy Henry? Then this huge fortune will be ours!"

Fang Sheyan looked around with a half-smile and said:

"Do you have the guts?"

Watt slapped his chest viciously and said:

"Even if Scar Henry was called the Viking Lion before, he is old now and only has half his life left! It doesn't seem too difficult to get rid of this guy."

Sheyan squinted at them and said with disdain:

"Really? You know, it's one thing to talk about it behind the scenes, but it's another thing to face it on the spot! If I agree to you, I may not be able to reap too many benefits. On the contrary, I will take more risks because of it." Risk—As long as we show up in front of Scar Henry with knives and matchlock guns, he will know that I told you everything. Then this rude and powerful Viking will go crazy and chase me! Will every The power that erupts from a single muscle fiber spares no effort on my body! If you were so soft then, OHYE, there is nothing more exciting than this in the world.”

Watt's face changed a little, but he forced a smile and said:

"Don't say that, bosun, they're all good lads. It's not going to happen."

Sheyan said coldly:

"I do not believe… "

His voice dragged on for a long time, but there was no hesitation in his voice, instead, there was a trace of coldness.

"Unless each of you can stab Carter lying on the back deck."

Apart from Sheyan's servant Charlie, Carter was the last member of the "Pro-Henry faction" on the ship. His right lung and thigh were seriously injured in the terrible arrow rain, so he could only lie on the shelter of the rear deck lingering. If the hands of the pirates in front of them were stained with his blood, it would undoubtedly mean that there was no way to compromise with Henry. And Watt is also ruthless, knowing that this is the only way to keep Fang Senyan, he immediately winked at the two close companions next to him, gagged Carter and lifted him over without hesitation. Gave him a knife!

After Watt took the lead, his two accomplices naturally followed suit, and then the three guys who submitted their nominations began to stand by and stare at the remaining pirates. Obviously, whoever dares to show the slightest hesitation , then of course these three determined guys greeted them directly with their sharp knives still stained with blood!