The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 137: The teacher returns


At this time, the four members of the surrounding Ministry of Magic have disappeared, and the closed magic shield has disappeared, but the surrounding area should also be blocked by traffic control. Probably because similar incidents often occur in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, especially when Voldemort is plundering, it may be even worse, so the government is also very interested in not meddling in other people's business, and doing a good job of cleaning up the mess when the time comes Just be mentally prepared.

After Sheyan pretended to be limping out of the building, he was startled. He saw the metal instructor floating about three meters above the ground, wearing a majestic mask on his face, and the robes he was wearing seemed to be equipped with magic. The characteristics of the robe and the chain armor, although they look tattered, have a hard texture like metal, which seems to have the majesty of a general who has died in a hundred battles, and the cold shines on the iron suit.

In his left hand is a man:

This person's eyes were closed, his whole body was covered with wounds, extremely finely shattered, his clothes and trousers were stained red with blood, and he was held by the metal instructor, as if an eagle was holding a chicken!

Looking at his face, it was Darth who had fled! Obviously he has been beaten into a serious injury state.

The Metal Mentor left Darth behind, and said solemnly:

"You come to kill this man Deco, the key after killing is your trophy!"

At this moment, Finley stood up suddenly, and said coldly:

"Fanu, I want to challenge you."

Fanu's cold voice is like a robot:


He directly used the trial, fired Finley from the team, and the team members present passed directly. So as soon as Fanu's words fell, a three-story mixed-structure building next to it swayed and collapsed, and a huge dinosaur rushed out of the dust in the sky! That seemingly sturdy building was vulnerable to this giant beast!

This dinosaur walked on all fours. Its neck had a huge bone plate similar to a lion's mane, and its body was also covered by bone plates. Its head had sharp double horns, and there were even metal flashes on those horns. luster! There are even more sharp bone plates on the spine on the back, it is actually a plate-armored stegosaurus that looks almost stronger than a tank!

If you look carefully, the plate armored stegosaurus is also covered with scars on the bone plate, obviously it has just experienced a hard battle. Its claws are also extremely sharp, and its four thick thighs step on the ground in a smooth and steady manner. It can clearly see deep marks in the ground. Its pair of triangular eyes reveal a crazy and ferocious gaze, and the muscles all over its body are swollen. , It seemed that even the bone armor on his body was hard to restrain, and then this guy suddenly opened his mouth and howled, the terrifying sharp serrations in his mouth were as sharp as a serrated table knife.

Facing this plate-armored stegosaurus, Sheyan also felt an extremely strong threat, and couldn't help but take a half step back.

And Finley's body shook for a while, his face was terribly pale, and he vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood. He summoned a few crows and flew over, but under the charge of the terrifying plate-armored stegosaurus in front of him, The crow's attack was of no avail at all, the stegosaurus charged Finley directly through his abdomen, his whole body was lifted into the air, and then fell heavily, the blood gushing out from the wound soon It just wet the whole ground, and I couldn't see it alive.

But at this time, Finley was still able to laugh intermittently and said:

"Okay, okay, okay, it's really powerful, Metal Mentor, the only thing I don't understand is, how can someone like you not know that kind of horror... that kind of power is irresistible! Why do you have to pull everyone together interests to take this detour.”

"What do you know?" The Metal Mentor's voice sounded like steel chirping loudly again: "Once we get the Sorcerer's Stone and install it on the Stegosaurus, it will have the ability of infinite resurrection. I want to Prove it to them, I must prove it to those idiots to take a closer look! This world is not about to collapse without those damned defensive contractors! There are also other ways to grow!"

Finley laughed wildly and shook his head. His gold-rimmed glasses were broken, and the corners of his shriveled and cracked mouth were overflowing with blood foam. He looked hysterically miserable:

"Metal mentor, you are wrong. Even if you successfully obtained the Sorcerer's Stone this time and achieved the effect you want to achieve, even if you can successfully pass with this beast, so what? Haven't you heard of the growing body?" Scary? The growth of this dinosaur is limited, and it is absolutely impossible to have the possibility of unlimited growth like a contractor! Even if you can barely survive the first time, you will definitely not be able to survive the second or third time with this idiot... I, I'm in hell... waiting... for you!"

Although he couldn't see Metal Mentor's expression, Sheyan could feel his fury. There was no movement from the metal instructor, and suddenly a circle of flames appeared from the place where Finley was seriously injured and lying down, and then only two or three seconds later, a fountain suddenly shot out from the middle of the fire circle. The huge pillar of fire! It wasn't until the jet was sprayed at a height of seven or eight meters that it was a little suffocated.

The pillar of fire came and went quickly, and it only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing, but there were black ashes floating in the air slowly falling. And it wasn't until several seconds after the pillar of fire disappeared that Fang Sheyan, who was standing not far away, felt the incomparably hot air blowing towards his face! Eyebrows and hair are almost curly and scorched. It can be seen that the power of the Metal Mentor's blow is terrifying.

After a while, the metal instructor suppressed his irritability, threw down a few rolls of bandages, let the people present slowly recover their health, and ordered the people in the ruins to be rescued. At this time, Fanu had already commanded the dinosaur, and directly drove the remaining members of the Banks gang together without mercy, and let several senior team members kill them, but unfortunately, none of the bloody keys failed. burst out.

After almost everyone recovered, the metal instructor said coldly:

"Everyone has to work hard. The appetite of these idiots of the Banks gang is too great. They actually used the wormhole to enter three groups of people. The first group of people came to deal with me and Fanu, and the second group People are here to deal with you, and although the third group of people is weak, they seized this opportunity that no one blocked to get the Philosopher's Stone."

After Sheyan heard his words, he immediately had a more intuitive assessment of the power of the Banks gang! The Symbiosis Society is indeed not at the same level as this organization, and it's no wonder Fante was so arrogant when he saw the crowbar.

At this time, the metal instructor continued:

"In the original plot, the Sorcerer's Stone that was originally stored in Gringotts was taken away by Hagrid ahead of time, so the people Voldemort sent to steal the Sorcerer's Stone fell short, but at least this shows: the so-called impregnable Gringotts Bank is not as strong as it seems. It can be deduced that as long as Voldemort's slave can be found, clues to safely enter and exit Gringotts will be found!"

"And this clue, I have already found it and held it in my own hands." Speaking of this, the metal instructor took out a golden key and held it in his hand.

"Let's rush over there right away. Those idiots from the Banks gang don't have the keys to the key organs, and they are bound to suffer heavy casualties. Instead, they help us find the way for nothing. Everyone works hard and rush over there immediately. If they succeed, they will all be core members!"

When Mentor Metal said this, the rest of the members were overjoyed, only Sheyan sneered in his heart, because he had already learned from Infiniti of Gringotts that there was no key to the secret door of Gringotts' important organ! It must be opened by the fingers of the goblin staff of Gringotts, and these goblins, without exception, are descendants of the goblin craftsmen who built Gringotts back then! This mechanism, which is similar to a genetic fingerprint lock, can only be opened by the corresponding goblin's finger! How could it be the kind of golden key held by the Metal Mentor

According to Fang Senyan's deduction, the group of people driven by the Banks gang probably mastered the method to open the mechanism, so those people don't need to have much strength at all. This happened to explain why the Metal Mentor was so angry and wanted everyone to rush over immediately. At this time, time was running out, and Metal Mentor didn't have time to inquire about the details of the previous battle in detail, but after the previous big waves washed the sand, it was obvious that there should be no spies from the Banks gang among the people left behind, so Metal Mentor took people there with confidence. up.

The group of people was not heading towards Gringotts, but into Knockturn Alley. The place was still barren, dilapidated and withered. The metal instructor pinned a badge, came outside a seemingly abandoned house, and kicked the door open very simply.

An old man dressed as a black aborigine raised his head. He was actually tall but looked very short because of his hunched waist. There were strings of bone necklaces around his neck and a mysterious necklace painted on his face. Wears hoops of bone and thorny plants, and wears headbands of bone and thorny plants. When the door was kicked open, he was already holding a ghost staff in his hand.

"What do you want to do?"

The metal instructor arrogantly pointed to the badge on his chest.

"Kabataba, your hut has been temporarily requisitioned by the Ministry of Magic."

Fang Sheyan noticed that the whole room of this hut was full of strange bottles, inside the bottles were full of strange bottles like a doctor's dissecting room, filled with brains of different sizes, internal organs and some strange herbs.