The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 139: Anti-interval


In the dark cabin, there is a smell of burning candles.

The thick bulkheads have good sound insulation performance, which is probably because the original owner of the cabin hung terry cloth on the surrounding walls, so that even the sound of the waves seemed very slight.

Scar Henry was just lying in the captain's cabin. Although the candle had been extinguished for unknown reasons, he had no intention of re-lighting it. For him who was still suffering from severe headaches, this dark and quiet environment It will undoubtedly be more comfortable. The temple is throbbing with severe pain. It would be better if you press it hard with your thumb, but the consequence of this is that the muscles on the arm will express strong protest with severe pain like tearing.

"Ten years ago, how could I be in such a mess! Fortunately... I will be returning to the Bell and Wineglass soon."

Scar Henry caressed the silver rapier that had been pulled out of its sheath in his hand. Even in the dark, the surface of this rapier could rippling with silver ripples after waves of light! This is exactly the portable sword that Armand gave him before leaving.

At this moment, the door of the cabin was suddenly opened with a bang! A black figure rushed in with the fresh sea breeze, and there was a heavy panting sound. This panting sound was not due to fatigue, but an indescribable tension and panic.

"Sir, Mr. Henry! There was a rebellion on the ship. They killed Carter and asked me to change your poisoned bandages. The entire ship is already full of our enemies. The only wish in their heads at this time It is to kill you and divide up this huge wealth."

Scar Henry's eyes opened suddenly. Although the pain in his body was still there, at this moment, all the prestige and murderous aura returned to this burly Viking man. He jumped up with incredible agility, lowered his voice and said:

"How many are there, Charlie?"

The person who slipped in was Fang Sheyan's servant Charlie, and his voice trembled:

"Six... six. The poison on the bandage will take effect in a quarter of an hour, and then they'll rush in!"

Scar Henry pouted his lips hard, which made his expression look extraordinarily fierce, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from the gap between his teeth:

"very good!"

I don't know if he thought Charlie did a good job, or he was talking ironically about Sheyan and the others. Scar Henry paced a few steps in the cabin anxiously, his nose flapped a few times and said:

"Have you been drinking? Have you had any more?"

At this time, there is no doubt that alcohol can greatly numb the pain and boost morale. In order to pluck up the courage to betray his master and other pirates, Charlie must have drank some wine to strengthen his courage. After hearing Scar Henry's question, he nodded hurriedly and said:

"Yes, yes, I drank some before I came, and filled a bag full."

As soon as Scar Henry stretched out his hand, he tore off the wine bag from Charlie's waist, raised his head, and pinched it with one hand, and he could see a stream of dark yellow wine shooting straight into his mouth like a water arrow. Wriggling up and down, he drank the whole bag of wine in a short time, adding a few sad red threads to his eyeballs. Under the stimulation of alcohol, Scar Henry exhaled a long breath, looking quite comfortable, but after a few seconds, that comfortable expression turned ferocious, and he roared wildly, as if he had stepped into the end of a trap The beast grabbed Charlie in front of him, and yelled crazily:

"You even betrayed me by poisoning the wine!"

Charlie, who was not considered thin, was caught face-to-face by Scar Henry, a majestic Viking man, and he was as immobile as a chicken waiting to be slaughtered. Charlie's face was full of disbelief, and he screamed loudly:

"I didn't, I didn't!! They clearly said they were going to poison the bandages!"

At this time, the monotonous applause sounded suddenly outside the cabin, and a group of people filed in from the stairs. The leader was Fang Sheyan, who was fully armed, followed by a group of vicious pirates, like a group of greedy and covetous tigers. jackal. Sheyan looked at Charlie, with a secretive smile on his face and said:

"Well done, my servant."

Charlie froze for a moment, but Scar Henry's eyes were tearing apart. He was dizzy at this moment, and he felt no pain in his head, stomach, and body. He screamed wildly after adding strength to his hand, and it was already Severe Charlie's neck bone alive! Then he was thrown out, hit the board wall with a bang, and slid down like a broken sack, and there was no more movement, but two lines of blood slowly flowed out from the dead Charlie's eyes. I don't know if it's tears or blood!

Sheyan also received the reminder of the nightmare mark of "Your servant Charlie the Pirate is dead", but he didn't take it to heart at all. In his plan, Charlie, an incompetent and unfaithful guy, has always been an outcast. It is enough to maximize his interests at this time, and life and death are completely out of the plan. Fang Senyan, the pirate Watt and others looked at Charlie's body and laughed wildly at the same time. Their laughter made Scar Henry, who was already violent and frenzied, even more irritable, and an extremely ominous feeling appeared in his heart. feeling, roared wildly:

"You bloody idiots, what are you laughing at?"

Sheyan looked at him with pity, and said lightly:

"Congratulations on killing the last loyal person on this ship with your own hands."

When Scar Henry heard this, the blood in his eyes became thicker, and he couldn't help but stepped back a few steps and shouted wildly:

"Impossible! Impossible, he obviously used poisoned wine to harm me!"

Sheyan shrugged, smiled contemptuously and said:

"In fact, Charlie's loyalty to you has been clearly written on his face. We just used a little trick to make him think that the originally non-toxic bandages are poisonous, and in the wine and food he carries, But we have secretly poisoned him—in fact, the reason is very simple, if he really intends to harm you, then why didn't he run away after you finished drinking?"

"If he really wanted to harm you, why didn't he run away after you finished drinking?"

"If he really wanted to harm you, why didn't he run away after you finished drinking?"

"If he really wanted to harm you, why didn't he run away after you finished drinking?"

Fang Senyan's last words were like a sharp knife, mercilessly piercing the deepest part of Scar Henry's heart. He couldn't help turning his head to look back, and saw the unrepentant Charlie and the blood and tears on his cheeks. I felt that a cavity of resentment was rampant in my heart, and there was nowhere to vent it, and my body was almost bursting! He roared wildly, and there was only one thought left in his mind, and that was to kill them! Kill everything alive in front of you! Or destroy yourself, or destroy the whole world!

Sheyan's pupils contracted for a while, and a variable beyond his calculation appeared! The nightmare imprint gave a warning at this moment:

"Scar Henry's nerves have been over-stimulated! The blood of the ancient Vikings is excited!"

"Scar Henry has fallen into a state of madness! He will not be affected by pain, fear and other abilities, and he will fight entirely by biological instinct. The damage he receives will increase by 200%, and the damage he will cause to the enemy will increase by 250%!"

The giant Scar Henry roared like a wild animal, and punched Sheyan directly in the face! This punch was so powerful that it felt like a heavy pickup truck with a load of 50 tons was rushing towards it. When Fang Sheyan first entered the world, he was better than Scar Henry in arm wrestling in the bar, so he had a certain psychological advantage, so he also punched with two fists to face him head-on. But as soon as they fought, he felt an indescribable force coming from the opposite side, oppressing him so much that he couldn't even breathe. Sheyan was actually sent flying by Scar Henry, and he was even more so when he was flying backwards. He smashed through the door of the cabin behind him, and with a crackling sound, he rolled down on the deck together with the door.

"Damn it..." Fang Sheyan understood the reasons for being suppressed in strength in an instant. One should be the title, and the other is the equipment!

At this time, they were fighting at sea, and Fang Sheyan's title "Pirate Chief" can increase his strength +2 and stamina +2, so for Scar Henry, the first mate of the pirate, he must have a more powerful title. Bring more powerful bonus. Secondly, the last time I fought Scar Henry was in a tavern—usually, when I go to a leisure place like a tavern and have a large number of younger brothers around me, I will not be fully armed. This is the same as the No. 1 killer in the real world. It makes sense to carry a heavy suitcase by your side.

Although he was absolutely at a disadvantage in the first fight, and was beaten into a mess, Fang Senyan was well prepared before that. Scar Henry, who stepped out of the cabin door steps like an angry lion, suddenly felt the flames in front of his eyes. It was someone who threw a few torches towards him. He roared and waved the torches to separate them, but in front of him It was already a sudden collision with a huge force, causing the whole body to fall backwards, and then there was a cold and scorching feeling from the chest to the back, and then the severe pain spread all over the body like a spider web!

At this time, Scar Henry had time to lower his head in astonishment, and happened to see the trembling arrow tail that was deeply buried in his chest, and the sharp arrow with flesh and blood protruding from his back, adding a little bit of excitement to the night. It's as bloody as stern!

This arrow was actually sent out by a huge crossbow that was originally arranged on the ship and used for naval battles! This kind of crossbow can penetrate even the thick ship planks, so it can naturally inflict heavy damage on Scar Henry. Sheyan and the others aimed the crossbow at the door of the cabin, just to give Scar Henry a ruthless blow!