The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 143: Black Vampire Bat


Facing the metal instructor's questioning, Kabataba said impatiently:

"If I succeed in running for Minister of Magic, then I will definitely fire you guys! Tell you, I have neither gang nor Death Eater, and there is nothing but rat spider web dust in the cellar below None! Just now a group of people came here and made my place a mess, and now you guys are still here to continue to disturb my research!"

"Shut up, I have reason to believe that you are stalling for time." The metal instructor said coldly: "We have detected the breath of Death Eaters in the fireplace in your cellar, and the Ministry of Magic has sufficient reasons to suspect that you are engaged in illegal activities .We'll go in and use Floo powder to try to study the specific orientation of your fireplace, and if there are any problems then wait to enter Azkaban."

"Damn it! You damn it." The old man began to yell: "Don't threaten me with Azkaban, okay, okay, you can stay in the cellar for as long as you want, the important thing is that you must not wrong me. "

The metal instructor led a group of people into the cellar of this house. The core object here is a huge pot. Although there is no flame underneath, there is a black pulp with a strange smell in the pot, which is slowly bubbling. A bubble, next to scattered piles of toads and the like. It is estimated that it has something to do with black magic. The Metal Instructor didn't look at the pot at all, but walked to the fireplace at the end of the basement, and a legal contractor kindly took out the Floo powder and handed it over. The metal instructor slapped him away, and then looked at the top of the fireplace, where there was a picture hanging, which was covered in dust, but left a few clear finger marks.

Obviously, as the painting was removed, the fireplace moved sideways with a bang, revealing a deep downward passage, because the Banks gang had already taken the lead here, so the authorities Don't worry too much about anything. The metal instructor strode in, taking the lead and looking very impatient. After the rest of the people entered, the fireplace returned to its original state.

This passage looks narrow and dark, but the more you go down, the more spacious it looks, and there is a slight light in the wall next to it. Although it makes the surroundings look gloomy, it also has a considerable lighting effect. The ground looks a little damp, and you can see lush gray-green moss growing everywhere, but the air does not have the expected musty smell and filth, but it looks a little fresh. If you pay attention carefully, you can feel the breeze passing by you cheek. Those who are quite familiar with cave exploration should know that the space below is quite large.

Suddenly, Deco, holding a longbow, issued a warning signal:

"Be careful, I smell blood!"

Everyone stopped at the same time, especially the two legal contractors who were directly buried alive at the beginning, they simply dodged back. On the contrary, Metal Mentor and Fanu seemed to know that Finley's words before his death affected morale quite a lot, so they both walked ahead. And the terrifying plate-armored stegosaurus was taken back, and a gray wolf summoned by Phil was at the forefront to explore the way.

Fang Sheyan only found out when he was chatting with Phil just now, it turns out that the contractors with the ability to summon are not so beautiful at this time. The most typical thing is that you must first domesticate a certain creature before you can obtain the qualification to summon it. And once this creature dies in battle, it is a pity that you will lose it forever. Earlier, Phil sent three gray wolves to attack Darth desperately, but Darth killed two of them. Now the remaining wolf is Phil's last summon, and his loyalty has dropped to 60 points. If it slipped a little bit, most of them would defect.

And according to Phil, if you want to domesticate a powerful creature like that plate armored stegosaurus, you might have to sign a life contract. Once the creature dies, the summoner will also die, and A life contract is almost equivalent to a marriage certificate, and after signing the life contract, other creatures cannot be domesticated! Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. After the life contract is signed, the relationship between the contracted creature and its owner will be closer, and the attributes of both parties will increase.

The bloody smell in front of it gradually became stronger, and the tunnel has turned into a wide hall. Of course, the hall has been corrupted to a mess, and the rich and luxurious curtains around it turned to dust. From the stone carvings next to it, it can be seen that it should be the remains of King Arthur's period, and several overturned cabinets have basically turned into brown rotten wood.

The most striking thing is: there is a deep crack in the center of the hall, the beginning and the end of the crack cannot be seen at all, and it is at least more than ten meters wide and bottomless. The hall is also logically divided into Two pieces, if you want to go to the opposite side, you must find a way to cross this gap.

In the middle of the hall near Sheyan and the others, there was a dead man lying in it. It should be a plot character. The dead man was bound up and down, the artery in his neck was cut, and a large piece of blood flowed out, which was already slightly black. There are a lot of palm-sized black things scattered around the dead man. When he got closer, he realized that they were furry bats. Although these bats were dead, they could still see sharp teeth in their mouths. Even the wings have sharp claws that have not yet degenerated.

"It's a black vampire bat." Phil immediately said, as a summoner who is interested in this, of course remembering the characteristics of various creatures is a necessary skill. He also looked at Fanu, and Fanu nodded with his dead face still on his face.

The metal instructor sneered and said:

"This is the habitat of the black vampire bat. If we want to get through this deep scar, we must first eliminate the attacks of these extremely territorial bats. The idiots of the Banks Symbiosis will save us A lot of trouble."

Although the crack in front was wide, Fang Sheyan and the others found the rope bridge that the Banks gang had crossed before without much effort, and crossed it without any danger. After passing through this ancient hall from the time of King Arthur, the entrance that appeared ahead was a cave. It can be seen that the stones on the ground are scattered and fragmented, obviously they were opened directly on the original hall wall.

The further you go in, the fewer artificial traces on the stone wall. In the end, Sheyan and the others found that they entered a natural cave group with a low top. A faint sulfur smell. After walking for about three kilometers, there was the sound of rushing water in front of us. Through the light from the cave wall, we could see that two small cave rivers with white smoke appeared in front of us and merged together. The water flow was fast. , but the water is clear.

Deco's experience in wild survival seems to be quite rich. He took the lead to take a few steps forward, then leaned to the water's edge and smelled it, tasted a little and said:

"The water is not poisonous, it should be that kind of hot spring underground river."

At this time, the Metal Instructor's face turned serious, and he suddenly looked forward and said:

"There seems to be something wrong ahead."

I saw a rocky shoal with an area of at least nearly 1,000 square meters at the place where the two streams meet. After the two underground rivers, which were originally clear and turbulent, slowed down suddenly, there were several flat rocks in the center of the shoal. The boulder, the strange movement discovered by the metal instructor is that there seem to be a few motionless black shadows crouching on the top of the boulder. Although these black shadows are not huge, they are estimated to be at least two or three people long. It gives people a very dangerous illusion.

It wasn't until everyone got closer that they realized that these black shadows were all crocodiles! And the skin of these crocodiles is extraordinarily rough, with a rock-like texture, and more importantly, the skin is extremely black, as if it wants to completely absorb the surrounding light. If you want to move forward, you must pass by less than 30 meters away from these crocodiles.

After seeing these black shadows clearly, the Metal Mentor's expression changed, and he glanced at Fanu. Fanu stood up and said in that affirmative tone:

"I've seen this kind of crocodile. It's called a black lizard crocodile. It has a gentle personality. But don't make any noise to disturb them, just pass quickly."

Next, the number of people passing through was assigned, and it seemed that there was no problem. Fanu stood in the front and the metal instructor was cut off. The two weakest legal system contractors passed quickly in the middle. A group of people waded through the water quickly without any danger, and they had already reached the opposite bank. Suddenly, a black lizard raised its head vigilantly, its tail flapped rhythmically in the air, and it actually let out a sound like a rattlesnake. The sound, followed by quickly twisting the body and crawling over here! Following its action, several other black shadows also quickly climbed down the stone, winding like snakes in the water, passing through without even splashing a drop of spray!

"Let's go!" The metal instructor shouted abruptly: "They won't leave the nest too far, don't waste time here, we will definitely be able to get rid of them."

After speaking, he took the lead and flew forward. If he took the lead, the rest of the people would follow suit and run forward madly. But at this time, there is no doubt that Fang Sheyan and Deke will definitely have the advantage in speed, and the two legal system contractors and Phil will most likely be left behind. Kilometers away, those black lizard alligators were still biting the uninvited guest tightly, getting closer and closer to the three contractors who were left behind!