The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 144: Rebel


After the blind mountain monster finished venting, there was a mess within tens of meters around it, and it also sat down in the muddy water, panting on the spot, like an old and loud bellows being amplified ten times. And the thick gray skin on the mountain monster was also damaged during the previous madness, especially the elbows, knees, etc., which clearly exposed the flesh and blood inside. If you count the minor injuries caused by the members of the previous symbiosis group when they attacked wildly, then the accumulation can be regarded as bruises all over the body.

Crowbar first went to check the comatose Das's condition, and confirmed that he was indeed severely injured in the head, which made him unable to wake up for a short time. Then he stood up, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes. This change was so sudden that Gree next to him suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if the big guy next to him seemed to have changed suddenly.

"Now is our great opportunity!" The crowbar ran to the front, and he clenched his fist vigorously and waved it. "This damn monster is completely blind, and now the wind and rain are blowing and the noise is heavy. We only need one person to attack and one person to make noise, then the natural risk will be reduced to the limit!"

Although the crowbar said very passionately, Gree still inevitably thought of the three dead companions—the scene of them being turned into flesh and blood and the tragic end of being digested by the gastric juice of the mountain monster. Just thinking about it is chilling. , couldn't help muttering:

"Boss... do you want to wait any longer? This monster is blind, maybe it bleeds to death."

The face of the crowbar suddenly darkened, and he shouted angrily:

"Wait a minute? You idiot, the mountain monster is also a legendary creature after all. It is very adaptable. Now it is still in the panic of blindness. Once it gets used to this state and learns to use its ears to find enemies, then we want to kill it. You have to fight with your life to lose it. I will go first! When I retreated, you shouted loudly to disturb its hearing."

At this moment, the crowbar finally took out its melee weapon—a rather sharp-looking iron hook, which seemed to be shining with a dark blue light—this Eastern and Western Forest Rock was seen a lot in the last Caribbean world, and many of them appeared Pirates with physical disabilities will add iron hooks or wooden legs to their residual limbs, which look not much different from normal people. However, iron hooks whose quality can reach dark blue are really rare.

The crowbar bent down, the iron hook in his hand gleamed with a dark blue light in the cold rain, and rushed straight to the huge monster that was panting. I saw him swinging the iron hook, and in a flash of cold light, the sharp hook pierced through a broken skin wound on the right condyle of the mountain monster, and then pulled it violently, and a large mass of flesh and blood was killed alive. ticked off.

The mountain monster suddenly seemed to be scalded by fire, screamed and jumped up, and at the same time let out a cry of pain, it grinned and grabbed at the source of the injury. But the crowbar had already rolled and fled on the spot when it was shot, and at the same time Gree yelled a few times to cover up the sound of the crowbar escaping. As a result, the next few wild attacks of the mountain monster were blind and useless except for splashing mud and water on the ground!

"You go." The crowbar was covered in mud and water, and he looked quite embarrassed, but there was an indescribable madness and excitement in his eyes. He wiped his iron hook, and stared fiercely at Gree, obviously not allowing Gree to do anything. Possibility of refusal. Under the pressure of the situation, Gree's eyes showed a fierce look. He pulled out a sharp sawtooth saber in his hand, and slowly touched it when the mountain monster began to sit down and breathe again, and then Suddenly aimed at the wound cut by the crowbar earlier, stabbed it fiercely, and then stirred it hard!

This extremely vicious stab made the mountain monster scream terribly, and the large tendons and blood vessels on the condyle of the mountain monster's ankle were severed alive. And Gree even skipped the time to pull out the knife, and simply let go and rolled away. At the same time, the crowbar yelled loudly to interfere with the mountain monster's hearing. Therefore, Gree escaped quite dangerously the first time, but the second time he went down the mountain monster, he made a mistake in chasing him, and the sawtooth saber also fell out of the mountain monster's wound. Gree still had time to pick up the knife and escaped unscathed.

Under such circumstances, the mountain monster was attacked by these two people in turn, slowly reaping its life, but the mountain monster had nowhere to display its brute strength, and even the screams were weak at the end. Especially at the condyle of the right foot, the crowbar has been looking for a part to attack, and even exposed the bones, and even stood up unsteadily.

Of course, as the monster gradually adapted to being blind, its counterattack became more and more threatening. First of all, the crowbar couldn't dodge and was shot flying by it. Although the injury was not serious, he broke out in a cold sweat. Gree was kicked by the wild attack of the mountain monster in the process of escaping after the attack, and he vomited blood and flew out, muddy water It's all over the head and face, and the health value has dropped directly from 70% to the critical value below 30%!

At this time, both parties can be said to be almost exhausted, but the difference is that the two people in the Symbiosis Society can slowly delay the time, waiting for the remaining medicines and recovery items to recover after cooling down after using them, while the mountain monster can only rely on its own recovery. Force breathed slowly. Therefore, the two crowbars can be said to have an advantage in terms of consumption, but at this moment, the crowbar waited for Gree to recover, and said firmly:

"Let's attack its ankle condyle one last time. I have calculated that if we attack again, its right leg will be completely useless! Immediately!"

Gree wiped the blood overflowing from his mouth. He opened his mouth to say something, but he still managed to bear it, because he saw the crazy and excited eyes of the crowbar at this moment, it was as if he had changed into a different person. Yes, he knew that no matter what he said about the crowbar at this time, he would never change his mind! What's more, facing the high temptation of killing a legendary creature, he also rushed out with red eyes.

The muddy water under his feet was cold, and the indescribable stench of the mountain monster's bodily fluids wafted from his nostrils, and the wounds on his body were also aching. But Gree felt that the timing, speed, and strength of his attack this time were perfect, and he cleverly captured the moment when the mountain monster was exposed!

The sharp serrated blade cut deeply into the off-white tendon, and when it was pulled hard, the "bouncing" sound of the extremely tough elastic material being cut by the sharp weapon made Gree extremely excited. Then he shrunk his body, retracted his stomach, bent over, exerted his strength, and threw himself out to the left. Although doing so would make a "cracking" sound when it touched the muddy ground, it was the only way to get away from the mountain monster's body as quickly as possible. And with the crowbar shouting loudly on the opposite side as a cover, the newly blind mountain monster would never be able to react in the first place!

When he made the save, Gree's whole body was completely relaxed, and he even had a happy feeling of "it's finally over". However, he always felt uncomfortable, as if he forgot to lock the door when he left the house/forgot to wear a condom when he went to whoring chicken/forgot to add salt when he was cooking, but he never remembered what was missing. It wasn't until he realized that the mountain monster's ferocious attack followed him like a shadow, that he realized what the problem was...


Nima B, the bastard crowbar didn't even yell to cover himself!

At this time, although the monster's leg was severely injured, it has gradually adapted to the darkness of blindness. Therefore, even though it was still raining, as long as you calm down and listen carefully, the sound of Gree rolling and crawling is also very recognizable. This huge monster had been suppressed for so long, and all the venom in his heart was immediately vented, screaming and crazily rushing towards Gree.

At this moment of life and death, Gree also screamed wildly. His heart was also full of strong unwillingness and anger of being betrayed. He actually burst out his potential before death. He dug his hands into the muddy water, even He didn't feel the blood dripping from the nail cracks on the ten fingers, and then rushed towards the nearby bushes with the force of this desperate prick. If they can successfully escape there, the noise will undoubtedly be much smaller, and the chances of survival will also be greatly increased.

But in front of him, a person appeared!


The crowbar's face was dull, and there was a bit of guilt in his eyes, but also a kind of relief and fanaticism that had been suppressed for a long time!

Even though the two belong to the Symbiosis Society, attacking each other will not cause harm. War must be declared before confirmation, and those who attack actively will pay a very heavy price. But this by no means means that the members of the Symbiosis Society can violate the laws of physics and penetrate each other as if the other party does not exist.

So Gree knocked the crowbar into the air, but the speed of his throwing also stagnated. The mountain monster's big feet roared down, and from the mid-air, it trampled Gree's lower body into the muddy water. Severe pain came, and just as Gree's scream came out, he was kicked away by the mountain monster again. Amid the howling wind, he felt that the surrounding scenery was blurred into a large area, and when he landed, his eyes went black , entered a near-death state, and didn't know anything directly.

Although the mountain monster looks clumsy and stupid, it has actually mastered its own set of predation skills. It seems that after the previous step and kick, it would have followed up with a pounce. But at this time, the right condyle of his foot was severely injured, and when he was about to throw his strength habitually, he felt severe pain in his right foot and was completely unable to exert force, and his huge and heavy body moved forward. After rushing, he fell down in embarrassment, and the mountain monster let out a stern hiss of pain, but he was writhing fiercely in the muddy water, but he couldn't stand up.

Seeing this scene, Crowbar looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The laughter was so sharp that it hurt people's eardrums, and the laughter was full of a kind of self-satisfied relief. The mountain monster not far away heard his voice and tried its best to move over, but the bone at the condyle of its right leg had been completely broken by its own weight, and it couldn't use any strength at all, so it could only scream terribly!

Suddenly, the laughter of the crowbar stopped abruptly! It felt as abrupt as if his neck had been cut off. His face became extremely ugly, and there was an indescribable panic and anger in his eyes. He looked at the dark forest on the right, and said word by word:

"come out."

In the dark dense forest, a person slowly came out.