The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 145: Break, break, break! Destroy!


Suffering severe injuries suddenly, a complex feeling swept across Scar Henry's whole body in an instant. This feeling includes pain, being deceived, anger, madness, violence...

Scar Henry's eyes suddenly turned red! It was as if all the blood from the whole body was rushing to the head. That manic and uncontrollable mood completely swallowed his reason in an instant! With a wild cry, he actually pulled out the long arrow in front of his chest with his backhand, and threw it out regardless of the large piece of flesh and blood that came out of it.

On the other hand, Watt, who was standing on the left side of the ship, stopped suddenly, his hands were flailing helplessly in the air, and his eyes protruded like copper bells. Looking carefully, it turned out that half of a broken arrow had been inserted into his throat until it reached The handle, so that the skin on the back of the neck is slightly protruding! Looking carefully, the tail of the arrow had been snapped off, and it turned out that the seriously injured Scar Henry had just pulled it out of his body. Watt's eyes looked around the audience like a dead fish, his throat rattled, and then he fell heavily backwards, slid out of a parabola stiffly in the air, and splashed a small wave in the dark and deep sea. Finally disappeared without a trace.

Everyone never expected that in such a situation, Henry the Scar would be able to fight back, killing Watt, the backbone of the pirates, with one strike! And looking at the appearance of this Viking bald-headed giant with red eyes and bloody body, he looks like a fierce lion who was seriously injured and survived! Just the aura of putting them to death and then reviving made the remaining few pirates tremble with fear. But at this moment, Sheyan took a deep breath, opened his arms and rushed forward!

There was a loud "boom", and the ship tilted at least thirty degrees to the left, and there were layers of violent ripples on the surface of the sea. Scar Henry yelled wildly and raised his fists to slam down heavily, but Fang Sheyan skillfully dodged it. What suffered was the thick side of the ship, which was smashed alive and made a big hole in the plank. Fang Senyan raised his left fist, and in the faint flickering flames, there was a stern and cold metal light flashing away! He took advantage of the opportunity to get low and punched Scar Henry's ribs with a punch, and he could clearly see an obvious depression there, maybe a few bones were broken, but the giant man turned a deaf ear and turned his backhand With his palm, Sheyan flew five or six meters away.

Fang Sheyan's eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and he rolled over and stood up again, half kneeling on the ground, with blood gurgling from the corner of his mouth. His face became a little distorted because of the pain, he turned his head to look at the remaining pirates, and roared cruelly:

"I've made it this far, and you still don't do it? Don't you all want to die here?"

After yelling, he rushed up without hesitation! Fang Senyan's fierce and fearless charge immediately aroused the ferocious aura in the hearts of these pirates, and they rushed forward screaming! Faced with Scar Henry's direct blow, Fang Senyan successfully dodged it once he was short, bent his left elbow and hit Scar Henry's right knee hard. Scar Henry let out an extremely angry roar, but he succumbed to the gravity and knelt down in such a shocking way!

There was only a loud "crack" sound, Scar Henry's burly body swayed, his knees smashed the deck abruptly, and he lost his balance and fell towards the bottom cabin. At this time, all the pirates They all saw this opportunity, and jumped on it crazily, like a pack of hungry wolves pounced on a lion that was heading towards the end. Scar Henry also knew that the situation was urgent, so he swung his fist crazily. For some reason, Scar Henry's fist often seemed to slow down by a beat. Therefore, amidst the rapid cracking of the deck, Sheyan dodged two punches, but After all, the third punch could not be avoided, and he was hit in the chest by Scar Henry's roar, and a bloody arrow shot out in front of him, and he felt that his internal organs were about to overturn Come here!

The power contained in this punch was enormous. Sheyan, who was hit head-on, was sent flying five or six meters away. After rolling a few times, he tried his best to stand up, but when he was halfway through, his hands went limp. After falling down again, he spat out a mouthful of blood again and lay prone! Fang Senyan was not in the best condition before the battle started, and the previous few dodges were also affected by the aftermath, so Scar Henry's thunderous punch actually brought his life to 10% Danger of serious injury below! If it moves, it will undoubtedly die faster.

Fortunately, these pirates didn't waste Sheyan's life, they also successfully pounced on them and chopped them up with their knives! In such a chaotic battle, no skill is useless, the competition is about who is more ruthless, vicious and more resistant! Blood was flying everywhere, the sound of sharp steel blades cutting into muscles and bones was clearly audible, and of course there were shouts and roars! Although the remaining pirates are all wounded, they are elites in all battles, and they are not inferior to fighting for their lives at this time!

Suddenly, there was an incomparably mournful long howl in the air, and Scar Henry suddenly jumped up, covered in dust and blood like a tiger, and shook away the several pirates who were jumping on him. He hit the thick mainmast next to him with one blow. The thick mainmast let out an innocent whine, and snapped from its middle fist. Henry the Scar took advantage of the opportunity to lift the thick and long broken mast, and swung it across, hitting the leader. A fierce pirate.

The pirate flew high, like a golf ball that was knocked into the air, without even making a sound, he was already shaken to death, most of his bones were broken, and he was already dead when he fell into the sea. Exhale more air and inhale less!

Even after this blow, Scar Henry's chest and back were soaked black by the gurgling blood, and one eye was poked blind! But the whole person feels like a fierce beast with a wound.

— Only advance, never retreat! Only fight but not escape! There is death and there is no life!

In this short moment, Scar Henry, who was in a rage, waved the broken mast, and directly knocked away a pirate next to him who lit an arquebus and tried to attack him. It seems light as nothing! It flew out like a baseball and hit the hard steering wheel next to it. The whole person was hung on it with guts broken, shaking desolately in the sea breeze, and the pirates watching were stunned. Calling and crying are completely forgotten, and my mind is blank.

Scar Henry suddenly turned around, and the one eye blurred by blood looked at a pirate holding a sailor's knife three meters away. With a clear "Dangdang" sound, he saw the devil-like man looking over, screamed and threw away the knife and fled, but Scar Henry's blood-smeared eyes suddenly had a cruel light flashing, his hostility suddenly burst into flames, and he went straight to him. Throwing the thick mast in his hand like a javelin, he slammed the pirate straight up from behind and flew five or six meters away. There were ear-piercing screams and friction sounds, blood and blood shot out, "Pa la pa la" It splashed Fangyuan everywhere, and a tragic path of blood mixed with armor fragments was pulled out on the floor!

There was a frightened silence all around.

Only Scar Henry's heavy breathing was clearly audible. His body was shining with silver light, and his feet flowed like rivers of blood, which included both the enemy's and his own.

Obviously, the victor of this fierce conflict turned out to be this man who was forced into a desperate situation!

Strictly speaking, Scar Henry was seriously injured in the head, and he only showed 70% of his abilities, which became the first chain to restrict him.

He fought bloody battles in Tutuga Castle, and used two consecutive muscle explosions to blast open the gate of the treasure house. This made his own abilities reach the limit, and this became the second chain restricting him.

Later, he encountered a sniper attack at the gate of Tutuga Castle. In order to protect himself, Scar Henry was forced to use the terrible ability of muscle explosion again under the condition of self-injury. The muscles all over his body were severely torn. His third chain!

In the candle that Sheyan lit in the cabin, it was mixed with the poisonous wax from the mouth of the drifting bottle. After burning, the person who smelled it would unknowingly reduce the attack hit rate by 50%. With Gao's agility, how could he continuously dodge Scar Henry's heavy punches? This is the fourth chain on Scar Henry!

The fifth chain was undoubtedly the poisoned wine sent by the pirate Charlie who had been kept in the dark. Although this wine had little effect on Scar Henry, whose stamina was at least 30 points, it could effectively inhibit his self-recovery ability.

The sixth chain was the direct shot of the huge crossbow arranged at the door of the cabin. There is no doubt that this shot did severely damage this lion-like Viking man!

And when the battle was about to ebb, it seemed that the one who had the last laugh was actually Scar Henry, a violent man! He is like a bison that will never stop when it is galloping, even though it is traumatized, it will die on the way of charging! The six terrifying huge chains that Fang Senyan painstakingly planned to bind him were actually broken one by one by him with all his strength!

But at this moment, Scar Henry felt that something was wrong. Because he found that in the eyes of the three remaining pirates in front of him, although there was still extreme fear, there was also a glimmer of hope—at such a desperate moment, where did their hope come from? Scar Henry suddenly felt the cold rustling on the back of his neck, he couldn't help looking back, through the eyes blurred by blood, he saw a ghost-like black figure slowly getting up among the messy broken boards behind him , His movements are brisk and nimble, and he doesn't look injured at all, as if he is in full bloom—this black shadow is the man who fears and fears Scar Henry the most.

Sailor Rock from the mysterious East!

Scar Henry looked at Sheyan with a look of seeing a ghost. And Sheyan has an indescribable aura all over his body, that kind of aura is like the fragrance of orchids when they first bloom, but also mixed with a bloody aura, the two are perfectly combined, making everyone who smells it I feel relaxed and happy, and my spirit seems to be lifted. Sheyan not only put six shackles on Scar Henry, but also bought a gift of insurance for himself. The secret drug "unpurified black hemocyanin" seized from Quest in the last world successfully played its role at the most critical moment!

"Kill me, and you win." Sheyan said calmly. His whole body was submerged in darkness, like a mountain covered by clouds, so that everyone who saw it could not know how high the mountain was and how deep the water was.

Scar Henry's eyes were still extremely sharp, and the faint silver light on his body was almost invisible. He couldn't help but turned his head and looked in the direction of the port, where he could already faintly see the sails of the Bell and Wineglass. But as soon as he opened his mouth, blood gushed out cheerfully, so his voice was particularly vague, but the meaning he wanted to express was as clear and profound as a knife:

"Even if you win, Armand will never let you go, and the Bell and Blackjack will still ride the wind and waves in the Caribbean Sea! Even if I die, I will drag you into hell!"

At this time, Henry the Scar is still full of pride and fighting spirit, and he rushes forward! This is a man who will never fall unless his beliefs are destroyed!

This is a man who will never bow to fate!

Fang Senyan showed respect and regret in his eyes, sighed slightly, clenched his fists and said:

"The time... It should be almost here, I'm sorry Mr. Henry, I'm going to destroy what you've been guarding in your heart."

Less than ten seconds after Fang Senyan finished speaking, an indescribable flame suddenly rose from the Bell and Wine Cup in the distance, and then it exploded! Crazy and raging explosions! At this moment, both Sheyan and Scar Henry's faces were stained with blood-like heat. When the explosion started, it even gave people a feeling of slowly resting like a flower blooming. It can even be clearly seen that the mast of the Bell and Wineglass slowly collapsed in the flames, and the deck was slowly shattered under the huge impact, but after a few seconds, it expanded rapidly, and finally formed a battle that even surrounded the surrounding area. The crazy explosion that swept the entire surface of the sea into it!

This is Sheyan's last trump card!