The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 147: Ambition is vigorous


The four legs of this horse man are extremely thick, and there is a layer of smooth black hair on the surface, which looks like a layer of slippery transparent grease. The outline of the muscles is bulging and full, full of strength and fitness. His face has a thick beard and beard, almost covering all the facial features, and the edges of his nostrils are moist and full of folds. The only thing that is clear is that the eyes of this centaur are soaked with an indescribable red. For example, it was like the eyes of a death row prisoner who was drunk before execution, full of desperate ferocity.

"Dirty humans! I smell your disgusting stench from three thousand rods (a centaur's measurement unit, one rod is about 0.3 meters away). God Su Meng, I will take your Take out the intestines, and then use it to strangle you to death, so that you can wash away your sin of polluting alfalfa!"

Fang Senyan's words to this big guy were just farting, his eyes fell on the waist of this horseman, there were three obvious hooks, two of them were empty, and a black The spear, the surface of this spear is rough and uneven, like a wooden spear that has been painted with a layer of light yellow transparent turpentine, and the blunt tip of the spear is still stained with a ball of black slurry, falling drop by drop.

Fang Sheyan then used his insight ability, and the light flashed. It was obvious that his perception was much higher than that of the violent guy in front of him, and the attributes of this guy immediately emerged:

Hezrul Bloodmark

Race: Centaur

Identity: Deputy leader of the Kocalma tribe

Height 7 feet 2 inches (2.15 meters), weight 183 kg

Strength 22 points

Dexterity 12 points

Physical strength 6 points

Perception 10 points

Charm 10 points

Intelligence 9 points

Spirit 8

Basic melee LV3, basic far combat LV3, basic prayer LV1, basic meditation LV1

Special unique ability: Black Voodoo LV2, Hezrul Bloodmark has mastered some simple black witchcraft, and combined it with plant blending to form a new vicious skill, which will smear the blended Black Voodoo On the weapon, every time the enemy is successfully damaged, it will also bring poisonous damage to the enemy for 15 seconds, which occurs every three seconds, with a total damage of 12~27 points. (depending on enemy resistance)

WARNING: Every tick of Black Voodoo's damage can be a critical strike!

Special unique ability: Spear Slaughter, Hezrul Bloodmark was born brave, so he abandoned bows and arrows, and instead used spears to attack the enemy. When he sees the enemy, he will throw the spear, which will cause weapon damage to the enemy + Extra damage, the data of extra damage is determined by the strength difference between the two sides. After approaching, you can use your spear to launch a massacre attack on the enemy, and you won't panic like the rest of the centaurs.

Special unique abilities: blood-draining, black magic, can instantly overdraw one's own vitality (life) to quickly restore life. Restores up to 25% of maximum HP.

Special ability of the centaur: Centurion, which allows it to maintain normal speed on most terrains.

Centaur's special ability: Throwing. The centaur is good at catching prey with a lasso, so even without a bow, arrow or wooden spear, it can pick up stones anywhere to attack the enemy from a distance. Of course, the attack strength will be greatly reduced.

Horseman's special ability: Strong LV3, giving it an extra 1200 points of life.

Looking at this horseman "Hezrul Bloodstain", Sheyan didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky, and met a guy at the level of a small boss as soon as he came. However, after seeing this guy's personal attributes at this time, he felt relieved, because although this guy's strength is high, his physical strength is weak, and the sum of the two is only 28 points. It's not even as high as his physical strength. First of all, 22 points of strength means that first of all, he can't launch that powerful crushing attack on himself.

The second is the problem of parrying and blocking, because once the sum of the enemy's strength + physical strength exceeds your own, then even if you make a parrying action, there is only a 10% to 15% chance of success. The enemy's strength + stamina is lower than your own, so the chance of success is more than 50%! Of course, parrying and blocking will still reduce a certain amount of HP most of the time, and it is extremely rare that every attack completely blocks the enemy's attack.

At this time, the sun had penetrated through the mist in the mountains and shone over. The sun was dazzling, and the ferocious Hezrul Bloodstain stomped on the ground with four hooves. Broken leaves of flowers and plants flew wildly behind him, and the ground was shaking slightly. The huge horseman shouted loudly, pulled out the wooden spear and swept towards him!

This is the unique ability of Hezrul Bloodmark!

Spear Slaughter!

Fang Sheyan swung the ax horizontally, blocked the blow with a "peng", staggered back three or four steps, but still lost nearly forty points of health, it can be seen that his attack power is also extremely powerful, but Fang Sheyan still couldn't bear it. Zhu gave birth to the feeling that it was nothing more than that - after undergoing the baptism of the adult mountain monster's terrifying power of 35 points, this level of injury would not cause any psychological pressure on Fang Sheyan.

In fact, after the battle with the monster, Fang Sheyan was beaten terribly by that giant monster, and his memory was deep, and he even had the idea of making a shield to use. If you don't use a shield but you also need to learn the related ability to master the shield, otherwise it can only play 80%~90% of the effect, then Sheyan reckons that this time back to the nightmare space, you really have to buy one at all costs.

Hezrul Bloodstain frantically waved the wooden spear, dragging and stabbing in the air, just like a giant snake frantically swallowing its prey, the wooden spear trembled while dancing, and appeared around the tip of the spear. There are many ferocious ghosts with distorted faces and silent screams, which are so horrific that they touch people's hearts.

Fang Senyan remained calm, holding the one-handed ax firmly. His left arm was hit by a spear, and the wound was black and festered for a while, but the defense brought by his 31 physical strength is really no good in the current difficult world. It can be called outstanding, and the continuous damage will disappear soon. However, even so, the life value still dropped rapidly, and soon fell below 200 points.

Probably because Hezrul Bloodstain felt that Fang Senyan could successfully parry his own attack every time, and he was screaming angrily, trying to speed up his attack. His bony palm tightly held the spear In the violent swing of the spear handle, several incomparably flexible shadows appeared, and the poisonous and evil weapon also screamed in the air, as if it was eager to take the lives of more living beings and taste more Various types of hot blood.

Suddenly, Fang Senyan did not retreat but advanced after taking a strong spear strike. With a loud sound, the dark sharp ax slashed out, and slashed heavily at the waist of the huge monster in front of him. The ax was originally good for chopping. After the ax went down, even the huge body of Hezrul Bloodstain was chopped so that he almost lost his center of gravity, and he moved half a foot horizontally. And the centaur's defensive power was not high in the first place, and a huge bloody wound was cut out where the ax passed. Blood gushed out, and even the intestines almost flowed out.

By the way, the physical strength of the Centaur race can't be higher. Their health is almost the same as that of the Terminator. They can be used for both long-distance attack and melee combat. They can also apply poison and perform black magic. Not affected by the terrain, even if you climb over mountains and mountains in the dense forest, you can at least run at the speed of an ocean motorcycle. If the defense life is high, how can you make those legendary creatures feel embarrassed...

Even though he suffered such a fatal blow, Hezrul Bloodseal also seized the great opportunity. With a scream, he raised the spear and aimed it at Sheyan. The spear slid half an inch away, and it still pierced deeply into Sheyan's abdomen!

This blow hit the nail on the head, it was very deadly, Sheyan's HP was originally less than 200 points, but after being pierced by this spear, his HP immediately plummeted by nearly 100 points! The takeaway is also subject to the dual effects of bleeding and poisoning. Hezrul Bloodseal succeeded in one attack, but he was overjoyed. Unfortunately, he had never seen the scene where Fang Sheyan dealt with that vampire Edward, otherwise, he would have immediately put on strict vigilance.

Fang Senyan clamped the spear firmly.

In his left hand, there was an extremely old-fashioned black firearm, aimed coldly and steadily!

The murderous aura immediately surged and roared like a sea tide, overflowing everywhere!

The black muzzle of the gun seems to gather all the vitality together, and then turn it into hysterical death!

There was a loud bang! Hezrul Bloodstain only felt a tremendous force coming from his front legs, and then came the severe pain and emptiness! He even couldn't help screaming in pain, and let go of the hand holding the spear!

Ambition, a firearm from the Caribbean, has once again demonstrated its terrifying strength among Davy Jones' collections!

"Your weapon: Ambition will deal 140 theoretical damage to Hezrul Bloodmark."

"Special effect of arquebus weapons: the momentum is triggered, and the additional crit rate of the momentum is increased by 50%."

"Your weapon: Ambition, this damage produces a critical strike!"

"The critical strike effect triggered by the momentum will be increased from 200% extra damage to 250%."

"Your theoretical damage this time will be increased to: 140x250%=350 points!"

"You successfully hit the left front leg of Hezrul Bloodscar, your weapon: Ambition actually caused 328 points of damage to Hezrul Bloodscar!"

"Your cumulative damage to Hezrul Bloodstain's left front leg exceeds 1/6 of his total HP, resulting in a crippled effect!"

A thick bloody front leg hit the tree behind, and then bounced back, landing on the wet soil and soft moss. An ant ran away in fright, but was attracted by the smell of blood, ignoring the warm The hot long legs were still spasming, so they began to go back happily to invite their friends and companions to have a big meal together...

"You broke Hezrul Bloodmark's left front leg!"

"Your buckshot stayed in the body of Hezrul Bloodmark, and it will cause continuous bleeding damage!"