The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 148: Weird pass


All the contractors probably also knew Hagrid's identity and knew that he was an extremely important character in the plot, so they all got up and sat down at the table next to Hagrid. Hagrid bent his thick carrot fingers, tapped on the table, and cleared his throat:

"Gentlemen, you only need to have enough strength to pass my assessment. Besides, Mr. Filch, the administrator of Hogwarts, is having a headache for the upcoming group of energetic and ubiquitous students. It just so happens that his cat, Mrs. Alice, is also sick, so he will recruit some temporary staff with more flexible legs and feet to make Hogwarts more orderly. Now, let's start the test."

After finishing speaking, Hagrid began to grope in his gray oversized moleskin coat, muttering in his mouth:

"Strange, I obviously borrowed that thing from the bloody Baro?"

But soon the half-giant's expression relaxed, and Hagrid held another hand in the palm he took out from his pocket—to be precise, it was a translucent slightly light blue palm, which was very There was a ghostly feeling, and it was broken at the wrist - after Hagrid let go of the transparent palm. It floated directly in the air, and moved its fingers from time to time.

Hagrid let out a sigh of relief, raised his wine glass and shook it, then said to the contractor:

"Hold this palm, press it to the table, and you've passed the interview."

Everyone was stunned, but the translucent severed palm floating in the air was still arrogantly hooking its fingers at the contractors, making an international provocative gesture.

A contractor suddenly stood up and said loudly:

"I come!"

The contractor is probably very confident in his own strength. He walked to the table and started exerting force as soon as he grasped the ghost's palm. It was obvious that the ghost's palm was quickly pressed down. posted on the desktop. Hagrid smiled and clapped, nodded and said:

"You passed."

Jack the Ripper whispered to Sheyan:

"This guy is Fant. It is said that his peak strength can be as high as 28 points. He uses a two-handed epee and has strong explosive power. The specific ability is unknown."

At this time, a contractor stood up and said neither humble nor overbearing:

"Mr. Hagrid, I'm very interested in Mr. Filch's work. How to test?"

Hagrid turned his head and whistled to Nick the bartender:

"Nick, make room for me to come out."

The bartender, Nick, was wiping the wine glass. He heard that he picked up the empty glass and tapped it on the wine table. Immediately, the unoccupied tables and stools in the center of the bar slid to the two sides, revealing a neat and narrow space about ten meters long. , obviously this bartender is definitely not an ordinary person. Hagrid pointed to the empty tunnel:

"Run from one end of the open space to the other as fast as you can. If the time is up, you will pass the test."

Since this contractor dared to stand up, he naturally had something to rely on, and passed the test smoothly.

After Sheyan added the equipment at this time, his strength reached 13 points, but his agility was only 10 points. He naturally chose to compare his strength with that ghost palm. As soon as he grasped the palm, he suddenly felt a cold feeling, and his whole body trembled slightly. But this strange feeling disappeared quickly, Fang Sheyan began to exert force to press down on the ghost's palm, but obviously received a lot of resistance, it took a lot of effort to press down a little. Although it took a lot of time, Sheyan passed the test smoothly.

Jack the Ripper did not choose to wrestle with the ghost's palm, but went to the side for a running test. It seemed that he belonged to the kind of person with a high agility value, but his results were not too good, and he could reach It's just beyond the threshold, and it's not even considered excellent.

After Hagrid's selection was over, there were only three remaining contractors left. Sheyan can now almost infer that the three attributes of these three people, strength, agility, and spirit, should all be below ten points, so they can't pass the test. In other words, their personal attributes should be those that favor charm, intelligence, physical strength, and perception.

As far as Sheyan currently knows, there are two possibilities for the evolution of people with similar attributes: one should be a pure contractor with super high physical strength, and the ability to survive is extremely strong; the other is the kind that relies on summoned creatures And the summoner who exists. For special groups like them, I believe that the nightmare space will also be arranged.

Sure enough, after counting the number of people, Hagrid turned his head and said to the three:

"Gentlemen, it's a pity that you failed to meet my requirements. But I think you still have some merits. Hogwarts Railway Station is currently short of a few people. If you are interested, you can try it—or I can ask dear Nick to find you a job in Diagon Alley."

"Diagon Alley!" Fang Senyan's heart moved when he heard this word. In this world, Diagon Alley is the largest trading market for wizards. All kinds of unheard of magic items and creatures can be purchased there. Gringotts, the largest goblin bank, is also located there. Undoubtedly, this should be compensation for the contractors who gave up the main quest. Although they cannot enter Hogwarts College, they can still go to Diagon Alley, a place full of opportunities, to start a new adventure.

The remaining three contractors glanced at each other. Two of them should be members of the team and chose to go to the train station, but the other contractor chose to work in Diagon Alley. Hagrid drank the remaining wine in the glass, then wiped his beard, and said to Sheyan and the others:

"Let's go, Hogwarts is going to be full of students in a few days, Nick! Can I use the upstairs fireplace?"

Nick was concentrating on making a cocktail, and said without raising his head:

"Hagrid, beware of people from the Ministry of Magic trying to trouble you."

Hagrid shrugged nonchalantly and said:

"Time is running out, Dumbledore's charter - you have no idea how bad things are at Hogwarts right now, it's like a spilled pot of cream of mushroom soup - you should know, there will be a A new student with a special status was admitted, which made that person start to move around again. Well guys, keep up, there is a lot of work that needs to be done urgently. Of course, the reward we give is also quite considerable."

A group of people walked to the second floor of the bar, and immediately filled a small room with water. Hagrid grabbed a handful of powder from the jar on the left side of the fireplace. The powder poured down through the gaps between his fingers like glittering dust, and then sprinkled the crumbs called Floo powder on the next door. fireplace.

There was a loud bang from the "canopy", and the flames in the fireplace rose rapidly, but the people who approached did not feel the temperature strangely. The color of the flames changed rapidly with the churning, and finally turned into a green color. Hagrid struggled. He bent his body, turned around and said seriously:

"The duration of Floo fans is only three minutes. If anyone is late, then I can only regretfully inform you that you will be unemployed again."

Then Hagrid got into the fireplace, and his huge body quickly disappeared into the flames. The remaining contractors glanced at each other, and it was Fant who stood up first, looked around ferociously, and then greeted the people around him: "Guys, let's go." Then he got into the fireplace first.

Since someone took the lead, the people who entered next followed one after another. Fang Senyan was not in a hurry to compete with others, and was the last one to enter the fireplace. When the emerald green flame rushed towards his face, he shrank subconsciously, but felt as if a warm wind was blowing across his face, and then there was darkness in front of his eyes, and a few seconds later, a dot appeared in front of his eyes. The bright light, the bright light is rapidly amplifying, like a train passing through a dark tunnel quickly approaching a sunny exit.

After the bright light turned into an exit, Fang Senyan suddenly felt a strong push from behind, sending him out, staggered forward a few steps, and then stood still. Looking back, the place I was just now was just a very old looking fireplace. The place I am now in is a Scottish-style wooden hut. All the furnishings inside are made of logs, exuding a faint fragrance of resin. After walking out of the hut, you can see that its top is painted red. , like wearing a red cap.

There are more than ten similar huts here, forming a pocket town. There is a railway path in the center of the town that winds straight into the distance. Looking at this scene, Fang Senyan suddenly realized something, and always felt that there was a feeling of deja vu, and this doubt suddenly became clear when he suddenly turned around! It turns out that under the setting sun and in the midst of the sunset, not far away is a vast lake with waves. On the shore of the lake, there is a towering castle that can only appear in fairy tales and dreams. It is magnificent!

It turned out that in this short moment, I had already arrived next to Hogwarts College from the bustling London! And looking at the surrounding environment, it is the end of London's platform nine and three quarters - Hogwarts station!

At this time, there was another voice in the distance, and Hagrid could be seen walking out side by side with a man in a flaxen shirt. The two contractors who were introduced to the train station stood aside, and it seemed that they were in the process of handing over. Hagrid waved at the man, then turned and called:

"Everyone come here, hurry up, we have to cross the Black Lake. We must try to arrive before dark."