The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 150: Devil's Vine


Fang Senyan looked back, and suddenly saw the madness, despair, and unwillingness to be deeply engraved in the eyes of Phil who fell last, and his heart suddenly seemed to be hit by a strong force—he was hit by that man before he entered the space. A group of thugs chased him down to nowhere, wouldn't he be exactly the same as him

Thinking of this, Sheyan rushed to Phil's side, grabbed his shoulders, dragged him and ran forward. There was gratitude in Phil's eyes, and of course he ran forward frantically in order to survive. At this time, Deco also turned back and helped another legal contractor who should be familiar with him to charge forward! As the saying goes, several families are happy and others are sad, but unfortunately, the other legal contractor naturally fell at the end. Just as he was about to speak, a huge black shadow flicked his tail and rushed towards him frantically. The pungent stench overwhelmed him! Several other black shadows also rushed up, and then there was a shrill scream, followed by the sound of bones and flesh being torn off and the sound of swallowing.

At this time, Phil, who was running desperately, made a panting appearance, and he suddenly whispered to Fang Sheyan:

"Sailor, keep running, don't look up, and don't look surprised, what I'm going to tell you next is very important, I guess most of them are going to die here! I'm afraid that the purpose of Metal Mentor and Fanu bringing us in, We just want our lives to fill the traps and traps."

"Fanu thought I didn't know the information about the group of high-level monsters behind, so I was talking nonsense just now, but I didn't know that I had heard about this thing when I was working in a pet shop a few days ago. Their real name is black snake crocodile , in that river, it is to incubate eggs with the help of the temperature of the river. Not only is it not gentle, but it is also extraordinarily ferocious. It will frantically attack all creatures that approach, but if Fanu is telling the truth, it is bound to stop and clean up these monsters , It took a long time, and it will definitely not be able to catch up with the Banks gang."

At this time, the sound of the black crocodile chasing after them could no longer be heard, everyone stopped and panted heavily, and drank some water to restore their strength. Phil also shut up in time. But even if Deke and the other legal contractor didn't know that Fanu was lying, they were not fools. When they thought about the previous process carefully, anger and suspicion would naturally arise in their hearts.

Apparently, Metal Mentor was also aware of the awkward atmosphere in the team, and after a moment of silence, he said lightly:

"Next, Fanu and I will lead the way."

As he spoke, he took the lead in walking ahead.

At this moment, the group of black snakes and crocodiles blocked the way back, and they couldn't retreat even if they wanted to. Even if the remaining people felt dissatisfied, they could only follow silently.

After walking for nearly half an hour, the hot spring stream and river had long since disappeared. What was even more strange was that the fluorescent lights on the wall also gradually disappeared, and there was an indescribable darkness ahead. When he got here, even Deco, who was the most loyal to the metal mentor, stopped and said in a muffled voice:

"Teacher, we can't go any further."

The metal instructor turned around and said coldly:

"Fanu and I are leading the way ahead, what are you afraid of?"

The legal contractor who was rescued by Deco narrowly escaped death. Facing the threat of life and death at this time, he also ignored the authority of the metal teacher and protested:

"Could it be that someone else opened the way just now? But it's not the same person who died? Teacher, if you have relevant information, please take it out, and everyone can analyze it for reference. To be honest, we entered this space. We are always ready to face death at any time, but we have to let us Be a ghost even after you die!"

The metal instructor stared at him for a full five minutes, just like a wolf staring at a sheep. The sweat dripped down drop by drop from the contractor's forehead. But at this moment, Phil also stood up and said coldly:

"I think he's right."

Deke didn't express his opinion, but sat down on the ground with his bow in his arms, and directly used body language to vent his grievances.

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands and said with a smile:

"Such a ghostly place is already very dangerous. If you have to fumble forward in the dark, you are really joking with your life. I don't agree with stopping, but I agree with finding something to illuminate."

"Can't illuminate." Fanu said indifferently: "In front of you is a large area of devil vines. They are immune to all kinds of damage. Once they touch something that is struggling violently, it will hold on tighter! As long as you don't struggle after being caught They will let you go. However, once they come into contact with the light, these terrifying vines will be stimulated, and they will pounce on you crazily and grab you tightly! You can’t break free again!”

"You all know the scene in the original plot, right? Dumbledore also used this kind of vine to guard the Sorcerer's Stone. However, the devil vine he planted in the Hogwarts chamber was a temporary transplant, and the scale is only here. One percent, so the magic light of that little girl Miao Li withered directly. And here... in the area of these magic vines that have grown for thousands of years, if someone dares to shine with light, the people who suffer will be It is the most terrifying counterattack of the devil vine!"

Phil suddenly said:

"The devil vine is a very aggressive plant. In the plot, the devil vine is placed under the three-headed dog Maomao's nest. It can use the excrement of the three-headed dog as food. However, the people in this place What does the devil vine use as food?"

When he said these words, Fanu's eyes immediately pierced Phil's face like two needles, but Phil sneered without knowing it:

"It's a kind of beetle! This kind of beetle is very similar to the Egyptian scarab. They use devil vines as a nest to protect their larvae. There is an underground river here. These beetles can prey on fish in the water, and their feces can be used to feed the devil. The survival of the vines, if we rush in, most of them can survive, but there will always be one or two people who will be drilled all over their bodies by scarabs, enjoying the pain of internal organs being parasitized and laying eggs, howling crazily before dying for a day!"

As soon as Phil said what he said, it was obvious that unless the remaining three people were fools, it would be better to die here than suffer that kind of torture even if they were tried on the spot! It must be absolutely unwilling to take half a step forward. At this time, the metal instructor stood up and looked at Phil and said word by word:

"Very good, you have done a good job. If you hadn't reminded me, I would have lost my brothers again. Although Fanu has a wide range of knowledge, there are still things that I can't consider. If this is the case, then open this road Leave the task to us."

Then the metal instructor looked at Fanu, and said lightly:

"Call out the iron horn and use it to open the way! A mere devil vine will definitely not be able to stop its brute force!"

Then the metal instructor waved his hand, and it should have cast a spell similar to lighting. Immediately, everyone saw that the end of the cave was covered with a layer of black fangs and claws, covering an area of at least several thousand square meters. On both sides of the way, it is difficult to describe the specific nature of this thing. To be precise, the cancer cells in the human body are a little similar to this thing when they are magnified hundreds of thousands of times.

When the light hit the devil vine, it immediately boiled like a boiled viscous liquid, and then it turned into countless short, thick black tentacles dancing wildly! It looked like the end of the world, a hellish scene. And on the ground close to the devil vine, there are many small black dots crawling, which should be the scarabs that Phil mentioned.

The plate-armored stegosaurus, Iron Horn, obviously has an extremely irritable personality. As soon as it was called out, it roared up to the sky, and began to paw its huge hooves on the ground, as if the racing car was about to slam the accelerator before it started. Then, after Fanu and Metal Mentor boarded it, they slammed into it in a frantic manner! The ground began to slowly accelerate and tremble with the iron horns, and with the sound of running, this prehistoric beast was already rushing up with its head buried in its head regardless!

And Fang Senyan and the others didn't dare to delay, they hurriedly followed.

This devil vine is really terrifying. Even the terrifying power of the plate-armored stegosaurus can only sprint for more than fifty meters before being entangled by the tentacles that surround it. But at this time, the metal instructor also showed With a very powerful magical ability, a light spell was cast, and the surrounding devil vines danced mournfully, and a lot of white smoke came out. In this way, the iron horn can rush more than ten meters.

However, the Metal Mentor couldn't possibly be Dumbledore's power plus a pervert after all. The light spell he released lasted at most five or six seconds, so the devil vine made a comeback again, and he had to rely on the plate-armored stegosaurus to struggle and resist , Repeatedly like this, finally broke through the siege of the devil vines, but the plate armored stegosaurus Iron Horn was also stripped of a lot of skin, flesh and bone plates, and suffered quite serious injuries, lying on the ground. The moaning stopped, and the metal instructor who had performed nearly twenty light spells was also seriously injured, panting violently, and estimated that his mental power was very little, if not all.

Even the four people who followed behind were downsizing here: this time, Deco encountered an accident while following the plate armored stegosaurus. Several scarabs suddenly fell from the top of his head and broke through his defense. He fell to the ground, and he could only try his best not to let these bugs get into his body.

Seeing that he was about to be devoured. The legal contracter that Deke had saved earlier stepped forward and released a big fireball technique to kill the gathered scarabs, but the remaining force of the fireball spread to the devil vine! Immediately, the legal contractor was entangled by the wildly dancing tentacles of the devil vine. Although he immediately stopped moving as Fanu said, the scarabs around him surrounded him like ants looking for food. .