The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 151: Complete suppression!


The person who suddenly appeared started very steadily, and his steps were very flat, as if every step was measured and precise. He just stood there quietly with his hands clenched, but it was already like a continuous towering mountain. , the town is peaceful and stable in the dark, on the earth, it seems that even the rainwater falling from the sky has to retreat three points!

The crowbar looked at this person, obviously having the feeling of "letting out a long breath", but there was still a look of surprise in his eyes:

"It's you?"

The man said calmly:

"Of course it is me."

Crowbar smiled coldly and said:

"It's really man-made for money, dead birds for food, sailor, since you have recovered a life from under the stick of the mountain monster, you should cherish it well, instead of running out to die!"

The person who stood up at this time was naturally Fang Sheyan who had endured until now. When the crowbar finished speaking, he had already received a prompt reminder from the nightmare mark:

"Contractor No. 33192 has declared war on you!"

"Contractor No. 33192 has declared war on you!"

"The peaceful state between you will end in 10 seconds."

"The 10-second countdown begins."

"Contractor No. 33192 took the initiative to declare war on you, and 50% of the 6,000 universal points he was forcibly deducted will be transferred to your account."

And after this series of news came, the crowbar was already holding his own iron hook with dark blue light scattered with a murderous look on his face, and strode closer! The voice in the throat is more like a roar!

"You idiot! Do you think I'm at the end of my exhaustion? Do you think I have brought out all my strength? The most important thing for a person is self-knowledge! If he only sees benefits in his eyes, then the final result must be like a dog. Ordinarily killed by humiliation! Now, you should be grateful to me, because I will generously leave you three seconds to pray before killing you!"

Sheyan's expression was very indifferent, as if he completely regarded the crowbar's words as fart, which undoubtedly made the crowbar even more unhappy, an extremely violent thought emerged in his mind, and he swung the iron hook with a "hoo" and smashed it down on the spot. Sheyan flipped his wrist, but he grabbed his own butcher's boning ax in time, and directly blocked the blow of the crowbar, but his whole body was obviously weak, and he took three or four steps back.

The crowbar suddenly laughed wildly:

"With your strength, you want to take advantage of me?"

His laughter didn't stop, but Fang Senyan suddenly stepped forward and attacked with an axe! The crowbar's eyes were sharp, and it swung the hook across without dodging or evading. With a "swipe", a stern wound was torn on Sheyan's chest. However, the expression on Fang Sheyan's face was as if nothing had happened, and he also swung an extremely fierce ax and slashed on his right shoulder!

The two fought each other back and forth for seven or eight rounds, but the more they fought the crowbar, the more they felt that something was wrong. The guy in front of him obviously didn't even reach 15 o'clock in strength, and he was completely suppressed by him. The dark blue weapon of LV6, after fighting for so long, the enemy should have been unable to hold on for a long time. But the cruel fact is that he was consumed to the point that his health dropped below 50% and fell to the edge of the cordon!

At this moment, Fang Senyan raised his head again and took him with a hook. The crowbar only felt that the long steel hook had chopped on his skull, and there was an illusion that the flames splashed and only left a little white mark! The blood immediately wet Sheyan's hair, but Sheyan took the opportunity to step in front of the crowbar. The two men faced each other, and what they smelled was the smell of sweat and blood on each other's body. Intense collision! Veins burst out on the forehead of the crowbar. Just as he was about to raise his arm to hit his opponent hard, Sheyan's face was as calm as before, and he punched him hard on the left eye!

The blood mixed with the aqueous humor that flowed out from the shattered eyeball immediately gushed out cheerfully, the crowbar covered his left eye, his facial muscles were distorted by the pain, and he staggered back angrily, but Fang Sheyan didn't chase after him, and stood quietly in the dark night, with a feeling of helplessness Described as mysterious and unpredictable, he clenched his fists and said coldly:

"It's a pity, Mr. Crowbar. In your eyes, I am a waste material that can only be used as cannon fodder, but I have enough strength to kill you ten times!...Turn out your cards, Crowbar. Let me see how you are. What is hiding!"

"Could it be that this guy has very powerful armor?" The frightened and angry crowbar also had rich combat experience, and immediately guessed close to the truth, but instead he had a grin on his face, and took two steps back:

"You think your defense is high enough to beat me? Let me tell you, the price I paid for this day is beyond your imagination! Everyone who stands in front of me will die!"

After the crowbar finished speaking, a faint phosphorescence appeared in the palm of his left hand, and the light gradually dispersed in the air, attaching to his iron hook like a will-o'-the-wisp. And the iron hook that originally shone with dark blue light gradually became translucent, looking like a weapon held by a ghost.

"This is an item I obtained from the world of Lord of the Rings with a total of 300 team merits: Ghost Whetstone! This item can temporarily make my weapon have the characteristics of those mountain folk ghost army weapons, ignoring any reduction Defense against damage! Whether it is personal ability, or the thickness of armor, or even the rules of the world! All will be destroyed in front of the sharpness of ghost weapons!... So, die, let's go!"

While screaming, the crowbar raised that strange-looking iron hook and swept towards it! Fang Senyan's heart trembled, he really didn't consider that there was such a terrifying thing on this guy, but he could only raise his ax to block, but found that this time the block was completely ineffective, the one showed a The light blue translucent iron hook actually penetrated directly through the ax body, and went straight to Sheyan's chest!

This attack came extremely abruptly, Fang Senyan is not a contractor who is good at agility, so he couldn't dodge it. He could only lean back as hard as he could, but it was obviously futile, but when the light blue translucent iron hook touched Sheyan's chest skin, a burst of blue smoke suddenly rose from it, and the iron hook The hook turned into a solid body again, only leaving a not deep wound on Sheyan's chest, but the smoke condensed into will-o'-the-wisp, and finally turned into an ordinary stone and fell into the mud on the ground.

At the same time, Sheyan and the crowbar were prompted at the same time:

"The phantom whetstone ignores the physical defense characteristics and conflicts with the space rules/Contractor No. 1018 talent ability."

"Data conflict, priority determination..."

"The priority of the ghost whetstone is higher than the 40% damage rule between contractors."

"The ghost whetstone has priority over your defense damage reduction rules."


"Your hidden talent: the priority of tenacity judgment is higher than that of ghost whetstone, and it overrides it."

"In view of the special function of the ghost whetstone, all its damage reduction effects will be forcibly terminated and will be restored to an unused state."

(The bonus of the ghost whetstone is very special. The blessing is like a kind of magic, so once it is broken, it will be completely useless. Because this thing will appear later, I hereby explain it)

The crowbar looked at this series of instructions, and the expression on his face was naturally full of disbelief, but Sheyan took advantage of his stunned opportunity, and rushed into his arms a few steps ahead, advanced basic ability The advantages of grapple fighting LV2 were fully brought into play—shoulders, knees, and finally added several axes in a row, splitting the crowbar until blood spattered and retreated embarrassingly, and finally had to crawl on the ground in embarrassment to escape. After a series of attacks, when he stood up again, the crowbar's face was ashen, his facial muscles were distorted, and his teeth were gritted. This was not only because he was beaten so badly, but also because even the crowbar I can also feel that the sailor in front of him has completely suppressed him, making him completely at a disadvantage!

At this moment, in the eyes of the crowbar, the man in front of him who claimed to be a sailor was covered in a thick layer of fog. This made him suddenly have the illusion of "missing his eyes".

But his eyes are still firm and stubborn!

There is even a sense of irony full of confidence.

"Turn out your last hole card." There was a sneer on the corner of Fang Sheyan's mouth, he clenched his fists suddenly, and the sound of his knuckles was very clear. Although he looked very embarrassed with bruises all over his body, his eyes were as hot and fierce as a piece of red-hot iron. That feeling, even if you see it from a distance, has a forceful steel rushing towards your face, full of domineering and arrogant, and even makes you feel suffocated.

The crowbar was finally moved, and there was even fear in his eyes:

"You... how do you know! Who told you! Who is it?"

Fang Sheyan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a bit of sarcasm:

"No one told me that if I had to find someone to come out, then of course it would be you."

The expression on the crowbar at this time was like seeing a ghost, and he took a step back and said:

"You... you... how is this possible!!"

Fang Senyan said:

"Let me ask you, shouldn't you be hosting the Symbiosis Club at present?"

The crowbar choked and said:

"of course not."

Sheyan continued:

"From the information you provided me, the host of the Symbiosis Society in this world has entered this world at least several times. He should have very outstanding talents and abilities in terms of spirit and intelligence, so he can In the mainstream world of magic, he gained the favor of an important plot figure, and thus gained a higher status. At the same time, the leader of the Banks gang members also followed his route, and the two of you are clearly in a competitive relationship."