The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 155: Sound Bird


While Hagrid was speaking, Sheyan realized that the group of contractors who were known for their agility hadn't appeared, and Jack the Ripper was naturally missing. But obviously those contractors who formed a team naturally paid more attention to this issue, and Fant, who was frowning, asked first:

"Mr. Hagrid, what about those chosen by Mr. Filch?"

Hagrid stroked his beard and said:

"They're being sent directly to Filch's side by the fireplace—please hurry up if there's no problem."

The next step is naturally to cross the lake by boat, but the treatment of the contractors like Fang Senyan is naturally not as good as that of the protagonist. They could only take a look at Hogwarts College from a distance, and then sailed west. Along the way, they passed through the famous Quidditch pitch, passed the large lawn where the flying lessons were held-the weeds on it had grown to knee-deep-and finally arrived near the deep and strange Forbidden Forest, where stood the There are four large wooden houses, which should be the residence arranged for them by Hogwarts College.

"Guys." Hagrid clapped his hands and said, "Welcome to temporarily become a member of the great Hogwarts College - this short-term job will bring you unprecedented thrills, and of course there are enough financial resources —So for the safety of your life, please remember my following advice.”

"The vicinity of the castle is a forbidden area, you cannot enter."

"There are many dangers in the forest behind you, and it is also not recommended that you enter. However, there is a powerful magic barrier on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, so you don't have to worry about the safety of your residence."

"I believe that you have experienced quite a lot of incredible things today, but in the next period of time, you will come into contact with more weird things—in your words, things that cannot be explained by science—don't panic, once If you think you have any problems, just come to me, I live in the ranger’s hut two hundred meters away.”

"If you are looking for some relaxation and stimulation after work, my suggestion is to go fishing by the beautiful black lake, or come to a football game or something. Alcoholic drinks are sold in the small lounge of the train station And some weird gadgets. Tomorrow will officially start work, good night friends."

Seeing Hagrid's huge figure swaying away in the setting sun, the remaining ten contractors immediately divided into three distinct camps. Unexpectedly, the camp with the largest number of people has a total of five people, headed by a contractor named Crowbar, the second group is naturally dominated by Fant, who has a strength of 28 points, and has three people, and the third group is naturally For a lone traveler like Sheyan, besides Sheyan, there is another guy named Das. This contractor is indifferent, with his arms folded in front of his chest and a neutral appearance. It seems that he must be strong enough to make such a move. It's a posture of sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight.

Although the three of Fant had a numerical disadvantage, they were obviously fearless in the face of this group of crowbars. The two sides stalemate for a while, Fante sneered and said:

"Crowbar, I might as well tell you that the Banks gang is determined to win this time!"

The crowbar sneered and said:

"So what about the Banks gang? Our Symbiosis Society spent a huge sum of money to buy the collection of props this time, so that all members can enter the world of Harry Potter. Although you are powerful, can you still provide reinforcements at this time? If you Banksy gangsters dare to spoil our good deeds, then wait to be bloodbathed!"

"Bloodbath? Just rely on your crowbar? Hahaha!"

After Fan Te finished speaking, he led the people away. On the way, he slammed the shoulder of the crowbar as if deliberately demonstrating, occupying the largest wooden house. And the crowbar's eyes flashed a cold and cruel light, he was silent for a while, and then led the people to another wooden house.

There were originally four wooden houses here, each of which could accommodate five or six people without any problems, and the cleaning was quite tidy. The Banks gang occupied one house, the Symbiosis Club occupied one, and there were two remaining wooden houses, which happened to be Sheyan and Darth's single-person villas.

Fang Sheyan knows the truth of the fact that a big tree attracts the wind, and has always been quite low-key, and sleeps very cautiously at night. After all, killing the contractor now has a 33% chance of gaining benefits. This provided enough motivation for the contractor's murder! Fortunately, there were no major conflicts among the contractors at this time, so it was considered to be quite peaceful, and nothing happened overnight.

Hagrid came here early the next morning, holding a bag in his hand, which contained ten badges. Ask everyone to carry it with you as a voucher, otherwise you will bear the consequences. After Fang Sheyan obtained the "ID card" called the Hogwarts badge, the nightmare imprint immediately gave a reminder:

"Main task: certificate completed."

"You have gained 1 point of merit."

"Follow-up main task: Approval activation."

"Task content: Get the qualification to stay in Hogwarts College after the freshman enters the school."

"Mission description: You are currently in the probationary period, and you will be expelled if you make any mistakes. You must obtain Hagrid's approval within the remaining five days, and the relationship with him will be neutral."

"Mission reminder: Hagrid's perception of you is currently cold (10/1000). You can improve his perception of you by completing the mission issued by Hagrid. It is not ruled out that there are other ways to improve his perception."

"Mission reminder: If you fail to complete the main missions of this series, 5000 general points will be deducted, but your stay in this world will be extended by one week. If you cannot pay the 5000 deducted general points by then, Then it will be wiped out."

Note: The relationship between the contractor and the plot characters is: hostility, indifference, neutrality, friendliness, respect, reverence, worship.

hostile needless to say

Indifference: The characters in this plot are generally not interested in you, and hardly communicate with you proactively.

Neutral: The plot character has an impression on you. If the plot character/influence has special products for sale, you can purchase the prestige special products that can only be purchased under friendly relations by paying double the price of currency.

Friendliness: The character in this plot regards you as a friend, and can purchase special products under this relationship at the original price. Unable to watch and purchase Honored or above prestige specials.

And so on.

After everyone wore their badges, Hagrid began to assign everyone's work. Sheyan was surprisingly pleasantly assigned to repair the boats in the Black Lake. The description of the task is: because the next will be the peak season of using the boats, the wooden boats used to ferry the students have to be thoroughly maintained.

This job is undoubtedly extremely bad news for the rest of the people, but Fang Sheyan is very familiar with the maintenance of seagoing ships, and these small wooden boats soaked in the lake are simply a piece of cake. Hagrid budgeted two days for him, and Sheyan finished it in one morning and half an afternoon, and it was done cleanly without any mistakes. After completing this task, Hagrid's impression of Fang Sheyan increased by a full 266 points! I believe that if it wasn't for Fang Sheyan's pitiful charisma that hindered him, he might have completed one-third of the goal this time!

But Sheyan wasn't the only one who was lucky, that Das received the job of mowing the lawn, he worked from morning to evening, and managed to clean up the entire lawn of the entire flight class! You should know that mowing the lawn is not only a physical job, but also has enough technical content in it. First, the local air and soil humidity should be used to determine the intensity of pruning. Secondly, it is necessary to understand the habits of the main grass cultivated on the lawn, so that it is easy to complete the pruning. If the fertilization requirements are stricter, we must also take into account the work of eradicating weeds.

The lawn taken care of by an experienced gardener is both beautiful and generous, and there will be no obvious weeds within three months. If a novice goes there, there will often be large groups of dead marks on the lawn after a week , as if a few strands of hair had been pulled off from a person's head, it was very ugly. And weeds tend to overrun within a month or so. It can be seen that the gold content of Das's work is not inferior to Sheyan's.

Although the rest of the contractors had no way of knowing that Sheyan and Darth had over-fulfilled the task and got a big deal, the smile on Hagrid's face from the moment he handed in the task was unmistakable. They looked at Sheyan and Das with a little more coldness in their eyes. I believe that if it wasn't for the filth between the Banks gang and the Symbiosis Society, Fang Sheyan should have noticed it in his eyes and kept it in his heart, and secretly became a little more vigilant. Darth, on the other hand, remained indifferent.

The next morning, Haigri started to assign work again, and Sheyan's luck had come to an end this time. He was actually asked to go to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to trap a soundless bird, and what's even worse, he was asked to catch Sheyan alive...

Fortunately, Hagrid also gave Sheyan some information, from which we can learn: the soundless bird is a small blue bird with spots on its body, it eats small insects. It does not chirp once all its life, until the moment of death, it makes a long shrill chirp, calling out all kinds of voices it has heard in its life, starting with the most pleasant voice. Its feathers can be used in Veritaserum and Memories. Except for the center of the Forbidden Forest, it is within its range of activities.

When it comes to bird catching, Fang Senyan is naturally ignorant. Obviously, this series of tasks is a space to test the team's ability to cooperate. If Sheyan joins a certain team, those who have experience in this field will naturally put down their tasks to catch birds for him, and Sheyan can do what he is good at. Regrettably, in the current situation where the two teams are vigilant and guarded, it is difficult for Sheyan to integrate into one of them.